//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Second Sunrise // Story: Shadows of the Past // by Double Rainbow //------------------------------// Flash stood in the street staring at the castle for minutes on end. It seemed like time slowed down, as stone piled around him, he stared at the now, partially blown castle. He had just witnessed his love possible get killed. Flash shook himself out of his daze and galloped towards the castle, fighting back tears. When he reached the entrance, he wasn't surprised that no guards were there, so he let himself in. Even though he would have went in even if it meant getting through guards. The long corridors, and fallen banners. Crumbling stone lay aside as Flash dashed through the hallways of the great castle. He felt himself getting exhausted from all the running, but he pushed himself to go on. He had to get to Twilight. He could still hear the dragon roaring outside. Each roar sending chills down Flash's spine. For all he knew, Flash was thrusting himself muzzle-first into the dragon, who would surely kill him. Flash skidded to a halt as he reached the Royal Chambers' hallway. He panted, exhausted from his run through the city. He looked around, trying to think. Where did Celestia say Twilight's room was? Damn it! He cursed, then looked down a hallway that ended with a right turn. "That's it!" He exclaimed, and began running down the hallway. Flash stopped at the entrance to Twilight's chamber. If not for the crumbling walls and torn banners laying on the ground around him, he would never have known the castle was being attacked. Flash lightly pushed on the door, and opened it slightly, just enough so he could so he could see about half the room. As Flash peered around the room, his eyes came to rest on the silhouette of something lavender-colored sticking out from the rug. It could be a random object, since many things were lavender in the room, which Flash thought was rather stupid. As Flash took a closer look, he noticed the corner of a golden crown sticking out from the object. It wasn't just a random object, but a pony. His pony, Twilight. "NO!" He screamed, and barged through the door at Twilight. He couldn't run fast enough. He fell to his knees as he reached her motionless body. Flash closed his eyes as tears streamed down his face uncontrollably. "Why now?" He sobbed. "Please don't leave me Twilight." He slowly stroke her mane. Flash had never been felt so broken before. His heart in two piece, he felt lost. Flash laid his head on Twilight ruffled fur. She was is very bad condition. Her fur and mane was covered in stone dust and she had cuts and scrapes all over her body in which blood trickled out of. Flash put of hoof on Twilight's muzzle, and wiped the blood from her jaw. "I love you Twilight. Please don't go." He cried quietly. The moonlight shining on where they laid in the middle of Twilight's room. Flash felt a jarred movement from under him. He lifted his head and look at Twilight, who laid motionless. Must have been my imagination. He thought, and dropped his head back down to the floor. He had his head of the floor for a few seconds until he felt the stirring again. Then heard a groan. Flash picked it head up and smiled ear to ear when he saw Twilight's mouth moving to let out groans of pain. Flash was speechless. "F-Flash." Twilight gasped, blood dripping from her mouth. She was badly injured. Flash put a hoof over her mouth, silencing her. "Quiet Twilight, you need to rest." He whispered to her. "First, lets get you someplace else." All Twilight could do was nod. Flash lifted Twilight onto his back and began to walk over to the door. As he neared it, another explosion went off near Flash, causing him to lose his balance and fall, sending Twilight a few feet away from him. Flash turned to look over his shoulder, and was greeted by the red dragon with an angry look on it's face. Flash scrambled to his feet and grabbed Twilight to pull her into the corner of the room. He then stood in front of Twilight, using himself as a shield. "Leave this place for good!" He yelled at the dragon. Oh Celestia. What am I saying? I'm as good as dead! The dragon roared and flung a paw at Flash with talons fully extended. Flash quickly evaded the path of the massive paw and charged back at the dragon. The dragon then tried to slam it's paw onto Flash, who jumped to the side, then onto the dragon's paw and ran up its arm. The dragon furiously attempted to get Flash off of it. The dragon shook and pawed it's arm and shoulder, trying to hit Flash, who was too fast and agile for the clumsy dragon. Flash finally made it up to the dragon's head, and turned around and bucked the side of it's face with