Lost with Friends: A New World

by TheBronyMatrixFilms

Chapter 3: The Inevitable

Chapter 3:

The Inevitable

“Well it’s about damn time you woke up!”, said Rosa when she saw me awake.

“Where are we?”, I asked. I knew we were in a hospital but, my question is WHERE is the hospital.

“Somewhere called ‘Ponyville’”, replied Ishmael.

I just gave him a deadpanned stare and asked again, “No, seriously, where the hell are we?”

“I’m not fucking with you man, the little town outside the forest is called ‘Ponyville’”

I groaned and facepalmed at the actual name for this town full of ponies. What a horrible pun. I kinda wondered if my entire life was just one giant bad pun for some higher power. “Ok then, anything happened while I was out?”

“Well…”, started Felipe.

Third Person

“Don’t worry bro, we’ll get you help and fix you up, don’t you worry”, said Felipe as he along with Rosa and Ishmael ran towards a small town while carrying Leo’s broken unconscious body.

“Somebody help us!”, called out Rosa.

“You guys still sure that this is a good idea?”, huffed Ishmael as he eyed a group of pastel colored ponies galloping towards them.

“What the hell man, what could we have done? Just leave Leo there to die?”, asked Rosa with anger.

“Doesn’t matter now. Our welcome committee is here”, huffed Felipe as the ponies now stood about ten feet away from them.

“So, you’re the monsters that was at Sweet Apple Acres”, said a rainbow maned pegasus, “You guys don’t look so tough, I bet that I can stomp you three down in ten seconds flat!”, it said with a sharp snort. Felipe, Ishmael and Rosa decided that it was a female by the feminine raspy voice.

Right when the polychromatic pegasus was about to charge at them, she was suddenly held in place by a purple aura, “Hey! What gives?”

“Whoa there Rainbow Dash”, said a purple pegacorn, “It’s good to be cautious but, let’s not be hasty about this”

The pegacorn then turned to the three humans with a sheepish smile and said, “Sorry about that, she is sometimes a bit brash about things. I am Princess Twilight-”

“We don’t have enough fucking time for this!”, interrupted Ishmael causing the now multitude of ponies gasp at his profanity, “Our friend here is dying!”, he then pointed at Leo’s bloody body.

“My word!”, gasped a white unicorn with a posh british accent, “What happened to him?!”

“Some lion-bat-scorpion hybrid ambushed us and, well, look what happened, he needs to see a doctor!”, stated Felipe with a bit of urgency.

“How do we know that this is not some sort of trick?”, accused Rainbow Dash.

“Really? Now why the hell would we trick you?”, flatly asked Felipe, “Tell us one reason”

“Well you guys are monsters, what other reason do you need?”, huffed Rainbow Dash.

“Can we stop arguing about this? He might not have enough time left, just take us to the nearest hospital!”, yelled Rosa, “Look, we’re lost, confused, hungry and low on supplies, not to mention our injured friend. We’ll answer any questions you guys have later, but only AFTER our friend here is taken to the hospital and that he’s ready to speak!”

Twilight took a few moments to decide on what to do.

“Twilight, you’re not really going to believe them right?”, questioned Rainbow Dash.

“Follow me, I’ll take you guys to the hospital”, decided Twilight.


“Then you rested for about a day, and, well, here we are”, finished Felipe.

“Are they still here?”, I huffed at the situation that we were in.

“Last that we checked, yes”, said Rosa, she then bit her lip and added nervously, “And we have one small problem”

“What kind of problem?”, I asked warily.

“Well, just yesterday, they… um… contacted their princess…”

“I thought that their princess was already here”, I said with confusion.

“Well, not the princess we met while we carried you but… I guess you can say the top princess”

I just put my head on the pillow and covered my face with both hands, and heavily groaned in frustration. “Do you guys think this will make the situation worse? I mean anymore worse that it already is?”, I mumbled through my hands.

“I just hope we don’t get locked up in some secret government base to be tested on or dissected”, said Rosa.

“What makes you say that?”, asked Ishmael.

“Well isn’t that what the feds would do back home if an alien came to the US?”

“We don’t know, there is always some big government secret”, said Felipe.

“Rosa, just…”, I sighed, “No conspiracy theories please”

“Ugh! Fine!”, huffed Rosa.

“Realistically, It won’t make much of a difference since, we don’t know what the hell is going on or where we are”, offered Ishmael.

“That’s true… mhhhhhh… I just realized something”, I said, “Where’s the rifle?”

Ishmael walked over to the bed and reached under it, and pulled out the rifle. There was dirt and blood that caked the rifle, but other than that it looked in working condition.

“Well, it could be worse”, I said.

“Now things are gonna get worse you fucker”, exclaimed Rosa.

Before I could tell Rosa to shut up, I was interrupted by a series of knocks on the door. We all looked at the door, then my friends looked at me expectantly. “Well, go see who it is”, I said.

Felipe was the first to react and walked over to the door and opened it. In the doorway stood a tall white pegacorn with violet eyes, a golden crown and chest piece with a purple gem in the center of each, gold shoes and what caught my attention the most is her flowing blue/green/pink ethereal mane and tail. It moved as if there was a breeze were moving it. It didn’t take long to take a guess who this was.

“Hello there”, she said in a motherly tone, “May we come in?”

