//------------------------------// // The Elements // Story: The Great Pony Adventure // by Peaceheart //------------------------------// CHAPTER 7: The Elements The cloud vanished, Rainbow escaped Applejack’s grip, and Twilight raced to the library. As Twilight got to the library, Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Peace, Pinks and Marshdog were all waiting for her. “How did you know about Nightmare Moon? Are you a spy? Di-” Rainbow was cut off by Applejack biting her tail again. “I need to find a book called Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide,” Twilight said as she looked in the library. “Found it,” Pinkie said. Twilight raced to Pinkie’s side. “How did you find it?” Twilight asked. “It was under E,” Pinkie said. “Twilight where do you think the elements are?” Peace asked. “Wait, what are the elements?” Marshdog asked. “There are six Elements of Harmony, Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity and Loyalty, but the last one is unknown, and the last place they were in, was in the Royal Sisters’ Castle,” Pinks said. “How did you know that without looking in the book?” Twilight asked. “Well when you share information with Marshdog and Peace you’ll know,” Pinks said.