Lyra Heartstrings: A Human Story

by Brony_Brohoof

Chapter One: Total Twist

The day was gorgeous, like always in ponyville. On her walk around SugarCube Corner, Lyra stopped to get a blue cupcake. She wrapped it up and started on her way home. The cupcake gave off a strong odor. Not unpleasant-but strange. Blue crystals were coated on the frosting. It looked delicious! When Lyra reached her house next-door to Bon Bon, she unwrapped the cupcake and took a bite. Suddenly, her vision went blurry and the world was spinning. "If only I had hands, I could grab onto something!", Lyra thought. Swirling away, everything went black.

When she awoke, she was lying on a black floor. Her head ached and her horn was scraped up. She reached for her head and regretted it. Her hoof was bloody and soar. She stood up and began to walk when she heard something. A voice! "Uhhh...Hello?" Said someone behind her. She turned around dizzily, and was too shocked to move. A human! He was tall and had a blonde mane. He was dressed in a casual black......thing. He was carrying two heavy books. But what Lyra saw next shocked her. HANDS!

"Hello?" he repeated.

"H...H...Hi!?" stammered Lyra.

"Are you okay? You look pretty...beaten up." He said. Lyra thought. Am I okay? Hmmmm...

"Yeah.. I think so." Lyra spat. Lies! Lies! Lies! Lies! chanted voices in her head. Suddenly, a loud noise exploded into the day.

"I guess schools over. Want to come with me?"

The human showed Lyra into a car. (At least thats what he called it). When she looked in the mirror, she was overwhelmed with shock! She was a human too! She had light skin and light green hair. Green eyes, and braces. She looked good!

"My name is Jace. What about you?"

"Lyra" What if he's a murderer? What if he wants to kidnap you? Lyra could not quiet her brain.

Jace smiled and said, "Where do you live?" So he is a murderer! Or maybe a robber! A kidnapper? She screamed as loud as she could. Her throat was soar, but she didn't stop.

"WOAH! What's wrong?"

"Please let me go home! I miss Bon Bon! Let me go! Let me go!" she pleaded. Tears were forming in her eyes.

"I want to know where you live so I can drop you off! Im not some sort of kidnapper!" Breathing heavily, Lyra was flushed with relief. Suddenly, a though hit her; I don't know where I am!

"Uh...hehe..uhhhh...I don't know," she managed. Worry consumed her throat and stomach, to a point where she though she might be sick.

"What do you mean,"I don't know?"" She explained to him that she was from a different place-she didn't say where-and that she was taking a vacation. She also said that she had nowhere to say.

"You could stay with me I guess." he said. Stay with him?!?! I barely know him! What if he does bad things!? What if he never lets me leave?!

"Okay" was all she said.

When she arrived at Jace's house, she hopped out of the car. He unlocked the door to his house and walked in. Lyra had noticed that there were no cars parked outside. Doesn't he live with his parents? I know Applejack lives with her grandma!

Lyra asked, "Do you live with anyone else?"

He responded, "Nah. I'm living alone for now. Well I guess you are here now. So yeah, I live with you." Lyra blushed at the last comment. Her mind played his words over and over again,"So yeah, I live with you."

When she walked inside, goosebumps rose on her arms. It was colder then the outside air, and Lyra was in a crop-top. When they got to the end of the hall, it was dark. In Ponyville, we would have had some windows open.

"Like it?" said Jace. He had a sense of satisfaction on his face. Lyra thought. It was cozy, but almost too cozy. What would Twilight do?

"Yeah." She knew she wasn't telling the whole truth, but technically she wasn't lying.

She followed Jace towards a TV and sat on a couch. Finally, I can sit like a human and not be judged! Jace turned on some show called South Park, which Lyra thought was a stupid name for a show. They watched that for a while, but Lyra only pretended to enjoy it. It was making Jace laugh, so she thought it must be human humor. When that was done, they watched Sherlock, which Lyra did enjoy.

She decided that life with Jace would be good and that she would only stay until she figured out how to get home. I sure will miss this place when I get back to Ponyville. If I get back to Ponyville. She looked sideways at Jace, but he was too focused on John Watson's wife to notice. Lyra rolled her eyes and thought, boys. Sherlock lasted for what seemed like forever, which was actually only an hour and a half. Lyra layed down a little and snuggled up against a pillow.

"Are you tired?" asked Jace," You can camp out here by the TV."

Lyra agreed to his idea and decided to get some rest. That night, she had a very strange dream. She was back in Ponyville, and everyone was looking for her. She tried to talk to everypony, but they couldn't see or hear her. Bon Bon was crying, and so was Fluttershy. Sadly, Lyra walked across Equestria looking for somepony who could see her. Suddenly, Celestia apeared in front of Lyra!

"Lyra Heartstrings, you are banished from Equestria! FOREVER!