//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 // Story: Too Crazy to be True // by NoLongerAnon //------------------------------// I couldn’t help but to feel this was going way too fast. The mare and I told each other “I love you” which was odd enough. Were these feelings love or just strong emotions? I decided not to question it along with the fact that I had feelings for a cartoon pony. Weeks passes before I realized those were just words of comfort. True love finally set in a few days later. I decided to treat her to a picnic in the back yard. The sky was supposed to be clear tonight so we could star gaze. In the kitchen, Star Shine and I were cooking a vegan meal. She was looking through the fridge while I was staring through the oven at the cooking delicacy. “What’s this for?” Star Beam pulled out a bottle of flax seed oil. “Oh that’s to help prevent cancer.” I responded. She had a look of confusion on her face and put it back. “Thanks for doing this Nick, it’s going to be a lot of fun.” I looked at her and smiled. “No problem dear.” Ding, The meal was done. I grabbed the oven mitts and pulled it out. “Well that smells good!” Star Beam hopped over and looked at the meal. I let it cool for a few minutes and put it into a plastic Tupperware. We were ready for our picnic. The blanket was scratchy but it didn’t seem to bother Star Shine. I dished her up and we began eating. She went muzzle first into the main dish as if she hadn’t eaten in ages. “Oh my! This is great.” She said in between bites. I was glad she liked it. The only time I cook is when I have company, which isn’t that often. The sun was going down. A red sky came out before we finished eating. “Look at that, it’s so beautiful.” She stopped eating to admire the colors. “I know, just wait for the stars.” We waited another ten minutes before the first star came out. “Ooh look!” She pointed to the sky with her hoof. “It’s Jupiter!” I looked up and sure enough, it was. “Did you know in the middle ages Jupiter was called Jovian which means happy?” I was impressed. “How do you know this?” She looked at me and gave a big happy smile. “I know all there is to space.” She looked back at the sky. Several more stars had appeared already. “There’s Orion, Neptune’s father.” Okay, now I was impressed. She knew everything there was to know about the night sky. “Can I tell you something?” I sat up and supported my body with my arm. “I don’t see why not.” She responded, eyes still lost in the stars. “I’ve always wanted to be an astronaut.” My lips quivered “I just never had the grades. She looked at me with a strike of confusion. “When you showed me how much you know about the stars I felt this feeling of comfort and a warm fuzzy feeling.” She giggled and blushed. “Took you long enough.” Scooted over towards me and nuzzled my cheek. “I’ve felt that way for a week.” She whispered. “I think this is love.” she continued. I smiled and laid back down. She rested her head on my chest and squeaked. I’m in love With a pony. It was too crazy to be true.