The Great Pony Adventure

by Peaceheart

The Huge Battle

CHAPTER 26: The Huge Battle

As Pinks finished the tour on the first floor a voice was saying, “Ha, Pinks, you found new friends.”
I hope Peace and Marshdog are okay,’ Pinks thought to herself.
“Pinks how lovely to see you again,” a voice said.
“Who’s there?” Rainbow asked.
“Why, Pinks it’s just me,” the voice said.
“Jules!?” Pinks said.
“Yes, it’s me,” a girl with orange hair said.
“Yes know her?” Pinkie asked.
“Yes I do, she was my best friend, until she started to hurt Peace’s feelings,” Pinks said.
“Was your best friend,” Jules repeated.
“Pinkie, Rainbow, go away and stay back,” Pinks demanded.
“No way,” Rainbow said.
“Yeah, this would be fun if they joined the game too,” Jules said.
“No,” Pinks said angrily.
“Don’t worry I’ll play fair,” Jules said and snapped her fingers and Maximus and Shadow Fang appeared.
“Maximus, Shadow Fang!?!” Pinks said very confused and angry.
“Pinks!!” Peace said as she went downstairs with Rarity and Fluttershy right behind her.
“Peace are you okay?” Pinkie asked.
“Yes, thanks to Fluttershy and Rarity, wait Maximus, Shadow Fang and Jules!?!” Peace said very angry.
“You know them too?” Rainbow asked.
“Of course we do,” Marshdog said with anger.
“Yes, the plan worked, the group is all together,” Jules said.
“What plan?” Pinks asked.
“The plan is to battle you three and get OUR island back,” Maximus said.
“Your island? This island was never yours to start with,” Peace said angrily.
“Girls get away from them,” Marshdog said.
“No, let’s have some fun with them,” Maximus said grabbing Fluttershy.
“Yeah” Shadow Fang said as he biting Twilight.
“Okay,” Jules said grabbing Pinkie.
“Don’t hurt my friends!” Marshdog said as his Fire Sword came to his mouth.
“Don’t hurt Fluttershy!” Peace said as her Lightning Bolts and Nature Powers came to her hands.
“Let go of Pinkie!” Pinks said as her Fire Boomerang came to her hand.
They were fighting for a long time until Marshdog was thrown to a wall by Shadow Fang and Twilight was able to escape his grasp. “Applejack I think we should fight this bad dog for Marshdog,” Twilight said.
“Y’all right Twilight,” Applejack said. They began to fight Shadow Fang using their powers.
As Peace was fighting Maximus, Maximus hit Peace on her side, leg and arm which caused Peace to fall. Peace was thrown to the wall by Maximus. Fluttershy escaped Maximus grip and ran to Rarity.
“Fluttershy we have to fight Maximus for Peace,” Rarity said.
“Right,” Fluttershy said. They fought Maximus for Peace.
Pinks was tired and was soon shot on her arm, which caused her to drop her Fire Boomerang and Jules shot Pinks, with her Solar Beam which caused Pinks to hit a wall. Pinkie jumped out of Jules grip and bounced to Rainbow.
“Ready, Pinkie?” Rainbow asked.
“I’m super, duper, triple, fudge, chocolate cake, ready,” Pinkie said as she got her Party Canon ready.
“Okay,” Rainbow said as she flew in the sky.
The mane 6 was able to defeat Maximus, Shadow Fang and Jules with only a few scratches. When the trio left Fluttershy got Peace’s First Aid Kit and started to wrap up their wounds. “Fluttershy you have to take off their locks,” Twilight said.
“I don’t know Twilight they have everything locked, I think it’s because everything is important to them,” Fluttershy said as she finished wrapping Pinks.
“I’ll do it Twilight,” Rainbow said as she took off Pinks’ necklace and Peace’s watch. When Fluttershy was done wrapping Pinks, Marshdog and Peace, Pinkie and Rainbow took Pinks into her room. As Twilight and Applejack carried Marshdog upstairs where they followed Rarity and Fluttershy who were carrying Peace, to her room.
“Girls, I think we should let them rest, okay?” Twilight asked.
“Em think so,” Applejack said. The others nodded and were in the open field in the forest.
“All right,” Twilight said as she got the portal ready.
“Let’s get going,” Rainbow said as she jumped into the portal. The others jumped into the portal after Rainbow.