//------------------------------// // Day 7: Just Five Minutes // Story: The Story of Emerald Key // by Golden Flare //------------------------------// For the next three days, Emerald carefully thought out what to do to at least get close to Silver Spoon. He found out that Diamond Tiara was going to her father's workplace so she could be introduced to Emerald's dad and Filthy's new employee, Mineral Stone, which gives him the perfect opportunity. After school, he saw Silver Spoon in the marketplace and mustered up all of his courage to walk up and talk to her. "Okay, I can do this. I can do this." Emerald kept repeating in his mind. He came up to the filly and their eyes met. "Um, hi." Emerald said, trying to stay calm. "Hi..." Silver replied, having no clue what the colt was doing. The two stood there, silent for a few moments. "Is there something that you want?" Silver asked, impatiently. "Um, I just wanted to talk, that's all." Emerald answered with a shaky voice. "And what makes you think I want to talk to YOU?" Silver retorted. "I'm outta here." Silver Spoon turned to leave. "I did NOT come this far for nothing!" Emerald thought to himself. "Wait!" Emerald stopped the filly, "Just give me five minutes, and that's it." "Look, I just-" Emerald looked at her with pleading eyes, "...Five minutes. Nothing more." Silver Spoon began to think, and quickly decided, "Fine. Five minutes." Emerald smiled. "Great! Um, so, is Ponyville really a One-horse Town as I heard?" "One minute." Silver thought, "Some might say. Mainly the upper class. Why do you ask? You're not exactly Upper Class." "I, uh, heard it from my friends in Manehattan." Emerald answered. "Oh, yeah, you're not from around here." Silver Spoon commented, "Your friends are Upper Class?" "I guess." Emerald said. "Two minutes, he, like, better have a reason for doing this." Silver Spoon thought. C'mon Emerald! Just do it!" Emerald shouted in his head. "Um, I wanted to give you this." Emerald said, holding out a white rose. Silver Spoon blushed slightly, "Oh, um, thanks. You know, boys usually give girls red roses." "I know," Emerald began, "I got a white rose for you because of, well, your white mane. It's... well, beautiful." Silver Spoon's blush intensified, "Really? Wow. That's... really sweet of you." "Wait, how many minutes have passed? 3? 4? ARGH! I forgot!" Silver Spoon cursed herself in her thoughts. "Is it working?" Emerald questioned himself. "Um... anything thing else you wanna say? Like, do you think I'm-" but Silver Spoon couldn't finish. "HEY!!" both ponies looked towards the voice. "I told you to stay away from her!" It was none other than Diamond Tiara. Perfect timing. "You're really cruisin' for a bruisin', aren't you?!" Diamond Tiara screamed with her balled up hoof in front of Emerald's face. "Diamond!" Silver Spoon yelled, catching both her and Emerald off guard, "He's, like, not worth our time." she had to sound as convincing as possible. Diamond Tiara looked back at Emerald and scowled, "You're, like, so right, Silver Spoon." Diamond put her hoof down and turned around. "Let's go." Emerald just stared in disbelief at what just happened. Silver Spoon couldn't help but look back at the poor colt, with the rose he gave her hidden safely in her mane. "I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you tomorrow." Silver Spoon thought to herself. Emerald made it back to his house just before dinner, with his sister waiting for him in the living room. "So, how'd it go?" Amber asked with a smile. "...I almost had her, but Diamond Tiara ruined everything. Again." Amber's smile quickly faded, "Oh. I'm sorry, Emerald." "It's ok, sis." Emerald reassured her. "Hey, Emerald, I wanna show you something." Amber said as she walked to her room. Amber came back with a journal in her magic. HER journal. "What's that?" Emerald asked. "A journal that I used to keep track of everything that happens while we're here." Amber explained, "And I want you to write in it." Emerald took the journal in his magic, "Really? You mean it?" Amber crossed an X on her chest and smiled, "Cross my heart." "Ok, here it goes." Emerald took a pencil that was in the wire lining of the journal and began writing. Day 7 Wednesday, September 21 Today I got a couple things accomplished, I talked to Silver Spoon, gave her that rose, but I couldn't talk to her any more because of her friend, Diamond Tiara. But I'll find a way. There's always a way. Emerald Key Emerald put the pencil down and turned to his sister, "Hey, Amber... Is it ok if I wrote in here more often?" "Of course, little bro." Amber said with a smile. Turns out, Amber's smile was contagious for Emerald. "Dinner time!" Topaz called. Emerald and Amber both rushed to the kitchen saying, "Race ya!"