Love Sick

by FlameingToast

Confrontation & Contemplation

Twilight looked at herself in her bedroom mirror. It must've been around ten minutes since Rarity left, along with Spike. Her swirling emotions were so conflicted at this point, that even she couldn't tell what she was feeling. But the worst, the absolute worst thing was that one question kept plaguing her. Do I really love her?

Of course I do! Twilight thought, with less determination than she had in the previous days. The poison couldn't replicate feelings this meaningful! Twilight sighed, sitting on the floor. But isn't that what it's supposed to do? Replicate love flawlessly so that the afflicted could not tell it was fake? Twilight sighed, and got up from the ground.

She slowly trotted over to her window and looked out at Ponyville. She leaned her face against the cool glass, and looked for Spike or Rarity. They were nowhere in sight. They must be at the Carousel Boutique. Then, her thoughts returned in full force. Do I love her? Twilight felt like the answer was yes. How could it not be? Even just thinking of her caused her heart to speed up. But was it real, true love?

Twilight had learned from the books she and Rarity had been reading that love potions and poisons usually cloud judgment, so that the afflicted doesn't realize exactly why they love the pony, they just know they do love the pony. So, why do I love Rarity? The first thing that came to mind was her beauty, how her mane was always so perfect, how her eyes shined when she was excited to begin working on a new order, plus she did have a very nice figure. But those were all physical attributes, and rather shallow if they were the only reason she loved Rarity.

"That can't be the only reason, she's also"...Twilight trailed off, failing to find any good reasons other than that. It was at this point her lips started to quiver, and her eyes grew watery. Do her?

Twilight trotted over to her desk. No, I just need to organize my thoughts! Yeah, make a list! Twilight sat down at her desk and picked up a quill with her aura.

She opened her research notebook up to a blank page, and wrote at the top of the paper: "Desirable Traits." She immediately wrote down all of Rarity's physical traits that were alluring, and then tried to think of other ones. After about five minutes of serious thought...the side of the page indicating alluring personality traits was still empty.

Giving a sigh of frustration, Twilight stared determinedly at the page. I will. No, I have to prove I love Rarity.


Spike ran up to the front door of the Carousel Boutique, and started knocking rapidly on the door.

"Rarity!" Spike yelled, banging on the door harder "I know you're in there! Please let me in!"

A muffled voice answered from behind the door "Spike...please leave me alone."

"I'm not leaving until you talk to me!" Spike adamantly responded. He stood, tapping his foot impatiently, in front of the door for a few more seconds before it was opened.

"Fine, what did you want to talk about." Rarity curtly said. Her mane was in slight disarray, and her eyes were cloudy. Most of all she looked mad, and the last thing Spike wanted was that anger directed at him.

"I just wanted to see how you're feeling, ya know, after-" Spike started as he followed Rarity into her house.

Rarity quickly spoke over him "You will never speak of it. I am fine, and I would like some peace!" Rarity snapped.

Spike frowned "Alright, I'm sorry. I just wanted to see if you were okay."

Rarity sighed, walking toward the kitchen "I'm sorry for lashing out like that, I'm a little confused right now."

Spike raised an eyebrow "Confused? I just thought Twi had crossed the line...again, and you were really mad."

Rarity didn't say anything for a few seconds, instead pouring herself a glass of water.

"Would you like some?" Rarity offered, much more composed. Spike shook his head, and remained silent as he sat at a small table in the kitchen. Rarity sighed once again and sat down across from him. She took a few sips of her water, glad to soothe her dry throat.

"I'm confused because..." Rarity trailed off, struggling to find the right words. "Well, ever since the night I had that dream I've been thinking all these weird thoughts."

"Dream? What dream?" Spike asked, confused.

Rarity blushed "Never mind the details." She coughed, taking another sip of water. "Basically I feel like I may be falling in love-"

"Falling in love?" Spike interjected.

"Maybe love isn't the right word, but I fear I am becoming infatuated with...Twilight." Rarity hung her head. "I know right now she's basically brainwashed, but after she's cured part of me wants her to still feel the same, albeit less clingy and insane. I'm sorry for just blurting all this out, but I'm really confused right now."

Spike stared "But, Rarity...I was going-, we were-..." Spike got up from the table. "I think I need a walk..." Spike quietly muttered, his expression neutral. However, the sadness in his eyes was a heartbreaking sight for Rarity.

"Spike, I-" Rarity started, guilt beginning to fill her mind.

"I'll be back in a little bit..." Spike replied calmly, glad he wasn't facing Rarity. This way she couldn't see the small tears rolling down his cheek. He quickly walked out of the kitchen, and slammed the door on his way out.

Rarity couldn't exactly blame him for his reaction. She knew he liked her, and that there would come a time she would just have to tell him they would never work out; which was more or less what she had done, after admitting her thoughts and feelings. I thought they said when it comes to things you don't want to do, the best way is to just get it out in the open. Rarity thought, guilt creeping into her mind. Just like ripping off a hurts for a bit, and then it's all better.

Only instead of doing that I decided to wait until his little crush grew, Rarity laid her head on the table. She was sick. Sick of all these feelings. Sick of the worrying. Sick of Twilight's incessant flirting. Sick of actually finding it cute. I need a break, stay in Canterlot or Manehatten for a few days and just get away.