all of his might. The dragon roared when feeling the shock of Flash's kick and shook violently. Flash lost his grip on balance and flipped backwards over the dragon's shoulder. Flash tried to grab whatever he could, which ended up being the dragon's scales. His hoof hooked one of the dragon's scales, yanking it painfully. The dragon roared in pain. Flash tried to climb back up, but the dragon's violent shaking made it impossible for Flash to pull himself up, so he had to wait until the dragon stopped. When the dragon finally ceased shaking, Flash hauled himself up and over the dragon's shoulder. The dragon didn't notice Flash climb back up, and had its eyes locked on Twilight, who was still slumped over in the corner. Flash noticed this and felt nothing but rage flow through his veins. The dragon flung his paw at Twilight, talons extended out. Flash raced over the dragons shoulder and cocked his hoof back and send his hoof into the dragon's eye with more force than Princess Luna's 'Royal Canterlot Voice'. Instantly, the dragon snapped his paw back to cover his eye in excruciating pain. He then rammed his shoulder with his paw, grabbing Flash this time. Flash struggled within the dragon's tight grip, there wasn't a chance he was getting out of the dragon's massive paw. Flash was hoisted in front of the dragon. The red monster roared at Flash and then threw him against the wall inside the room. Upon connection with the solid wall, Flash screamed in agony as he felt a crack from one of his ribs and pain shot through his body. Flash fell to the floor, gasping and holding his side. The dragon shook it's head, still in pain from Flash's hit on his eye. Then focused on Twilight again, and cocked a paw back, talon's shimmering in the moonlight. Flash gritted his teeth and stood back up slowly, and looked over to the dragon, who was beginning to swing his paw at Twilight. Quickly thinking, Flash looked around and found nothing but pieces of stone. He grunted, and pick one up with a hoof. He aimed at the dragon's head, and threw the rock as hard as he could. The rock hit the dragon's muzzle, causing it to stop thinking about Twilight, and focus back on Flash. The dragon growled at Flash, then threw the back of his paw at Flash. Being too wounded to dodge the paw effectively, Flash took the blow on the left side of his body, sending him flying into a dresser. Flash smashed through the dresser, and dropped without a molecule of oxygen in his lungs. He gasped for air, rasping quickly. He knew he didn't have much of a chance, but at the same time he knew he had to keep fighting for Twilight. He sucked in as much air as he could, and climbed to his hooves slowly. He turned back to the dragon, who once again had it's vision focused on Twilight, who was starting to become conscious again. "Twilight! Move!" He tried to warn her, but she didn't hear him. One thing his yelling did do was re-attract the dragon's attention. The dragon roared and swung a paw at Flash. He ducked, this time successfully dodging the strike. Flash looked around for something to use against the dragon. Flash noticed a rod sticking out of the wall, about a foot long that was used to hold the stone in place but know sticking out because of the destruction. It'll have to do. He sighed, and ran towards the rod. The dragon repeatedly swung at him, and Flash dodged them by any means necessary. Whether it be ducking, jumping, or diving away from the massive dragon, he had to make it to that rod. After the dragon swiped his the front of his paw at Flash, he knew it was know or never. Flash saw the dragon begin to slam his paw backwards, in attempts to back-hand him out of the corner of his eye. Flash ran at the wall, and when he was leg-length away from the wall, he leaped and put his hind legs on the wall, making Flash horizontal to the wall, and kicked off, making Flash back-flip into the air. As the paw came slamming down where Flash was, Flash felt the fur on his stomach scrap one of the dragon's talons, slicing some of his fur. When Flash cleared the dragon, it was too late for the dragon to pull it's paw back, and rammed it's paw into the metal rod sticking out of the wall. The dragon roared back in agony and Flash looked up with a grin on his face, knowing he had badly hurt the dragon. It looked like the dragon's paw was stuck to the wall, but the dragon was refusing to pull his paw out of the wall. Now's my chance! This was Flash's only chance. The dragon had lowered it's muzzle to deal with the pain, but this left it vulnerable. Flash raced towards the dragon's muzzle, staggering a bit because of his injuries. He reaches the dragon, and turned and bucked the dragon's nose. With a shot of