//------------------------------// // Chapter 23 - Redemption // Story: Trixie's Forest Retreat // by crowscrowcrow //------------------------------// Trixie watched in horror while the roots and branches of the scattered timberwolves drew together. Even more materials were drawn in from the surrounding forest, combining into a single massive timberwolf. The process was slow, the materials floating into place bit by bit, but the intended result was clear already. A massive wooden frame stood tall amidst the smoldering wood fragments. Broken branches became teeth, leafs became a mane, fallen logs and bark became legs. Fluttershy did not seem to notice, her mane shielded her from most of the world. While the noise, if it even made any, was muted again by the small distance. All of her attention focused on making Trixie comfortable, after she’d found nothing physically wrong with her, and waiting for her to regain consciousness. No…. no no… Look over there, can’t you see it? She wanted to warn her. Say something, move, move! Despite her best efforts, Trixie’s body refused to listen to her. She had stupidly, completely drained herself, leaving her capable of nothing more than laying there. Her work came undone before her eyes, turning into something even worse. Tears started to run down Trixie’s cheeks, feeling so useless. She’d finally thought to have redeemed herself, only to be forced to watch helplessly, the creation of the beast. Feeling the warmth of Fluttershy’s embrace against her while she was cradled. Look ahead. Please, Fluttershy, look ahead. “T-Trixie? Are you in pain? I-I’m so sorry.” Fluttershy whispered, the fur on the foreleg she’s used to support Trixie’s head was matted by the tears, drawing Fluttershy’s attention. She leaned closer to see if Trixie was awake, bringing her face into the unicorns field of view. Trixie’s eyes swept up to meet Fluttershy’s, then swiftly switched between Fluttershy and the assembling timberwolf. Relief washed over her. “A-are you okay? What are you looking… at… oh… my…” Fluttershy’s mouth hung open, watching the gigantic wolf come to life. A mute roar still enough to make Fluttershy shake all over in fear, its glowing green eyes settling on the pair of ponies. “B-but how?” Fluttershy trembled while she watched the Timberwolf approach, then quickly got up and shook off the saddlebags. “I-I’m sorry Trixie…” Trixie was laid down on the forest floor by Fluttershy, making her just barely able to see even the timberwolf’s wooden paws. She could hear the bags fall to the forest floor, unable to see the pony anymore. The significance hit her a moment later, Fluttershy was a pegasus; She could easily escape if she was not grounded by the bags, she was abandoning Trixie. A flare of anger rose up in the unicorn, betrayed yet again. N-no, Fluttershy. You coward come back here! I-I will not… forget this. Tears running down her muzzle while she stared up in terror at the approaching timberwolf, the only thing she could still see. No I don’t want to die! Will it hurt? Not here not now not ever! Please make it quick. Go away go away… Her vision suddenly cut out, all she could see was a yellow blob, before it moved again. Staring in disbelief as the yellow came more into focus, hooves walking over her; the hooves came to a stop, standing between her and the timberwolf. She had never seen a set of legs shaking that hard in her life, but there they were. “E-excuse me. M-m-mister wolf. W-we are not f-food.” Fluttershy’s voice was barely above a whimper. S-she came back? Did she even leave? Thinking about it Trixie realized, she never heard Fluttershy actually leave. She watched a scared to dead Fluttershy try to reason with the massive timberwolf, but she had already admitted that she could not do so. Then what was she trying to do? In any case the timberwolf did not seem impressed, it snarled and lunged forward. Fluttershy narrowly avoided the massive jaws, she came to a halt again just a few steps away. Fluttershy seemed to speak again, though Trixie could no longer hear it, and the timberwolf attacked her again. Once again Fluttershy narrowly dodged out of its reach, and out of Trixie’s sight. Trixie could not bear to watch, but she had little choice in the matter. At first she was relieved when the game of lethal tag moved out of her line of sight, only to realize the uncertainty was even worse. Did it get Fluttershy? Did Fluttershy get away? I-is it coming back? It felt like she had been laying there forever. Left alone with just her headache and worries about the fate of herself and Fluttershy. She imagined Fluttershy; returning home safely, defeating the timberwolf, bringing reinforcements, getting eaten just a meter away. She gasped at the last image and tried to push herself up again, but failed. However, it seemed some small part of her had recovered, as she did succeed in moving a little. She took a few deep breaths then tried again, finding she was too weak to stand. She rolled onto her back, getting a much better view of her surroundings. She dreaded what she might find. Her eyes went wide as she saw the timberwolf walking towards her, only for Fluttershy to run in front of it again and tempt the wolf into another chase. Each time Fluttershy would distract the wolf and get it to follow her, clearly trying to lure it away from Trixie. Only for the wolf to get tired of chasing the swift prey and turn its sights back to Trixie, prompting Fluttershy to start over. It was painfully clear this game was taking its toll on the creamy pegasus, Trixie could see the sweaty yellow fur glistening in the scarce few beams of light that penetrated the thick canopy. It felt like delaying the inevitable, almost like torture to wait and see what would happen first. Either the timberwolf would catch Fluttershy then move on to Trixie or Fluttershy would give up and the timberwolf would come for Trixie. Perhaps, if Fluttershy holds out Trixie will recover enough to escape or help… Is that her plan? What can Trixie do? She had to think of something, anything she could do to help. Something to make it all better, but she was so tired and weak. Great and Powerful Trixie indeed… I’m weak after all. She felt hope slipping away, she even saw Fluttershy make the occasional stumble from fatigue. Her movements noticeably slower than when Trixie started watching. Fluttershy was going to run out of steam long before Trixie could even bring herself to stand. But even with that expression of sheer terror on her pale face she did not look like she was going to give up, more like she was determined to die trying. Please… don’t make Trixie watch her die, not her. Trixie took a deep breath, resigning herself. There was one thing she could think of doing. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash was right, you really are brave… Trixie would have liked to get to know you better, to see what other wonders you were hiding… Thank you for everything… but you’ve done enough. Thank you for giving Trixie one more week, a great week. Trixie is sorry she cannot keep her promise, she won’t teach you how to tell a tale after all… She turned head up at the canopy above, lamenting she could not see the sky. All the more because it meant there was no chance of someone spotting them from above. As vain a hope as it would have been, she’d have given just about anything to see another Rainbow streak. She would have settled for just the sky. It would have been nice, one last time, even if it’s not the nightsky… That reminds Trixie. Rainbow Dash, you moron, Trixie would have liked to argue with you again, it was actually kind of fun. Is that was friends are like? Please take care of Fluttershy. Trix—… I… I am sorry. I’m going to hurt her again. She swallowed, trying hard to keep from shaking too much. She stared up at the canopy for a few more seconds than closed her eyes, taking steady breaths. How did you put it again Flitter Bouquet? It’s a great spell for beginners to start with, since it takes almost no energy, because it does nothing? Just some lights? Thank you for teaching me, I practiced it a lot, even years after I never stopped using it in my shows. I wish I could have been the bigger mare, I wish you could see it, The Great and Powerful Last Show. I still follow your instructions… “Remember happy colorful memories, and wish to share them.” Trixie’s horn began to glow a soft pink, a spell so well known, so weak, that it did not even hurt to perform it. Small pink sparks rising up from her horn, shining brightly than changing in color as they streaked upwards and exploded into fireworks. The first colors pink, than mixed in yellow, than slowly each color of the rainbow mixed in with the light show setting off from her horn. A beautiful fireworks display rising up above and around her. If there was one thing Trixie was even better at than boasting or magic, it was to get and keep the attention of anyone. Be they teachers, classmates, townsfolk, beautiful and exhausted cistus colored mares, or massive timberwolves.