Actually, that's not a bad idea. Rarity started to smile, momentarily distracted. Make sure Spike and Twilight are okay, then bring Sweetie Belle back to mom and dad. I could sort out all my thoughts while relaxing in luxury. Rarity looked around the kitchen, unsure of what to do but feeling slightly better.

Who should I talk to first? Inevitably she would need to see both, but who to find first? Spike was off somewhere, while Twilight was most certainly back at her house. We left Twilight alone! Rarity shot up from the table, and started trotting towards the library. In all the fuss, she had sort of forgotten Twilight was still very sick and should, under no circumstances, be left alone!


It really wasn't a good feeling. Having the pony you loved say she was in love with your best friend was never fun. Spike looked down at his reflection. He was at a pond that he liked to visit every now and again. It was a little past Fluttershy's cottage, and really not that big. But it was quiet, and a nice way to get away from it all. It was in a small clearing of trees, and the trees around the area gave him protection from anypony who happened to pass by.

So...what now? He picked up a small pebble by the edge of the water, and threw it up in the air. Catching it, he sighed and tossed it into the water. Spike watched as the ripples interrupted the calm and mirror like water. His own image becoming distorted until the water returned to its calm state.

On some level he had always known it wouldn't work out between them. Sure, there might have been a few chances were they might've, just might've, gotten together. But...nothing ever came of the situations. Their friendship had grown though, and Spike had to admit it was great having Rarity as a friend.

All those moments, laughing with her and their friends, helping her with dresses however he could...everything gave him hope that it would somehow magically work out. Guess I was wrong, Spike thought with a frown. Even though he felt like he should be angry, he felt something more akin to light disappointment.

Am I sad she didn't pick me? Of course, Spike thought with a touch of resentment. But should I really be mad? It's her feelings, and if Twilight and Rarity do end up getting together after all this, it would be really awkward if I held a grudge.

"Ugh, this is why I hate love." Spike muttered, falling back onto the grass. It would take some time, but I'm sure I could get used to them together. After a few more minutes of reflection, he got up from the ground and brushed himself off. His expression now determined.

I'll talk with Rarity, and make sure that there is absolutely no chance for us. If there isn't...I can find a way to support her and Twi. Spike glanced at his reflection in the pond once more and smiled slightly. No matter the answer, although he had almost resigned himself to a no, he would get his question answered. Then, maybe this ordeal would end.


It was late afternoon by the time Twilight heard somepony knocking loudly on her door. She sprang up from her desk where her still nearly empty list resided, and trotted downstairs. She opened the door to find the exact mare she wanted to see.

"Rarity! Oh thank Celestia you're here!" Twilight grinned, although it didn't stay for long once the list returned to her mind.

"Why? Is something wrong!?" Rarity nervously asked "Are you alright?"

"Well, I guess I am." She frowned "I just wanted to apologize for kissing you, I shouldn't have done that."

Rarity breathed a quiet sigh of relief, glad she wouldn't be carrying Twilight back to the hospital "It's fine darling, tomorrow everything can return to normal and we can move past all this." And you won't love me anymore, Rarity stopped walking after Twilight into the library.

"You won't love me anymore." Rarity muttered, drawing a confused expression from Twilight.

"Huh? What did you say?" Twilight asked.

"Nothing." Rarity quickly replied, eager to change subjects "Do you know where Spike is?"

Twilight's smile once again transformed into a frown "Uh...not since he ran off after you, why?"

"He and I need to talk about a few things." Rarity smiled "But for now why don't we relax. I could make us some hot chocolate, as long as you promise not to do anything too-"

Twilight interrupted her "I know the drill. Don't do anything crazy." The room was silent for a few moments before Twilight dissolved into giggles. Pretty soon Rarity followed suit, and they both were laughing loudly.

"I needed that." Rarity said, grinning after they had stopped laughing. It felt like a weight had been lifted off of her chest, and no matter if they did get together; they would still be great friends.

"What, to laugh?" Twilight asked, a smile similar to Rarity's adorning her own face. "I guess I did too. Now, let's get that hot chocolate. Although I doubt it could be hotter than-"

"Watch it!" Rarity glared, although blushing faintly.

"Ah, that's adorable!" Twilight laughed as Rarity's face grew more red.

"Quiet, you." Rarity couldn't help but chuckle herself.


Spike walked back into the tree house once the sun had begun it's slow descent. He was met with Rarity and Twilight sitting across from each other, drinking hot chocolate and talking. It was just like normal. Well, the occasional offhand comment from Twilight wasn't.

"What are you two doing?" Spike asked.

"Oh, Spike!" Rarity sprang up from the couch "If you want talk, please tell me. I feel a little guilty for not saying something sooner, and I hate to see my favorite little dragon sad."

Spike shook his head "Later. Right now I want to grab a hot chocolate and relax. It's been a long day."

Rarity broke into a warm smile "Thank you Spike, right now I just want to have some fun with my friends."

Twilight patted the empty cushion next to her "C'mon Spike, I was just telling Rarity about the time I found all those comic books you had written-"

"Twilight!" Spike exclaimed.

The rest of the night was spent in each other's company. They all laughed and smiled, glad their relationship hadn't been ruined. But each pony knew in some form or the other it had changed, but whatever it was was eluding Twilight. She fell asleep to the thought that maybe Rarity did like her. Which in and of itself was comforting, but come tomorrow when she was cured-

Stop it! She thought, on the verge of sleep. It's not like you loved her before the poison. With that almost saddening thought, Twilight drifted off to an uneasy sleep.