Apples or Lightning

by MimitehDragon

The Innocent Spa Date

Big Macintosh had continued laying there with his head on his hooves for a long while. He contemplated what happened, replaying it in his head over and over. Apple Jack had left, telling him that perhaps she could give him advice later, but right now he needed some time to think. Mac kind of agreed.
As he thought, a certain dark grey pegasus came to mind. The one that had stopped him on the way to Fluttershy's. If he'd done what the other stallion had said, restricted himself, he wouldn't be in this situation. He would probably still be with Fluttershy.
Macintosh considered this possibility for a while. What if this pony could give him further advice. He could even fix this whole thing.
The red stallion then decided he would find this grey pegasus and ask him for advice about what to do in order to convince the butter colored mare to forgive him for his actions.

As Soarin followed Fluttershy into the spa, he felt oddly comfortable. He looked at the two mares that greeted them. "Hey, can I get some sort of private spa day for two?" He said, unsure of how spas worked. "Or.. something.. like.. that."
"We have just the thing." One said. "That'll be seventy bits, sir."
"Oh my, Soarin, you don't need to spend so much!" Fluttershy exclaimed, "Goodness, no, I don't want to be such a burden."
"It's alright, Flutters. I can afford it." He chided, taking out a bit sack from Celestia knows where. Let's not go into detail.
He counted the coins he had and set seventy bits in the hoof of one of the mares. "There ya go!" He said, smiling.
"Right this way, sir."
They were led into a large room, clearly for the private use of individuals. It had a massage table, a mud bath, a hot tub, a steam room and sauna, everything a pony could hope for.
They were left alone and Soarin looked around. "How about.. hmm.. steam room sounds nice." He mused, looking at Shy with a smile and leading her over to the small room.
Inside, it was very hot and more humid than a sauna. The misty air fogged up the room, giving it a cloud-like, whitish glow. Soarin sat down and watched Fluttershy sit at the other side. "Don't be shy, come on! You've sat next to me before." He teased, waving her over.
Shy nodded and scooted on the bench over to him with a squeaky pink tint on her cheeks and her mane hiding some of her face.
Soarin gazed for a moment at the mare's smooth yellow coat, which was glistening with the moisture of the room and her own sweat from the heat. She had let her head rest on the wall behind her and was smiling softly.
Soarin realised that she was dozing off and smiled, knowing that she must've been stressed out and tired.
He tried his very best not to allow his eyes to drift downward or explore. Apparently, this whole time that was what kept him from noticing a scar on her foreleg.
Soarin looked closer, seeing what definitely looked like teeth marks. He looked at her face and frowned. What happened to her?
The pale pegasus blinked worriedly, but decided not to wake her up or bother her about it. Sitting back against the wall, he sighed. This was nice.
The stallion heard a light, quiet snore coming from the pegasus next to him. He grinned. Even her snoring was cute.
As Soarin sat there, savoring the knowledge of where he was and who he was with, he felt a light thump on his shoulder. He looked down at Fluttershy, who wss still dozing but now with her head resting on his shoulder.
The stallion blushed and shifted slightly, carefully, sure not to wake her up, and let her head rest on his chest with a hoof lightly holding the mare's head close.
He admired her, not believing his luck. He was in a spa with the most adorable, most beautiful mare he'd ever laid eyes on. Soarin wanted so badly just to squeeze her and hug her until the end of his days.
Fluttershy began to stir slightly, letting herself fall so that her head was cradled in the pale pegasus's lap. "Mm.. " she murmured, dreaming about Soarin, which he wasn't aware of. "Soa...rin.. h... hold me.."
He had no idea she was still asleep. Thinking that she was actually taking to him - well, technically she was, but the point is across - he blushed beet red. "Okay.." he whispered, awkwardly sliding his other hoof under her and pulling her to his chest. He held her there, wondering why she was so quiet and.. kind of limp.
"Mmm..." her voice was quiet, but there. "Ju...jus like.. that..." She let out a small, muffled giggle.
Soarin blushed redder. "Wha..?" He was confused. Definitely confused. Why was she suddenly so.. different? Clearly, he had no objections though, as his wings wouldn't quite stay closed, wanting to extend stiffly. He looked at her face after moving her so that he could. Her eyes were still closed..?
As he began to realize what just happened with an embarrassed smile, an other small snore escaped the mare's lips. Soarin slowly let her relax again, pulling his hooves back. Her head rested in his lap again, and he continued to blush and look away.

Fluttershy began to doze off where she sat. The warmth of the steam room relaxed her.
Soarin took her hoof and pulled her toward him in the seat. His hooves rested at her hips and his ravenous eyes stared deeply into hers.
The handsome stallion placed a hoof on each side of her face and pressed his lips passionately into hers.
"Mmfph.." she sighed into his mouth.
When he broke the kiss, he pulled her close with his hooves back at her back.
"Oh, Soarin.. hold me.." she begged.
He turned her in her seat and wrapped his forelegs around her waist. After nuzzling the back of her neck for a while, he let go, moving his hooves slowly to her wings.
"Soarin.. gentle.." she whispered
He nodded, smiling, and took one wing in his hooves, guiding it out into an extended position. He ran his hoof over the limb, gently drawing out a muffled sigh as Fluttershy held her hoof to her mouth.
"Mmmrphf" her voice was quiet and low.
Soarin grinned, clearly satisfied with the result of his efforts. He moved to the other wing, stroking it carefully and then nuzzling a sensitive spot he found with considerable pressure.
"Just.. like.. that..." she urged him, closing her eyes. "Don't stop.. please.." the mare added.
He reached forward and pressed his muzzle to the side of her neck in a kiss.
Fluttershy's eyes blinked open. The world was sideways. She felt what she thought was Soarin's kiss on the side of her neck, but soon realized she was laying on his legs. She slowly sat up, not looking at him. It was a dream. She was relieved in a sense, but also disappointed.
"W..what in the world were you dreaming about?" Soarin's face was red. Very, very red.
He heard.. I was talking in my sleep! she thought back to what she was saying in the dream. Goodness, it must've sounded like we were.. oh gosh.. oh no.. Fluttershy looked at him. "Definitely not about you or anything.." her lie was oh so convincing.
He laughed. "So it was about another Soarin? I see, so in you dream, you and this other soarin were hav-"
Fluttershy shook her head quickly. "No, no! We were.. you were.. I.." She groped for a non-obscene way to explain.
"Oh, so it was me." He said, teasing the mare.
She let her head dip low. "Y-yes.." Fluttershy then looked at him. "But we weren't.. we didn't do.. that.. in the dream. You.. you uhm.."
Soarin smiled, putting a hoof on her shoulder. "It's fine, it waas only a dream. You don't have to worry about it." His eyes then showed a mischievous glint.
"But I'm still gonna try and figure out what we were doing." He purred. "And I'm gonna keep doing different things until I get the reaction I was being practically molested with while you were asleep." Soarin joked, grinning playfully. However, maybe he was serious..