The Great Pony Adventure

by Peaceheart

The Tours In Dream Island

CHAPTER 23: The Tours In Dream Island

It was been one week since Twilight told the trio the great news, Twilight taught Pinks, Peace and Marshdog the spell. “Good bye, girls,” the trio said as they walked to the portal.
“Okay, I promise that I’ll contact you, girls when we get to Dream Island and you can come through the portal,” Peace said.
“Okay see you in the human world,” Pinkie said.
“Okay, let’s get going,” Marshdog said as Pinks walked into the portal. Marshdog and Peace went through the portal right after Pinks.
“Hey, we’re back to normal,” Pinks said.
“Yes, I’ll contact Twilight,” Peace said.
“Okay,” Marshdog said. “Hi, Twilight, it’s me Peace, I wanted to tell you that you can come over now,” Peace said in Twilight’s mind.
“Okay, girls let’s jump in the portal,” Twilight said.
“Okay,” Applejack said. Just then Pinkie bit Fluttershy’s tail and jumped through the portal, then Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity and Twilight jumped into the portal.
“Can someone help,” Peace said as a pile of girls fell on her.
“Ow, my head hurts,” a girl with rainbow hair said.
“Hi Rainbow, let me help you up,” Pinks said and one by one the girls were on their feet.
“Wow, this is new,” a cowgirl said with a trio of apples on her shirt said.
“Yes, it was,” a girl with a light purple shirt with a 6 pointed star said.
“Yeah, it was,” Rainbow said.
“Let’s do it again,” a party girl said with a trio of balloons on her shirt said.
“Let’s not,” a girl with a yellow dress and a trio of butterflies said.
“Yes Pinkie, let’s not do, it again,” a girl with a dress with a trio of diamonds on it said.
“Fluttershy, Rainbow, you two have wings on your shoes, so you can fly, Twilight, Rarity, you two have magic in your hands, AJ you have super strength and Pinkie you have ah- super party powers,” Pinks said.
“That’s great,” Twilight said.
“Well let’s show you around,” Peace said.
“Over there’s Relax ‘n’ Play Pond, and over there’s Animal Kingdom, and over there’s the Library, and over there’s the Racing Fun Challenge Track, and over there’s the Party Center, and over there’s the Music Studio, and over there’s the Fruit Farm, and over there’s the Treat Shop, and over there’s the Clothes Shop, and over there’s the Bakery, and over here is our tree house,” Marshdog said as he pointed to everything with a paw.
“This island has everything,” Rarity said.
“Everything except other people,” Peace murmured.
“Well let’s show you girls around the tree house,” Pinks said.
“Okay, Rockets On, Password: Family & Friend,” Peace said as activated her Rocket Shoes.
“Okay, Springs,” Pinks said as she bounced in the tree house.
“Turbo wings,” Marshdog said as he activated his wings.
“Come Fluttershy let’s fly,” Rainbow said.
“Okay,” Fluttershy as she flew up.
“Ladder’s coming,” Pinks said as she dropped the ladder.
“Thanks,” Applejack said.
When they were they were surprised at what they saw. The tree house was very clean and cute. “Well I’ll show Fluttershy and Rarity upstairs,” Peace said happily.
“I’ll show Twilight and Applejack to the top area,” Marshdog said while wagging his tail.
“Okay, I’ll show Pinkie and Rainbow this floor then,” Pinks said with a smile.
“Fluttershy and Rarity can you two follow me upstairs please?” Peace asked.
“Okay, Peace,” Fluttershy said.
“Twilight, Applejack, can you follow me to the elevator?” Marshdog asked.
“Okay, Marshdog,” Twilight said. “I’ll show you two this floor,” Pinks said. “Okie, dokie, lokie,” Pinkie said.