Too Crazy to be True

by NoLongerAnon

Chapter 5

My sleeping situation had gotten better but the voices I heard continued to echo through my home. I decided to go to the doctor, leaving Star Shine alone at the house for the first time since we met. I sat in the waiting room filling out some papers, when the nurse called me back. I waited in room 112 for twenty minutes before the doctor came in. “Good afternoon Nick.” The doctor stuck his hand out to shake mine. “What’s the problem today?” He sat in his chair “Well I’m hearing voices. I thought it was because of sleep deprivation, but when I finally got some sleep, they still continued.” The doctor looked at his papers. “Do you see things?” I thought for a minute. “No.” He took out his pen and a prescription pad. “I’m going to put you down for Pristiq and Zyprexa. He signed his name at the bottom and handed me the piece of paper.

I got home to Star Shine and sat my medication on the kitchen counter. Like I expected, she was in the living room sitting with her hooves in front of her watching the T.V. Like a child. I smiled and tip toed over towards her. “Hi Nick!” she turned around and pounced at me attempting to tackle me but just ended up hugging my leg.. “I missed you!” She giggled. “I missed you too.” I wrapped my arms around her, she was warm and fuzzy. I finally felt at home. I felt… Happy. “I really do love you Star Shine.” She looked at me and blushed. “I love you too.”

“Why does Morgan Freeman have an earring in his right ear?” Star Shine pointed at the screen. She was right, He had a hoop earring in his right ear. My eyebrow raised. “Well, well, well.” I chuckled to myself while Star Shine let out an occasional giggle. It was getting late, and we were getting tired. “You ready for bed dear?” She shook her head. “Can you carry me?” she asked. “Of course dear.” I held her in my arms like a mother holds her child and slowly stood up. “I’ll be sure to carry you to bed tomorrow night.” She joked. I walked into the room and flipped the switch with my shoulder. My feet slowly took me to my bed as I slowly set her down on the bed. “Thank you Nick.” She turned towards me. “For everything.” She continued. I looked into her big red eyes and felt our souls connect, almost as if we were one being. “You’re quite welcome.” I walked over towards the light switch and turned it off. I then remembered to take my medication. I headed to the living room and picked up the bottle, took one of each and swallowed the large pills. I walked back to the bedroom. It was really dark. This made it very difficult to get into bed. After tripping over several objects on the floor and stubbing my toe, I finally reached the bed and crawled under the sheets. I put my arms around Star Shine and nuzzled her head. I felt her turn around. It was too dark to see anything. She stirred before I felt something touch my lips. “She kissed me.” I thought to myself. “I love you” She whispered. “I love you too Star Shine”

I awoke the next morning to an empty bed. I imagined she wanted to try to make breakfast. I immediately got out of bed worrying there would be a mess. She wasn’t in the kitchen. “Star Shine?” I said nervously. No response “Sweetie?” I continued. Still nothing. I checked the whole house. She was nowhere to be seen. A tear had dripped from my eye. I knew in my heart what had happened but I didn’t want to admit it. She was a hallucination, Just a figment of my imagination. I got on my knees and cried and saw a small not on the recliner in my handwriting.

“Nick, I don’t have long. I just want to say that I love you. I will always be with you, weather it feels that way or not. Goodbye, and don’t ever forget me. Yours truly, Star Shine."

I decided to stop taking my medication in hopes that Star Shine would return to me. three months have passed and I have yet to see any trace of her. She was gone for good but the feelings I had stayed with me. I was able to socialize with people now and even got a job working at an auto repair shop. She changed me. She may not have been real, but what she made me feel was as real as you and me. I guess in the end, it really was, too crazy to be true.

In dedication to Star Shine, the best friend I could ever ask for.