//------------------------------// // Magician // Story: I am getting short with you. // by Unicarny //------------------------------// Imbiciles. I'm surrounded by them. Incompetent, mindless fools. The circus strongman (well, minotaur), with his "Stronger than you, and I'll prove it too" attitude? Okay, you can lift ten ponies with one arm. I can make you explode from a hundred hooves away. The exotic dancer? more like erotic dancer. She's slept with half of the circus, and half of the towns we have been to. Literally. The acrobats? Please. I'd be more impressed to see an earth pony do that instead of pegasi. The clowns? Don't get me started. I stomped into my trailer, slamming the door shut. I levitated my hat and cloak up onto their respective hooks as I flopped onto my bed. Which happened to double as my couch. Or table. Or desk. A knock on the door. "WHO DARES DISTURB THE WONDERFULL AND SPLENDIFEROUS UNO?" I yell, using throwing a book at the door. The door swings open with a roar of magic and the whole world is tinted light blue for a moment. "IS THAT ANY WAY TO SPEAK TO THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE?" I gasp. "Trixie!" The light blue mare smirks, stepping inside. "How have you found Uno?" "The Great and Powerful Trixie has made some connections in the past months. It was easy tracking you down," she replied, grinning. "The Wonderful and Splendiferous Uno is confused. You said you never wanted to see me again." I said. "The Great and Powerful Trixie has found some... errors in the way she does things. recent events have changed the way she sees the world." I was definitely confused. "What do you mean? Events?" "The Great and Powerful Trixie has done some very wrong things in her life. It took a whole town of ponies to make her see that she wasn't going about things in the right way." "What are you getting at?" She spoke softly, tears welling up in her eyes. "The Great and Powerful Trixie is getting at this. Ever since she was separated from her brother, she.. I have become a cruel, spiteful mare. I want to atone for what I have done, and this is the first stop." She looked at me, a faint glimmer of hope on her tear-streaked face. "Will you travel with me again, brother?"