//------------------------------// // Sisters Once Again // Story: The Great Pony Adventure // by Peaceheart //------------------------------// CHAPTER 13: Sisters Once Again When the rainbow vanished, a blue alicorn laid where Nightmare Moon was. “Who are you?” Marshdog asked. “Marshdog didn’t you know that this is Princess Celestia’s younger sister Princess Luna,” Pinks said bowing and Peace did too. “What?!?!” everypony said except Peace and Marshdog. “That is correct, Pinks, Luna is my younger sister,” a white alicorn said. “Princess Celestia!” the group said bowing, but Marshdog hid behind Peace. “Hello there my little ponies and Marshdog, I know that you are wondering where I was and all, but I will answer that later. Luna it has been 1,000 years since I saw you, I missed you,” Princess Celestia said. “Tia, I’m so sorry,” Princess Luna said. “I was locked in a cell,” Princess Celestia said. “You know what this calls for… A PART-A!!” Pinkie said. “Thank you for the party, Pinkie,” Princess Celestia said after the party was over. “No, problem, Princess,” Pinkie said. “Can I talk to you all in private?” Princess Celestia asked. “Okay,” Twilight said.