The Great Pony Adventure

by Peaceheart

Wolf and Dog Fight

CHAPTER 25: Wolf And Dog Fight

As Marshdog lead Twilight and Applejack to the top area until they stopped when they heard a huge growl. “Who’s there?” Twilight asked.
“You forgot me already, Marshdog?” a shadowy wolf asked.
“Shadow Fang?!” Marshdog said.
“You remember,” Shadow Fang said.
“Of course, you were my best friend until you bit Pinks,” Marshdog said.
“Was your best friend,” Shadow Fang repeated with his claws ready to attack.
“Girls, go hide,” Marshdog said.
“But-,” Twilight was cut off by Applejack grabbing her arm.
“You still stay with those friends of yours? I know our plan is working and Peace was the first one.” Shadow Fang asked.
“What did you do to Peace!? And of course I do, they saved my life and they both love me, foreve-,” Marshdog was cut off as Shadow Fang attacked.
Shadow Fang scratched Twilight and bit Applejack and they both screamed in pain. Marshdog got his Fire Sword ready and attacked Shadow Fang.
“You will never hurt Peace, Pinks, or any of my friends!” Marshdog yelled. They fought and fought, but Shadow Fang was weak and was defeated by Marshdog. Marshdog was panting hard and fainted.
“Marshdog are y'all okay?” Applejack asked.
“I was just about to ask you and Twilight the same thing, and yes I’m good, but I think I need Peace to touch me up,” Marshdog said.
“I think we should go see Pinks and Peace, okay Marshdog?” Twilight asked.
“Okay, let’s go,” Marshdog said.