pain entering the dragon's nose, he reared back and roared. When the dragon leaned back he tugged on his paw, damaging his wound even more, but also loosening the rod's grip on his paw. Finally, the dragon managed his paw free, and stumbled backwards, and tried to get a grip on something, but ended of hitting Flash, sending him flying into another dresser. The dragon fell out of the castle, then quickly opened it's wings and flew off. Flash groaned as he crawled from the debris, his body was lined with cuts and bruises and shards of wood sticking out from him. Flash felt a sharp pinch in his left hind leg when he cleared the dresser. He looked around, to see that his leg was twisted awkwardly, but Flash gritted his teeth and struggled to his hooves. He looked out of the massive hole the dragon had left in the wall. The dragon was still visible in the distance, and Flash turned to Twilight, who was now conscious and beginning to stand up. When Flash began to limp over to Twilight, the door seem to explode open, with guards flooding the room. Most of their attention was on Twilight, but some rushed over to Flash. "Flash Sentry! What are you doing here?" One of the guards asked. Flash was too exhausted to argue, so let out a simple response. "My job." Other guards were lifting Twilight up and carrying her out of the room, when being taken out, she outstretched a hoof towards Flash. Guards began to surround Flash and blocked his vision, "You need immediate medical attention sir." "I know." Flash rasped, "Just make sure that dragon doesn't come back." One of the guards stepped forward, "The Wonderbolts are on their way. They will chase it off." Flash looked at the guard. "Well it looks like its headed to Manehatten, make sure Celestia knows so we can prevent any harm of the city." The guard nodded and looked to another guard. "Tell Celestia, make sure she knows." "Yes sir." The guard responded and took off to tell the princess. Flash began to limp to the door, but collapsed to his knees from pain sheer pain. The guards rushed over and picked him up roughly, and Flash groaned and gritted his teeth at the sharp pinch in his side. One of the guards called out, "Careful! He is badly hurt! He also saved our princess, treat him with respect." He told them. The guards became more gentle on Flash as they carried him out of the room and down the infirmary. As Flash got the the medical center, doctors and nurses were waiting for injured, and they rushed Flash into the hospital beg and wheeled him into an emergency room. Next thing Flash knew, an oxygen mask was on his muzzle and heartbeat monitors and all kinds of equipment were attached to him. Doctors stood around him, mumbling something inaudible to Flash. A doctor began pumping a gas into Flash's oxygen mask, then put a hoof on his head. Flash began to slip away to dizzy blackness. ~ Flash woke with a daze, he heard slight mumbling, but it was nothing he could understand, for he was too tired. "-Sentry." Flash caught some words coming from the doctor in the room. He looked down at his body. His body was covered in bandages, and his leg had a splint on it. "Mr. Sentry." The doctor repeated, and Flash looked up at him. "Glad your awake, you've been out of a several hours now." He told him. Flash seemed shocked, "Really?" He asked, though his voice was muffled through the oxygen mask still on his muzzle. The doctor gently pulled the mask off of Flash and set it aside. "How do you feel?" The doctor asked Flash. Flash looked around. "Fine. Why?" He asked. "You just got out of major surgery. You had a lot of wounds, some small ones, others serious. Quite a few shrapnel wounds. Most patients feel stinging even after the surgery is done. Oh and you've got a visitor." The doctor said. Flash looked confused. A visitor? Who would visit me? Probably Night Breeze and Dust. Only ponies I can think of. He thought to himself. "Who?" He asked. The doctor scratched the back of his neck. "Princess Twilight, for some reason. She wouldn't tell us." He said shyly. Flash's jaw dropped and his eyes went wide. WHAT?! Screaming in his thoughts, Flash couldn't comprehend the fact that she wanted to see him. The doctor snapped Flash out of his daze. "Should I bring her in?" He asked him. Flash closed his mouth and nodded. The doctor then walked out of the Flash's room and a few moments passed before he re-entered with Twilight following behind him. "I'll leave you two alone." He said and walked out, leaving Flash alone in the room with Twilight. Flash rubbed the back of his neck with a hoof. "Um - Hi Twilight." He said shyly. Twilight simply smiled at Flash. "How are you Flash?" She asked him. "Good enough. Well, good enough for a