The Street Dragon and the Cotton Candy Baker



Spike's P.O.V.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead as I put down the last box in my room. The room was a pretty good size that was connected to the bathroom and located on the second floor. With my futon that serves as both my bed and couch, I put it near the window, close to the bed stand with my iHome on it. My desk was put up against the wall, near my bed with my computer already plugged in and with a couple of pictures, and a few books beside it. On the opposite side, is my small bookcase where I will put my magazines, DVDs and videogames later. Next to that is my dresser, between my small walked in closet. Near the door to my room is my T.V. stand with a somewhat large T.V. on top with a Playstation 3 and a DVD/VHS player on the lower part of the stand. Right now, my room is still pretty bare while a lot of my boxes with clothes, games, and other stuff laid on the floor.

"Okay, that is everything in the truck," Welch said, standing in the door way of my new room. "Do you need help with anything else?"

"No thanks," I said. "We got everything covered."

"In that case, I'll be going now. Thank you for choosing Pegasus Moving Company," The guy made his way down the stairs and towards the front door.

"No problem dude and thanks for the help," I yelled for the stairs. With a wave, the jelly enthusiast left the house and rode away in his truck. I turned my attention back to my new room that was filled of boxes. With a quick crack of my hands, I started to unpack the boxes and put my things away. After about an hour, I was able to get all of my clothes, sheets, and blankets out and put away. Checking the time, I decided to make myself some lunch. I went downstairs and into the kitchen. They had a pretty nice kitchen, with a lot of appliances, a nice fridge, cabinets filled with good food and even a spice rack to go along with it. I can see myself making a lot of good food with this stuff. For now, I decided to go for something simple and made myself a PB and J sandwich with some chips and milk. I sat down on the stool and put my plate the counter, I ate my lunch as I watched the small TV they had in the corner of the kitchen.

As I took a bite of my sandwich, Mom came up to me and said, "Honey, I got to go do some errands. Are you going to be okay by yourself?" She said the last part in a worried tone.

"Don't worry Mom," I said. I can understand that she was worried about me but I'm not a little kid anymore. If I can knock out someone older and bigger than I can take care of the house by myself. "I'll be fine. It won't be the first time I'm by myself."

"If you say so," Mom said, she was probably still worried about me, but is willing to take my word for it. "I'll be gone for a few hours. Make sure the door is locked and that you don't open for anybody. Twilight and her friends will come home in an hour or so. Do you want anything while I'm gone?"

"Naw, I'm good. See you later."

"Bye honey," And with that she left as I went back to eating my lunch. The only sounds in the house was coming from the TV. In all honesty, I have no problem with being by myself. Dad often had to work a lot and when Shinning left for the military, I was often by myself at dad's place. It gives me a lot of time to do my own thing and if I felt lonely, I would just go out and do something or hang out with my friends. Once, I had to take care of dad's place by myself close to a month because he had to go on an extended business trip. He had a friend check up on me a couple of times each week but for the most part it was just me. Though I didn't have any problems, I knew how to cook, clean, do laundry, and a bunch of other stuff. Plus, with the money dad left me plus the cash from my part time job, I didn't have to worry about groceries. I know how to take care of myself.

After I was done with my lunch and watched the dishes, I went back to my room. I saw that I still had a lot of boxes to be unpacked. I plugged in my iPod to my iHome and put it on shuffle. As the music started to play, I went to work on unpacking the rest of my stuff.


Twilight's P.O.V.

I waited in anticipation as my friends and I made our way to my house. Applejack was kind enough to give Pinkie and I a lift in her truck while Fluttershy was riding with Rarity in her car and Rainbow was riding her motorcycle. When I checked that my after school was over, I found a text from my Mom saying that she will be out doing errands for a few hours. I hope Spike is okay, when he was little he couldn't stand to be alone. We soon came and parked in front of my home. I unlocked it and opened my door to be greeted to a song that I didn't know echoing loudly through out the house.

(I don't own the music or this video.)

"Aw yeah, this song is sick!" Rainbow said as she slightly bobbed her head. "I thought you didn't like this kind of music, Twi."

"I don't," I replied as I frowned at some of the cursing in the song. "It must be Spike." I made a mental note to talk to Spike about it. "Spike!? It's me, Twilight, my friends and I are home!" I yelled over the music.

"Hey, Twilight!" A masculine voice yelled out from upstairs. "I'm upstairs, in my room!" The six of us took our shoes off and went up the stairs and followed the music. When we got to the room, I looked around, impressed by how much was done in such a short time. I noticed one or two boxes weren't opened yet and the ones that were, were being stacked in a corner of the room. I also noticed Spike was on his hands and knees under his desk.

"Spike?" I called out to him.

"One sec Twi," He said from under the desk. "I'm almost finish hooking up my computer. Annnnd...Done!" He crawled out from under his desk, though he accidentally hit his head. He whispered to himself, "Ow, fuck!"

"Spike! Language!" I yelled, though I'm pretty sure that I heard Rainbow and Pinkie giggle under their breaths.

