The Great Pony Adventure

by Peaceheart

Getting The Elements

CHAPTER 12: Getting The Elements

As Twilight lead them all to the castle, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Peace and Marshdog took the elements down for Twilight. Twilight was concentrating on the spark so the sixth element could appear. “Emeh think’in we should leave her alone,” Applejack said.
“I don’t know, but for safety I’ll stay with her, okay?” Pinks asked.
“Fine, by me,” Rainbow said.
As soon as they all left the blue ora turned into Nightmare Moon. “Ready, Pinks?” Twilight asked.
“You know it,” Pinks said. As they charged, Twilight and Pinks teleported to the element and Twilight used the spark, but the spark failed or so Twilight thought.
“Wha, ha, ha, it failed,” Nightmare Moon said and just then she teleported with the elements, Twilight and Pinks jumped in the teleportation spell before it closed, which caused a huge blast of light. The group went into the castle and saw the light in the upper part of the castle. “They’re up there!” Peace said while pointing a hoof and running in the same direction.
“Wait Peace, I’m coming,” Fluttershy said and ran trying to catch up to Peace. Soon after her the others did the same thing yelled and tried to catch up to one another.
When they were all in the upper part of the castle, they saw the elements shattered, scratches and Pinks protecting Twilight. Twilight was standing up with scratches everywhere and Twilight spoke in realization: “Applejack is the spirit and element of Honesty, Fluttershy is the spirit and element of Kindness, Pinkie is the spirit and element of Laughter, Rarity is the spirit and element of Generosity and Rainbow Dash is the spirit and element of Loyalty.” One by one the shattered pieces of the elements came to the right element holder.
“You still don’t have the last element,” Nightmare Moon said.
“The last element is Magic!” Twilight said. Then the last element appeared and the element holders caused a rainbow that attacked Nightmare Moon.