cracked rib and broken leg." He responded dryly. Twilight's smile faded and stared at the ground. "I just wanted to thank you." It was Flash's turn to grin. "It was nothing Twilight. I was just doing my job." Flash paused. "Even if I was fired from that job a day prior." Twilight looked back up at Flash. "It wasn't 'just nothing' Flash. You saved my life, and fought off a dragon while wounded! You deserve more Flash." Flash smiled fully. "Thanks, Twilight. I doubt that this will change anything though." He said grimly. Twilight took a step closer. "I think Princess Celestia will reconsider your discharge. This proves your loyalty and having to do what you had to do. No matter your past." She soothed. Flash looked at her amethyst eyes. Always sparkling. Always beautiful. He though quietly. "I hope your right." Twilight put a hoof on his bed. "I am right. You will be back on the Royal Guard. I promise." She smiled at him. Flash nodded. "Thanks for the support." He smiled at her. Twilight nodded. "I better get going. Get better soon!" She called to him as she left the room. The doors closed with a slam as Twilight left the room. Flash sighed. So close, but yet so far. Flash turned to his side and covered up with the blankets. All that lingered in his mind was what Twilight told him. "I am right. You will be back on the Royal Guard. I promise." Flash really hoped she was right. He enjoyed his position in the Royal Guard detachment, but still doubted any chance of getting back into it. He looked out the window at the morning sunrise. It was only 8 in the morning. Flash realized that the fight had taken place in the middle of the night. This is only the second day of being homeless. The second sunrise, and I tried to do my former job. He thought to himself. The next pair of ponies to walk in were his friends Dust and Night Breeze. They both had huge smiles on their muzzles. Flash sat back up, seeing his friends, he tilted his head questionably. "What are you two so happy about?" He asked them suspiciously. Dust was first to speak. "Oh nothin'. Just wondering why the Princess would be visiting you. That's all." Flash sighed and face-hoofed. "Are we really getting into this conversation now?" "If you want to." Dust replied. Flash glared at him. "Well, I don't. Why are you guys here?" He changed the subject. Night Breeze spoke this time. "Just checking up on a friend. We heard about what you did. Never thought a pony could take that much and still fight." He commended Flash. Flash nodded. "I had to do what I had to do. Even if I wasn't a part of the Royal Guard. I felt like it was my job still." "I understand." Night Breeze seemed to get what Flash was telling him. "You get that feeling and mind-set that you can't let go of. You'll be an old stallion and still try to jump into action." He chuckled. Flash couldn't help but crack a grin. "You're such a comedian Night. You know that?" Night Breeze shrugged. "Got to at least try to lighten the mood while you're like - this." He gestured to Flash's cast and bandages. Flash looked at them and back to his friends. "Aw come on. I'll be out of these things in no time." Dust gave Flash a quizzical look. "Um, hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you have a broken leg and rib. Don't think you'll be out of that in a while." He pointed a hoof towards the cast. Flash dropped his head in disappointment, and Night Breeze nudged Dust. "Really Dust? Can't let him have one moment of happiness?" "No. He's right." Flash cut in, still looking at the ground. "It's going to be forever until I'm out of this cast. I won't be fit to be back on the Royal Guard, if I even get a chance." "Don't be so hard on yourself Flash." Night Breeze soothed. "I guarantee you'll be fine in a few weeks." He comforted Flash. Flash lifted his head. "Thanks. When do you think they'll let me out?" On queue, as if he was listening in, a soft knock came from the doorway. "Come in!" Flash called. Standing in the doorway was the doctor. "So sorry to interrupt," He apologized, "but I need to check your injuries again. To make sure they are healing. I'm going to need your friends to step outside." He looked to Dust and Night Breeze. Flash looked at his friends as well. "Just wait for me outside guys." The duo nodded and headed outside to wait. The doctor then walked over sat down next to Flash. "How do you feel Mr. Sentry?" He began asking. "Just fine." "Have you eaten?" "Not yet." "Are you hungry?" "Very." "I'll be sure to get you something." The doctor scribbled some notes on his clipboard. "Any pain anywhere?" He started up again. Flash sighed. "No. How long is this going to go for?" The doctor put the clipboard down. "That was the last