//------------------------------// // The Bad Introduction // Story: The Great Pony Adventure // by Peaceheart //------------------------------// CHAPTER 6: The Bad Introduction The whole town was in Ponyville’s City Hall, Fluttershy began the music and Rarity stood in her position, ready to open the curtains for Princess Celestia. When Rarity opened the curtains, the Princess was gone and a cloud of blue ora appeared. “Wha, ha, ha,” the cloud said and turned into a black alicorn with a light blue flowing mane. “I’m the new ruler of Equestria,” the alicorn said, “Do you know who I’m? Did you see the sight?” “Y-you’re the mare in the moon, Nightmare Moon!” Twilight said. “What did you do to our princess?” the town asked. “I locked her up!” Nightmare Moon said and turned into the cloud. “Let me at her, let me at her!” Rainbow said while Applejack bit her tail and was trying to hold her down.