//------------------------------// // Chapter 7: Earlier That Day // Story: An Equestrian Freedom // by FullMetalFurbee //------------------------------// Cian led his grandfather and Luna to the site of the attack. Upon entering the grim shed, he nearly lost his stomach. “Mother of god! Oh Jesus! Get in here! She's dying! She's almost dead!” Luna shoved Cian out of the way and knelt down beside Twilight. The mare's body was shattered and her fur was iced over with frozen blood. “Celestia!” Luna screamed into a summoned orb. “Celestia it's an emergency! Twilight's been attacked! Her back is broken and she has severe black magic poisoning! Hypothermia has set in and her heartbeat is faint! Oh Lord... Please no...” She sheltered Twilight with her entire body. She lit her horn and forced an onrush of energy into her. “Cian! Neeson! Find something to start a fire! We need warmth now!” The two frantically snatched up the sleeping bag and pulled the table over. “Here Princess!” Luna set the cloth ablaze before focusing her magic back into Twilight. “I need to purge her body of the black magic. I can keep her alive for a while, but... she's not going to live without a hospital. Cian, go the village and get all the help you can! Neeson, keep building that fire! Oh please, hang on Twilight...” Cian shot out the door. An orb appeared and spilled Celestia's voice. “Can you save her?” Tears welled up in Luna's eyes as she hysterically pumped magic into the unconscious Twilight. “She's not responding... I – I don't know...”