//------------------------------// // Secrets and Realizations // Story: For-never Alone // by Troypony //------------------------------// Discord had kept himself quite busy as the female was telling her little sob story. He had changed from observing the surrounding wildlife to using them as live practice dummies for chaos. Nothing to harmful or serious, just challenging himself to see how quickly he can create a hoard of long-legged rabbits, or an immense cloud cover of cotton candy clouds. He seemed to be getting better and better with every attempt, able to create a stampede of rabbits or a typhoon of cotton candy and chocolate milk with just a snap of his fingers. Metaphorically speaking, that is. After practicing to his contentment, Discord remembered the female Draconequus standing not five feet away. He decided to check up on her, to see if she was still telling her ridiculous story still or not. He listened for any sign of life from her, but heard nothing. She must’ve finished that story of hers then! Thank Celestia; he didn’t want to have to hear any more of that story. He’d rather be frozen in a second layer of stone! Wait, what if she wasn’t finished? She could just be pausing for a break and keep right on going! He better ask, just so that he can try to distract himself again when she started to continue. However, he didn’t take the time deciding HOW to ask her. Instead, he just blurted out his question. “You already finished with that story of yours?” He imagined how that had to have sounded, and quickly tried to think up an apology quick. She beat him to it, and spoke her mind first. “Wait, finished? You’re asking me if I’ve finished my story. The one that I told for YOUR sake, to try and be a good Draconequus and help out another who’s having trouble figuring themselves out! Obviously you weren’t listening to it at all, because you would KNOW that I hadn’t even finished. What kind of creature must you be to deny help that’s been offered to you, help that could lift up your spirits and convince you that you’re no monster?” Discord was quickly trying to patch up the situation as best as it could, as to not make an enemy he would have to live with possibly forever. “I’m sorry for the way that came out, but I-“ He didn’t seem to be making any progress, however. “But NOTHING! The nerve you must have to be as rude as what you have just displayed to me! Allowing me to try and help, then not giving a single BUCK to even listen to the story I had to offer you! You must have been having quite a good laugh listening to me pouring my heart out into that story! Everyone seems to have a good laugh when I do!” Discord was shocked. He didn’t expect other Draconequus to think that someone’s sob story is funny! They enjoy a good laugh, but they don’t find humor is other’s pain, unless it’s some sort of practical joke. They don’t take REAL pain and turn it into something funny! That’s just cruel, and not something Draconequus enjoy doing. Well, except for one…but even HE doesn’t enjoy it when he learns that he goes too far with a prank or joke! “They…think that your sob story is funny?!” He exclaimed. There was silence, then her response. “No, not the one you failed to listen to!” She added extra emphasis on the last part. “The ones I’m talking about are written, ones that I write in my free time.” “You’re a writer? I haven’t heard of a Draconequus writer since I was much younger!” “Well, I’m not an official writer, but it’s what I do when I’m free. Most of my work is spent in the Archives, researching and writing history.” Discord wasn’t so sure if he had heard that correctly. “Wait, the Archives…does that mean…?” “Yeah, I’m a Scholar.” Now, if Discord was capable of having a heart attack, he could’ve had one right now. A Scholar? In Equestria? What was she doing out of the Archives? There wasn’t a reason he knew of why she should even be here next to him! Scholars never leave Draconold, let alone Draconia. That is, if she WAS even caught here. Could Celestia have lied, and is also attacking Draconia? If she was, then the whole race could be in danger of extermination, not just eviction! But, would Celestia really do that? She’s the ruler of Equestria! Why would she go so far as to exterminate the entire Draconequus race? What could she gain from that? I was the bad one here, so kill me! Leave everyone else alone, but kill me instead! Why would she have to make everyone else suffer in my place? Is she trying to destroy me from the inside out? Because it was working… “Huh, so NOW you listen to me, since you know my ranking in society?” Discord snapped back to reality. “No no, it's not that, it's-" Instead, she cut him off. "No, I'm not going to listen to you if you won’t listen to me. Try again tomorrow with an apology, and MAYBE I'll listen." She was silent for the rest of the day, and it wasn't even sunset yet. Discord felt as horrible as ever. First he brings upon the destruction of his race, and then he disrespects a Scholar! That's almost a crime; it's looked so down upon!! Then again, causing the extinction of his own race is pretty up there too, but he was already suffering punishment for that. Now her, he can't afford to anger her. Though he may be horrible and selfish, even the worst of creatures need someone else there they can interact with. Anyone who accomplished anything never did it alone, and all Discord was trying to do is not go insane. That wasn't that tremendous a feat, but it was for him. If he was going to survive another thousand years or so in his stone prison, he was going to use every advantage he could. And having someone to share this LOVELY experience with and to talk to was DEFINITELY an advantage!! So for the rest of that day, he thought about how he could apologize to her in the least insulting way possible, since he knew he was going to somehow without his knowing. He thought long and hard, past when the sun had set in the evening, sometimes reconvincing himself that he, the Lord of Chaos, is actually apologizing to someone. Finally, he thought he was ready. That morning, he would try to regain the one sanctuary of sanity he could have left.