The Great Pony Adventure

by Peaceheart

Who's There?

CHAPTER 24: Who’s There?

As Peace, Rarity and Fluttershy went upstairs something hit Peace in the face, causing her to fall. “Ouch,” Peace said while rubbing her head.
“Are you okay Peace?” Fluttershy asked as she and Rarity helped Peace up.
“Yes, let's continue,” Peace said. When they got upstairs a vase had hit Peace’s leg.
“Ouch, w-who’s there,” Peace said as she tried to stop her bleeding leg.
“Peace open your backpack,” Fluttershy demanded.
“Okay,” Peace said as she unlocked her backpack. Fluttershy got out Peace’s First Aid Kit and told her to sit down.
“Thanks,” Peace said.
“I’ll help you up,” Rarity said.
Peace showed Rarity and Fluttershy the whole floor and until they stopped at a door with a peace sigh inside a heart. Peace unlocked the door and walked inside, but when she stepped inside, her favorite soccer ball hit her leg. She yelped in pain and caused her to fall. “Peace are okay?” Fluttershy asked very worriedly.
“Fine,” Peace said as she tried to get up then Fluttershy screamed.
“Fluttershy!” Peace said as she ran to protect Fluttershy and Rarity.
“Who are you?” Rarity asked.
“Maximus!?” Peace said and tensed up.
“Well, you still remember me?” a boy with red hair said.
“Yes, I do you were my best friend,” Peace said.
“Was your best friend,” Maximus repeated.
“Rarity get behind Fluttershy,” Peace said.
“I see that you still protect others,” Maximus said.
“Of course, I promised to always protect those in need of h-,” Peace was cut off as a beam of water and fire hit her in the chest so hard it cause Fluttershy, Rarity and herself to hit a wall. Peace then fell to the ground, Fluttershy and Rarity recovered and jumped down and ran to Peace who was trying to get up.
“I see that I can beat the best soccer player in Dream Island,” Maximus said happily.
“No, you just started a fight,” Peace said as he stood up with a few scratches.
“So we battle,” Maximus said as he grabbed Fluttershy by the hair. Rarity tried to kick Maximus, but fell hard on her face. Rarity and Fluttershy yelped in pain which caused Peace to go to Madness Level Overload.
“Don’t hurt Rarity and let go of Fluttershy!!!!!” Peace said as her Lightning Bolts and Nature Powers attacked Maximus. Maximus fought hard, but was weak and was defeated by Peace. Peace then smiled at Rarity and Fluttershy and fell onto her bed.
“Peace wake up!!” Rarity yelled as she was shaking Peace.
“Peace you’re bleeding on your arm and side, please get up,” Fluttershy said with fear.
“Okay,” Peace said trying to sit up, but was unable to.
“Peace I’ll help you up,” Rarity said as she helped Peace up.
“I got the First Aid Kit,” Fluttershy said as she wiped up all the blood and wrapped Peace’s arm and side up.
“Thanks, Fluttershy, can we go downstairs?” Peace asked.
“Okay, but we are going to help you down,” Rarity said.
“Okay,” Peace said.
“Okay,” Fluttershy said with a smile.
“Wait, did Maximus leave?” Peace asked.
“Yes,” Rarity said.
“Oh,” Peace said.