Felipe turned to me and raised her eyebrow in a silent question. I nodded and she then open the door wider to allow the pegacorn to enter. Then six other familiar ponies walked in behind her. After they all filed inside the room, Rosa then closed the door and walked over to the left side of the bed, with Felipe and Ishmael doing the same but on my right.

Me and the tall pegacorn studied each other for a few moments until she finally spoke, “Hello, I am Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria and bringer of the sun”

I guess we start with introductions then, “Hello, my name is Leonardo Anaya and these are my friends, Felipe, Ishmael, and Rosa”, I introduced and pointed at each person respectively.

“Oh how rude of us”, said a white unicorn with purple curled mane, “I am Rarity, the element of Generosity”

“I’m Applejack, the element of Honesty”, said Applejack. I really didn’t needed her to say her name, but we didn’t exactly introduced each other when I woke up a week or so ago.

“Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie! I’m the element of Laughter! Do you want to be friends? I hope you do because then we’ll have so much fun partying, dancing, singing, playing, wait do you like parties because I do, but I mean really who doesn’t like parties. Wait what if you don’t like parties, then that means you don’t like cake. But everyone loves cake! We need to fix that! Wait I know! I’ll plan you guys a ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party where we will dance and sing and-”, said the pink bouncing pony with poofy curly pink mane and tail. When I saw her bounce and say all that in one breath before a blue hoof cut was shoved in her mouth to shush her, I was pretty sure she had one too many energy drinks or something.

“Slow down there Pinkie, lets just see how this goes”, said a cyan pegasus with  polychromatic colored mane and tail, “Ahem, I’m Rainbow Dash! The element of loyalty and the fastest flyer in Equestria!”, she then struck a pose with her wings flared out in pride. Nice modesty you have there skittles.

Then a yellow pegasus with long pink mane and tail was nugged from behind Princess Celestia, where she was apparently hiding. “H-hi, I’m… Fluttershy, and I’m the element of kindness”, she said in a small whisper as she now hid behind her long mane.

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t quite get that, can you please repeat it?”, I said in a soft tone.

“I-I’m, Fluttershy and the element of kindness”, she said in a small whisper again. Shy one aren’t you. I look over to my friends with a quizzical look to see if they caught the shy pegasus name. They just shrugged and shook their head.

“Her name’s Fluttershy, partner, the element of kindness”, said Applejack, “As her name implies, she’s quite shy”

“And here I thought my sister was a shy one when she talks to relatives over the phone”, I mumbled.

“And I’m Twilight Sparkle, the element and princess of magic”, said the purple pegacorn.

“Well, I’m not quite sure if I can say we are happy to meet you seven, considering we were more or less hunted down”, I said matter-of-factly.

“We were not sure if you four were dangerous to my little ponies”, said Princess Celestia, “But now that you are here, we can stop beating around the bush and just get to the point. What are you?”

“We’re humans”, I said as if that was obvious, “What I’m wondering is, what kind of horses are you guys? I’ve never seen such strange colors on a horse… or one that talks”

“Hey! We’re ponies! And what the heck is a hyooman?”, asked Rainbow Dash.

“Horses, ponies, same difference, they are both equine”, I said indifferently, “But that still doesn’t answer the colors or the talking”

“Hey Leo”, I turned to look at Rosa, “Are you ok? You don’t look so good”

Am I ok? I feel fine… well except for the injuries, but you know what I mean. Then I understood what she meant. “Yeah, I don’t feel so hot right now”, I lied, “I mean, I woke up a couple minutes ago but, I guess I need some more rest”

“We can have a doctor come in and-”, started Twilight.

“No no, there is no need”, I said with a dismissive wave, “I just need to rest up a bit longer, I appreciate the thought though”

“Well if that is it then, we will come later when you feel a bit better”, stated Princess Celestia. With that the princess and her entourage left the room but stop at the doorway, “If your friends will follow us, we will discuss the living arrangements”

“They’ll be out in a moment”, I said. Then she left, closing the door behind them.

“What should we do?”, asked Rosa.

“In all honesty, I have no idea on what to do, I mean should we accept their hospitality (If you can call it that…) or not”

“Well we still have our pistols, just in case they turn on us”, suggested Ishmael.

I thought about it a bit, and it was confusing. There were too many unknown factors, one being that they were strangers, and another being that we don’t know their intentions. I finally said, “Accept their hospitality but don’t tell them anything, unless it is insignificant, and for the love of God, don’t tell them about the pistols or the rifle, just wait till’ I say they are ready or when your life is in danger”

“Leo we know, we’re not idiots”, said Felipe.

“You may never know man, just better to tell you guys than not to”, I shrugged, “And try to visit me often, I hate hospitals, It’s not like staying in your room for most of the day, and try to see if we can get our stuff from the original camp”

“Don’t worry man”, reassured Rosa, “and we’ll bring your stuff here when we get it”

“It’s the minimum you can do for me, and thanks, without you guys being there for me, I wouldn’t be here”

“Don’t thank us too much, we know you would've done the same thing to us”, replied Ishmael.

“Before you guys leave pass me the rifle and something to clean it with, at least I won’t be too bored for a while”

“Thanks”, I said as they passed me the rifle and materials to clean it with, including a pack with some ammo.

“No prob’ man, see you soon”, replied Ishmael as they left the room.

With that I started the process of taking the rifle apart and clean each piece. While doing this a string of thoughts went through my head, one of them repeating itself many times. I forgot to ask them on where the fuck are my clothes, there is too much of a draft in very uncomfortable places.