question." He reared up on his hind legs and rest his front hoofs on the bed for balance. He then ran one hoof along Flash's ribcage, where he had the broken rib, pushing on every rib a little. When the doctor reached the broken rib and pushed on it, Flash moved a little from the sharp pain that shot through his side. "You felt that?" He asked. "Well it is broken. Doc, anypony would feel pain from getting pushed on a broken bone." Flash remarked. The doctor simple nodded, then took his hoofs off Flash's side and scooted down to the end of the bed, where Flash's leg was. He began running his hoofs along it. To Flash's surprise, he felt no pain while the doctor pushed on his leg. "Why am I not feeling any pain?" He asked the doctor. The doctor looked at him. "Because your leg wasn't broken nor even fractured. It was merely popped out of place." Flash couldn't help but drop his jaw in shock. He'd thought his leg was broken this whole time, but it wasn't. Thank Celestia. At least I won't have to spend weeks in a wheelchair. He thought in relief. The doctor took the clips holding Flash's bandage on his leg. The then proceeded to gently unwrap Flash's leg. Flash leaned forward to stop the doctor. "Isn't it a little early to unwrap it?" He asked, a worried look showing in his face. The doctor simply smiled. "Nonsense. If it wasn't ready, you would have felt pain by now." With that, he continued to unwrap Flash's leg. When finally done, the doctor pushed off the bed, landing on all fours. Flash looked down at his leg. It looked like it always had. Flash moved it a little, turning it in all directions, and it only hurt when he stretched it as far as he could. The doctor nudged Flash, "Come on. Trying standing on it." he encouraged. Flash looked at the doctor as he began to scoot off the bed. Flash but his two hinds legs on the white, polished tile flooring. He placed his right hoof last, due to Flash being nervous about him putting his injured leg on the floor. When it finally connecting with the tiles, Flash heaved forward and put his fore-hooves down on the ground. The doctor walked next to the Flash's side as they went in circles around his room. Flash felt more confident with every lap they took. When they were finished, Flash sat back down on his bed, and the doctor took his clipboard and wrote move notes on it. The doctor then turned back to Flash. "I'll be right back." He told him, and walked out of the room. As the doctor left, Flash's friends came back in. Dust and Night Breeze seemed astonished seeing Flash sitting up. Dust was first to break the silence. "Thought you'd be in a cast." He gasped at Flash's leg. Flash smiled at his friends. "Turns out it was just popped out of place. Never broke it." Night Breeze smiled ear to ear. "That's great! Now you won't have to worry about anything!" He exclaimed. Flash put a hoof up. "I gotta worry about this though." He pointed to his ribcage. Night Breeze shrugged. "Who cares. It's one rib. Better than your leg!" He pointed out. "True, true." Flash agreed. "I still have to be careful." Dust stepped forward. "So when are you getting out?" He asked, eyes full of wonder. Flash shook his head. "No idea. The doctor said he would be back soon so -" Cutting Flash off, the door swung open and the doctor came back in. "Well I have good news. You should be free to go as soon as we do one final blood test." He told Flash. Flash signaled for his friends to go outside, which they did. The doctor began to run an IV into Flash and drew blood, then took it out and put the vials in a black, hard-cover container. Flash peered over at the vials. "What do you need my blood for anyway?" He asked curiously. The doctor looked at him. "Just to make sure you have no infections in your bloodstream." Flash nodded his understanding. The doctor turned to Flash. "I'll send a nurse in to escort you out of the hospital. I don't need you getting hurt and nopony hears you." "Thanks Doctor - uh, what was your name again?" He asked. The doctor simply smiled. "Doctor Skybreeze." He replied, "I'm also called Time Turner." and left the room. Flash tilted his head in awe. Where have I heard that name before? He wondered. Flash remained in the room for several minutes before a nurse finally swung the door open and walked in. Flash smiled a greeting to her. "Hello there." The nurse smiled back. "Hello Mr. Sentry. I'm Nurse Blueheart, I'll be helping you out of the hospital." Normally Flash would have been taken back by her comment about 'helping' him out of the hospital, but he didn't feel like arguing. He simply got out of bed, being held by Nurse Blueheart for support. When the two ponies exited the room, Dust and Night Breeze were sitting down