"Yeah, yeah, my bad." He said, though he wasn't really sorry. He stood up as he rubbed his head. He went to turn off his music and finally faced us. "Well," He said as he spread out his arms. "Aren't you going to give your brother a hug?" I didn't need to be told twice as I gave him a big hug. To my surprise not only was he about my height, but I could feel some muscles.

"Oh my gosh I missed you so much," I took a step back to get a good look at him. I noticed that there was a small scratch on his cheek. "How did you get that?"

"Don't worry about it, it's just a scratch." He said.

"If you say so. Wow, you've gotten pretty big."

"And you've gotten a lot less pale. Finally decided to go out and get some sunlight, huh?" He said with a cheeky grin.

"Hey, I wasn't that bad." I pouted.

"No, you were worst." Spike said with a cheeky grin. He looked behind me to see my friends. "I take it that these are your friends?"

"Yes, these are my best friends," I said with a huge smile. I turned towards my friends and gestured to my brother. "Girls, this is my little brother, Spike."

"Yo," He said as he gave a two finger salute.

"Nice to meet ya partner, I'm Applejack," she introduced herself. She gave Spike her trademark handshake though he seemed completely fine.

"Same here." Spike said, matching the cowgirl's handshake.

"I'm Rainbow Dash," R.D. said with her usual prideful grin and attitude. "The most awesome person in town."

"Before I came along anyway." Spike replied with a cocky grin of his own. Rainbow gave him a somewhat annoyed look at him, but it just made his grin even bigger.

"My name is Rarity," The fashionista introduce herself next. "It is nice to make your acquaintance."

"Likewise," Spike than turn his attention to Fluttershy who was sort of hiding behind Applejack. "And who are you?"

"My name is Fluttershy." the shy girl said in her usual quiet voice.

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that. Did you say your name is Fluttershy?" Spike said, probably to make sure he heard her correctly. Fluttershy nodded her head in conformation. "Well it's very nice to meet you, Fluttershy." He said gently, already picking up on her gentle nature. He than looked around and asked, "Hey wasn't there one more person here?"

As if to answer his question, Pinkie appeared out of nowhere like she always does, much to our confusion, and tried to give Spike a huge hug. Keyword being tried. Before she could wrap her arms around him he somehow slipped out and ducked under of them and stood back up next to her. All of us stared at him at shock and amazement, even Pinkie, while he stared at Pinkie with slight amazement and confusion. Rainbow Dash was the first one to snap out of it and asked, "Okay, how did you do that?!"

That snapped Spike out of thoughts and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, how did you manage to avoid Pinkie's hug? Nobody has ever done that!" Dash said while moving her arms fast to express her point.

"Oh, that's because I have a friend back in New York that would always appear out of nowhere, half the time to scare me or prank me. After years of dealing with him I've developed something of a sixth sense for that sort of thing and jumped out of the way on instinct." He explained. He turns towards Pinkie and asked. "How the heck did you do that anyway?"

With a happy, but clueless look on her face Pinkie just says, "I don't know."

Spike blankly stares at her for a bit, either trying to tell whether or not she was lying or at how random she is. After a minute or two he just sighs to himself while rubbing his temples with his hand. Spike muttered to himself, "Easy Spike, remember what you've learn. You can't question madness, you can only avoid it or roll with it." He put his hand and asked Pinkie, "And you are?"

"I'm Pinkie!" She said in her usual energy. "Hey, do you like cake? What am I saying? Everyone likes cake! What is your favorite flavor of cake? What about flavor of ice cream? Why do you look so different from Twilight even though you're her brother? Do you like ice cream cake? Of course you do! Everyone loves cake and ice cream, so you must love ice cream cake super duper much! Do you like parties?" The baker said so fast and in one breath that the girls and I couldn't catch most of it.

Spike just blinks once before saying, much to our shock, "In that order, yes, just about any flavor, the same for ice cream, I'm adopted, yes, and yes."

"Good because I'm going to throw you a 'Welcome to Ponyville,' party!" Pinkie yells as she throws confetti into the air.

"I appreciate the thought, but you don't have to go though all that trouble-"

"It's no trouble at all, I always throw a party for each new friend I make!" She said as she gave Spike a big hug, this time letting the girl do it. Though he probably will think twice about it from the popping sounds coming from him.

"O-okay, if you say so, I'm not one to pass up free food," Spike managed to grunt out, though I noticed that he had a light, very small blush on his cheeks.

"So, got any plans Spike?" Dash asked after Pinkie finally lets him go to get some air in his lungs.

"Besides unpacking, I got nothing." Spike replied with a shrug.

"Then how about we show you around town?" Rainbow turned toward us and asked, "What do you guys think?" The rest of the girls and I voiced our agreement and turned to Spike for his answer.

With a shrug he said, "I'm almost done packing, so what the heck."

"Great, so lets get a move on ya'll." Applejack said. "So, Spike, are ya riding with me or with Rarity?"

"Don't worry about me, I got my own ride."

"Are you sure darling? I'm pretty sure you won't be able to pedal fast enough to keep up." Rarity said, voicing her concerns.

"Who said my ride was a bicycle? Besides, my ride is faster than it looks." Spike said that last part with an evil grin on his face.

For some reason I didn't like the look on his face.