Attack On Equestria

by LoneUnicornWriter

Prologue: Kill It Right Where It Stands

Location: Las Pegasus

Destruction Level: Dragon

It was early morning in the city of Las Pegasus. A few pegasi flew over head. And few horse carts were carried about this city for early morning equine workers. The day was getting started for most ponies and as usual it would go on just like any other...

“Ugh, why do I have to work this morning…” Echo sighed and slid off her bed onto her hooves. She looked out the window only to saw not one pony on the streets heading to work.

“Wow, I guess everypony decided to sleep this morning. Whatever, I’ll just get ready and be on my way,” She scratched her itchy wild red fuzzy mane, grabbed her white towel and trotted into her shower.

After spending quite some time in the shower, she remembered that she had to go to work. She turned off the shower, opened the curtain, and took her towel which was hoof’s length from the shower.

“Sweet muffins… I must’ve been here for like almost an hour,” she looked at the sun rising above the horizon. “I hope I don’t get fired, because that would only add to my lame life as it is...”

Echo sighs and trots out of her bathroom back to her bedroom to get dressed. She combed out her smooth and long red mane and threw her black coat over her and trotted out of her apartment.

“Ugh, now to start my day…” She said placing a pair of headphones on her head and walked the streets of Las Pegasus. It was usually quiet around the time she went to work but that morning she felt a bit uncomfortable of how quiet it was.

Echo trotted two blocks from her apartment when she faintly heard a faint scream from the distance. She pulled one of her headphones forward to hear where it came from but there was no sound to be heard other than the early morning breeze.

“Well, I guess I must’ve heard something” she place the ear bud back in her ear and turned up the music she was listening to. She was usually quite grumpy from getting up from a late night party with her friends, but music always got her into motion for anything.

The white mare trotted a few more blocks when she hear a stallion yelling not to far off. She slowed her steps in fear of maybe getting into a situation she shouldn’t be in. But curiosity got the best of her, and she galloped to the end of that block.

When she had turned the corner, she looked down at the bloody chewed up head of a stallion. She quickly trotted backwards only to feel her rump rush back into something. She rushed forward and turned around in shock. Her face cringed as she started to rub her rump.

“What in the hay was so hot like-” she glared up at what appeared to be a giant pony. Her ears flopped down and her eyes widened at the terrifying look of the giant pony. It breathed heavily on Echo and made her extremely warm for a quite a cold morning. The terror it gave from its large brown eyes made her scramble and rush around the corner onto the next block of the big city.

She rushed down the long city block as fast as she could, but the beast started swaying its head sideways, twisting its neck about in all awkward directions chasing her, trying to eat her. With every passing moment, the giant got closer to Echo. She was very shocked and scared. As the giant was about to catch Echo, she broke into the first floor window of a small hotel. On impact, the giant’s face broke a giant opening in the hotel.

“Stay away from me!” Echo backed up into a corner and watched as the giant pushed its jaws forward to grab her. She saw an opening which led to a staircase going up. The mare quickly dashed up the stairs to the next floor.

The giant pony pulled out its muzzle from the hole and glared up at the top of the hotel. When Echo got to the second floor she came to a nicely fashioned room where she quickly dashed and hid under a table so that it wouldn’t notice her.

“What in the name of Celestia is that thing,” she whispered as the giant’s pupil swayed about side to side looking in from the window outside the hotel. The giant then moved off, but Echo remained in her position. It became quiet, and it had remained for quite a while. After a few minutes, she quickly crawled out from under the table and stared at the window, her heart still beating from all that happened.
In a flash of mixed colors and sharp pain, she was outside on the ground watching up at the foggy skies.

“What, happened…” Echo looked up at the giant’s mouth stretched out wide and drooled over her. Her eyes widened, tears began streaming down the side her face, and her ears flopped down. She screamed at the top her lungs as the giant maulers of the creature’s mouth went down upon the mare…


Canterlot Castle

A guard quickly ran into the throne room and bowed before the Princess of the Sun.

“Princess Celestia, I bring you urgent news,” the guard held out a scroll. Celestia lit her horn and magically took the scroll from the royal guard.

Her eyes eye narrowed giving a confused yet concerned expression when she read the phrases “giant ponies”, “eating civilians” and read the total of equine consumption by the “giant ponies” would have exceeded over “ten thousand”. The rest of the letter only asks her to stop these “abominable threats of peace” from removing the ponies of Las Pegasus at such at fast rate.

“Did you get a count of how many creatures there were?”

“The pony who gave me the letter didn’t say,” the royal guard replied.

Celestia walks over to the window near the throne and glares out at the view of Equestria thinking the possibility of all the land being overruned by another huge threat.

“Go to the Wonderbolts and report to them that the Princess would like them to go on an “Extermination Mission”, I want them to wipe out the enemy completely,” Celestia’s eyes narrowed.

“We are going to stop it right where it stands.”