The Great Pony Adventure

by Peaceheart

The Grand Battle

CHAPTER 17: The Grand Battle

Peace was using her powers rapidly and was trying her best to protect Fluttershy, but she was getting tried. “Hello, girls, Marshdog, we need help, protecting Fluttershy, can’t last ever long, in a cave in the Everfree forest, HELP!!” Peace said panting in their minds. Pinkie and Pinks ran to Fluttershy’s cottage, Twilight, Rarity, Applejack and Marshdog teleported there together as Rainbow flew to the cottage.
“Girls, Peace never asks for help, so that means she and Fluttershy are in danger,” Pinks and Marshdog said running into the forest. The others ran into the forest and found a cave that had fading lights.
“Peace, I’m coming!” Pinks said and teleported Marshdog and herself into the cave.
“Let’s go girls,” Twilight said and teleported the group and herself into the cave.
“Wha, ha, ha, I have more company,” the voice said.
“Peace, Fluttershy wake up!!” Pinks yelled as she tried to wake them up. They both were covered with scratches and marks, and Peace was on top of Fluttershy as if she was protecting her.
“You’ll regret hurting my little sister!” Pinks yelled as her Fire Boomerang.
“You’ll regret even touching my owner and friend!” Marshdog yelled as his Fire Sword came.
“Rarity, you and Pinkie take care of Peace and Fluttershy,” Twilight said. Pinkie got her Party Cannon ready.
“You’ll regret hurting Fluttershy and Peace,” Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow said. They fought ever last wolf and diamond dog, they only needed to fight the changelings. One by one the changelings fell and the Changeling Queen put up a good battle, but the group was able to beat her.
“Okay, girls, Marshdog, I need to blast the wall,” Twilight said as a blast of purple magic hit the wall and broke it.
“Let’s go and take Fluttershy and Peace to the hospital,” Rainbow said.