next to the room waiting for Flash. When they saw him, they both stood up. "You going home?" Dust asked, shock in his voice. Flash squinted his eyes. "Why not? You want my leg to be fully broken and stuck in here for ages?" He retorted. "Oh, no no no!" Dust quickly responded. "I'm just a little shocked. That's all." The group of ponies reached the entrance and the nurse waved goodbye and went back into the hospital. As the trio began to walk down the walkway, a grey mailpony came out of the sky and landed inches from Flash's muzzle. "Hi there!" She joyfully exclaimed in Flash's face. Flash jumped back. "Er, hi Miss. Can I help you?" He asked the mare. The mare giggled. "My name's Derpy! I'm here to give you a letter from the princess!" She looked cross-eyed at him. Flash knew something was off with this mare the second she started talking. "Um, thanks." He looked at the pink letter closed with a purple heart sticker on it. "One question ma'am. Who-" Flash cut off when he looked up to see that the mailpony was gone and up in the skies flying away. That is one odd mare. He concluded in his thoughts. Flash began to open the letter when he felt breath on both of his shoulder. He looked over his shoulders to see his friends watching over him like a hawk. "Do you mind?" He asked them. Dust rubbed his ankle. "Who's it from?" He asked shyly. "None of your business." Flash retorted, and continued to open the letter. Flash pulled out a neatly written letter and began reading it. Flash Sentry, I have arranged a new court date for you to be re-trialed in regards to your position in the Royal Guard. I continue to press Celestia to let you back in. Also, I have got you a room in the hotel across from the castle so you wont have to sleep on the ground anymore! I left a little present in your room as well. Hope for the best! Twilight Sparkle Flash folded up the letter and looked towards the castle. In shock, Flash thought of one thing. I'm starting to think she loves me too, but it will never happen. Against rules, even if I'm not a guard, I want to abide to them. He looked behind and his friends were staring at him. Dust broke the silence. "Well? What was it? Who was it?" He asked, his eyes wider than ever in wonder. Night Breeze was equally curious as Dust, just not expressing it as much. Flash sighed and looked away. "Well." He began. "It was Twilight and -" Flash was cut off by a snicker coming from Dust, when Flash whipped around he saw him smiling and grew angry. "Really Dust?" Flash felt himself raising his voice. "Is every interaction with me and the princess that fascinating that you have to laugh about it?" He said sharply to his friend. Dust lowered his head, still partially smirking. Flash glared at him. "Get that smile off your muzzle or I'll smack it it off." He threatened. Dust immediately stopped smiling, and Night Breeze stood silent, no expression on his face. "As I was saying," Flash continued. "you guys know that 5 star hotel across from the Castle?" Both his friends shook their heads. "Well Twilight got me a room there." Flash laughed as both his friends jaws dropped in amazement. "No. Way." Night Breeze breathed. Flash smiled. "Yes way." He confirmed smiling, Dust surprisingly remaining quiet. Flash went to walk off to his new home and his friends chased after him. Dust caught up first, "You are the luckiest pony ever! That hotel has everything!" He exclaimed smiling. "Seriously! You are so lucky Flash!" Night Breeze agreed. Flash couldn't help but smiled. Thanks Twilight! I owe you one for this! He silently vowed. Flash trotted happily to the hotel, his friends trailing behind, talking among themselves about how lucky Flash. When they reached the hotel Flash turned around to his friends. "You guys should head back to the castle." He told them. 'What? Can we see your room?" Dust complained. Flash rolled his eyes at his friend. "Can I settle in first?" Night Breeze nudged Dust. "Come on. He's right Dust, let him settle in first. Talk to you later Flash. Enjoy the room!" He tugged Dust and the two walked off to the castle across the street. Flash went to open the door when they opened automatically when they detected him. Flash grinned. I'm gonna like it here. He stepped onto the soft red carpet in the hotel and looked around. Ponies were moving about, bell-hops were moving luggage from place to place around the huge lobby. Flash finally spotted the check-in booth and walked over to the golden arches hanging over the tellers. As he walked up a stallion behind the desk smiled, "Hello sir. Checking in?" he asked Flash. Nodding, Flash looked around at the magnificent place. He had never been in here before, his thought was interrupted by the