The Great Pony Adventure

by Peaceheart

Caring For Two

CHAPTER 8: Caring For Two

“W-we h-have t-to go t-there?” Flutteshy asked very worriedly. “Yes, we do you, Fluttershy,” Twilight said.
“Twilight if you girls are going in the Everfree Forest, we’re going too,” Marshdog, Pinks and Peace said.
“I think it would be safer if I go alone,” Twilight said.
“Well, that’s not going to happen, Twilight,” Rainbow said.
“Fine,” Twilight said.
As they walked to a cliff a cloud of blue ora caused the cliff to break.
“Fluttershy, Peace!!” Rainbow yelled.
“Oh, my,” Fluttershy said.
“Marshdog, CODE: 3031!!”Peace yelled. Marshdog used CODE: 3031 to catch Pinks, Pinkie and Rarity. The trio then raced to Twilight who was hanging from a cliff.
“Twilight, let go, em promise ya’ll be okay,” Applejack said.
“Okay,” Twilight said and let go of the cliff and was caught by Rainbow, Fluttershy and Peace and was brought to safety.
A dragon was sleeping near the group and woke up with a blue thorn in its right claw. Rarity kicked the dragon, Applejack tried to ride it and Rainbow used a Rainbow-Tornado, but they all failed. They were about to charge until two ‘Waits’ were heard. Fluttershy and Peace exchanged looks. “You poor little baby,” Fluttershy said to the dragon.
“Little!?” Rainbow said.
“It’s okay the others won’t hurt you anymore,” Peace said. Both Fluttershy and Peace nuzzled the claw with the thorn. Fluttershy and Peace took the thorn out and the dragon gave both of them a huge hug.
“How did you know about the thorn?” Twilight asked.
“I didn’t, but sometimes we all need to be shown a little kindness,” Flutthershy said.
“How did you know, Peace?” Twilight asked.
“I didn’t, but I’m always willing to help a pony or creature in need,” Peace said.