//------------------------------// // Awoken // Story: The Great Pony Adventure // by Peaceheart //------------------------------// CHAPTER 18: Awoken Peace and Fluttershy were in the hospital, Peace kept talking to Fluttershy in her mind. “You have to wake up,” Peace said in Fluttershy’s mind. “Okay, but you do too,” Fluttershy said in her mind. “Okay,” Peace said left her mind. They both opened their eyes to see that they were in a hospital. “Good morning,” a brown earth-pony said. “Who are you?” Peace asked. “I’m Dr. Check-Up,” the earth-pony said. “Where’s Fluttershy!?” Peace asked very confused. “I’m right here,” a voice said. Dr. Check-Up went to the curtain and opened it and there laid a yellow pegasus. “Fluttershy are okay?” Peace asked. “I was about to ask you the same thing and I’m alright thanks to you,” Fluttershy said happily. “Good, but I feel sore,” Peace said. “Well you feel sore because of all the damage you took while protecting Fluttershy,” Dr. Check-Up said, “and Fluttershy you injured one of your forelegs so it has to be in a cast, but you can leave the hospital today." “Thank you, but I want to stay here with Peace, if that’s okay with you Peace,” Fluttershy said. “Sure, but first can you give me my sattle-bag?” Peace asked. “Sure thing, Peace,” Fluttershy said with a huge smile and walk to the door and picked up the settle bag and gave it to Peace. “Thanks,” Peace said, she lifted a hoof that had a heart-shaped watch on it and put it the lock. With a ‘click’ the bag opened.