teller. "Sir? Can I get your name?" He asked Flash. "Certainly. Flash Sentry." He told the teller. The stallion flipped through a book and stopped at the last page. Then looked up at Flash. "Mr. Flash Sentry? Did Princess Twilight Sparkle reserve a room for you here?" He asked him, his eyes huge. Flash nodded, "Yes. Where is the room if I may ask?" The teller pulled a key out and handed it to Flash, shaking like he was meeting a famous pony. "It's the penthouse sir! Wait one moment please!" He then dashed out from behind the counter and out of the room. Flash looked at his keys and then the direction he went in, wondering what was going on. The teller finally came back at the same time two Royal Guards walked up behind Flash and stood at attention. Flash looked at the two guards and they saluted. He looked back to the teller questionably. "What is with the guards?" He asked the teller. "Oh its because the princess requested that you have guard personnel assigned to you! That you be treated with the up-most respect!" The teller exclaimed, still acting like meeting somepony of extreme fame. Flash nodded, "Ok. I think I understand. I'll just head up to my room now." The teller nodded. "Please do sir, and enjoy your stay!" He said as Flash walked off to the elevator, the guards following close behind. As Flash entered the elevator, other ponies tried to get in, whom the guards blocked the entrance to saying the phrase, "None may pass!" Flash put a hoof on the guards' shoulders. "It's ok. Let them in." He told them. The guards nodded and stepped aside, and a few ponies entered the elevator and stood next to Flash. One of them looked over to him. "You must be pretty important to have Royal Guards assigned to you." He commented. Flash simply shrugged, but didn't say anything. The elevator reached each ponies floor, then headed to the top floor for Flash's room. When it finally arrived and the doors swung open, Flash stepped out and gazed up. The clear class roofing gave way to the clear blue sky. As Flash walked down the hall he saw that he had the very end room. He put his key in and twisted it, unlocking the door. The guards stood at attention outside as Flash walked into the grand room. It was absolutely massive, art of all kind hung on the walls. A fancy dining room was over to the right and next to that was a grand kitchen with anything you could want. A nice set of black leather couches were aligned in a room next to a wall filled to the tip with books and a glass table in the middle of the set. Flash noticed a medium-sized pink box with white stripes and a sparkling pink bow-tie next to the set of couches. He smiled and walked over to the box. He looked at a little card sitting on top of the box, so he picked it up and read it. Flash Sentry, Hope you enjoy your new home. Here is a little something to get you back on your hooves. Also, I heard that you once played and instrument, so I got one for you! Please accept these gifts as thank-yous' for everything you have done. P.S. The new court date is one day from now, 1:00 sharp. I got it on the 'top priority' list. Twilight Sparkle Flash smiled ear to ear as he opened the box, for a golden case was inside. He lifted the case, but since Flash was surprised by the weight, he had to re-grip it and lift it out. He set it down and reached for the second item in the box. It was in a long cardboard box. A box in a box. Flash thought humorously. It's box-ception! He pulled the box, wondering what in the word it was. When he lifted the top off the box, he was stunned to see an amazingly well polished violin. Flash couldn't help but smile. He quickly thought back to his youth days, when he played a violin in his spare time, and he was good. He had been to one concert, but didn't like the stage fright, so he played alone. Flash picked up the beautiful instrument and bow. What songs do I remember. He wondered. Then he suddenly put his bow on the strings and began playing one of his favorite symphony's. He didn't remember the artist, but he sure remember the notes. Before long, music was running throughout the penthouse. Flash danced as he played, enjoying every second of it. He felt like a filly in a candy shop. After Flash finished, he set the violin and bow down and looked at the golden case he had set down on the table. He walked over and opened it. Flash's jaw hit the floor when he saw the contents of it. Inside was neatly stack rows of bits filling the case. Flash screamed through his thoughts, This has to be at least ten thousand bits! This could last me years! Flash took a deep breath, closed the case, and continued his personal tour of the apartment. As Flash neared his bedroom, he stopped and took a step back. Next to his bedroom was a balcony with a full view of the Canterlot Castle and some of the city. Flash opened the doors to the balcony, sat down in one of the chairs and gazed across the street at the castle. I cannot thank you enough Twilight. He simply thought. I love you so much. The thought pained Flash, and he didn't want to ruin his good time. So he headed back inside and headed into his room. The room was just as spectacular as any of the other rooms. A king-sized bed and with a night table with a lamp next to it. A massive dresser was adjacent to the bed and on the opposite side of the dresser was a window looking out to the castle across the street. Flash sighed, he was enthralled as to how much Twilight had done for him. Flash leaped onto the bed, enjoying the plush of the bed. Preferring it much more than the hard stone ground he slept on for the last two days. Just as Flash closed his eyes, a soft knock was at the door. Sighing, he got and headed over to the door. When he opened it, it was no other than Twilight standing at the entrance. "Hi Princess!" He exclaimed, and stepped aside. "Please! Come in!" He offered. Twilight blushed and walked in smiling, Flash closed the door behind her, then immediately rushed to her and hugged her with all of his might. Twilight, being shocked at the sudden hug, lost her breath when Flash wrapped his arms around her. "Flash." She gasped. "I can't breathe all that well." Flash let go of her immediately. "Sorry Twilight! I just can't thank you enough for what you've done!" Twilight backed off. She giggled, "It's the least I could do Flash. You saved my life and sacrificed so much." Flash simply smiled. It was all he could do. "Really Twilight. It was nothing." Twilight shook her head. "Well what do you think?" She asked, scanning the room with a hoof. "It's amazing!" Flash exclaimed. "I've never been so spoiled before." He said shyly. Twilight pointed at the violin. "Was that the right one? I wasn't sure." Flash nodded, "It most certainly was. You brought back my younger years with that beautiful piece of music." The young princess smiled. "Can you play it for me?" Flash nodded. "Certainly! Go have a seat on the couch. I'll be there shortly." Twilight obeyed as she went to go sit down. Flash picked up the instrument and it's bow and played the four strings to make sure they were in tune. Then headed down to where Twilight was sitting patiently on one of his leather couches. Flash cleared his throat and began to play. A soft song, then getting faster and faster gradually. At the peak of the song Flash's bow was moving so fast the hairs on the bow began to rip off. The soft sounds of the violin's music filled the air, Flash listened and danced to it as he played. When Flash finally finished his song. Twilight simply clapped while smiling. "That was amazing!" She cheered. "I never knew you were such a good musician!" Flash blushed at the compliment and looked at his hooves. "Well, I forgot I was until you got me this. I can't thank you enough. You've made me so happy Twilight. If there is anything I can do, just tell me." He told her. It was Twilight's turn to blush. She stood up and walked over to Flash. "Flash you don't have to. I'm serious. You have done enough. Only one thing left that I promised to help you with." Flash opened his mouth to stop her, but she cut him off. "I'm going to get you back into the Royal Guard." She told him. "I can think of no pony more fit than you." She then quickly leaned in and kissed Flash on the cheek. "And you have my full support." She told him, her cheeks burning bright pink. Flash was also blushing uncontrollably. "Twilight, I - uh." Flash stuttered, looking for the right words. Twilight raised a hoof, silencing Flash. "Hush Flash. I'm going now. I just wanted to see how you were settling in. Enjoy your stay." She said as she walked up to the door and left Flash. Flash was just frozen in shock of what just happened. She just kissed - me. I can't believe it! She does love me! Nothing could possibly ruin this! Flash ran to his room and leaped onto the bed, completely star-struck. Flash smiled, "Love you Twilight." He whispered gently so nopony outside heard him. Flash then remembered the one last obstacle he had to overcome. Winning the trial that was just one day from now. Flash didn't want to go, but he knew the remainder of his life would come down to Celestia's decision tomorrow. Flash shivered in his bed, he was scared to go. He took a deep breath and told himself, "I can do it. I will win." Flash yawned, he was exhausted after being up so late, with the castle attack. He fell over on his side and drifted away to sleep. Dreaming about his love, Twilight.