Shadows of the Past

by Double Rainbow

Chapter 6: Winter Chills

The scribbling of a pen on paper was the only soft sound besides the clock ticking in Flash Sentry's office. He had been redecorating it, and was still not finished. He had added some nice plants to the office, and replaced the black, stone walls with glass. He felt that his guards should be able to see their Captain without any fear, unlike the old Captain.

Flash continued to write out bills and checks to various ponies to pay for Royal Guardsmen expenses, when the mare who worked at the front desk knocked on his door. Flash motioned for her to enter, and she did. "Captain, a letter from the Crystal Empire sir." She held up a envelope to Flash as she walked up to his desk.

"Thank you Moonshine." He obliged to the mare. "Dismissed." The mare saluted and headed back to her desk. Flash stared at the envelope. It had the Crystal Heart stamp on it, and was addressed to him.

Flash took out a knife he kept in his desk drawer and sliced open the top of the envelope with ease. He proceeded to pull out a neatly folded letter, in which he sighed with relief and guilt at the same time when he saw who the letter was from when he began to read it.

Captain Flash Sentry,

I have available time to spend with you today at 8 o'clock tonight. I have arranged a 10:30 AM train ride for you to use as transportation. Do not worry about tickets, just tell them your name. I understand that whatever you need to tell me must be urgent, and I am pleased you have come to me. I will meet you tonight at the Crystal Palace.

Captain Shining Armor

Flash looked over the letter grimly. If only you knew what I was going to tell you. He thought darkly. He had slept well the night before, but he fell asleep and woke up almost in a panicked state. He gazed over at his grandfather clock in his office, which read 9:30 AM. He would have to leave soon to catch his train ride to the Crystal Empire.

Flash stood up from his desk and walked over to his where his armor, Royal Guard Uniform, and a coat would be. While his armor was hung up nicely, he took the coat off its hanger and slid it on over his uniform. He grabbed the letter and slid into one of the inside pockets of the coat, and took at nice fedora hat, since he heard it was raining today. He looked out his office window to confirm that, as rain fell into Canterlot.

Being the Captain of the Royal Guard, Flash was allowed to bring a weapon with him into public, though it had to be concealed to avoid panic. Flash put what looked an ordinary glove on his right forehoof, and when he flicked his wrist, a sharp blade extended from the glove. With another flick the blade retracted back into the glove. Flash admired it, for it would keep him safe should his ordinary hoof-to-hoof training fail him.

Flash walked out of his office and peered over at the desk pony, Moonshine, who was writing something out on a piece of paper. "I'm heading to the train station, I'll be leaving for a few days to go to the Crystal Empire." He interrupted Moonshine from her business.

She looked up. "But sir, who should lead the guards in case of an attack?" She asked him.

Flash tapped his chin with a hoof, then looked back to her after a few moments, "Night Breeze and Dust Storm." he concluded.

Moonshine looked befuddled. "...Sir?" She asked. Flash knew she was curious about two ponies controlling the Royal Guard at once.

Flash nodded to her. "I want them to command the guard together. I know they will be fine." Moonshine nodded, and Flash turned and headed out of the Royal Guard HQ.

He proceed down the many corridors guarded by ponies who saluted as he walked past them until he arrived to the main gates. When he was officially out Canterlot Castle, he turned around to look at it once more before he left.

To Flash it felt discomforting to leave the only place he felt he knew, but he had to do this. So he ventured away from the castle through the pouring rain. Flash payed little attention to the ponies running through the rain, and he strolled along the streets towards the train station.

As Flash took his time, he stopped to look back at the Canterlot Clocktower, since he isn't a fan of wearing a watch. The clocktower read 10:00 AM. Flash grinned, he had time, but he didn't want to waste it doing randomized activities, so he continued on his path the train station.

When Flash got to the busier section of the Canterlot, a lot of ponies gasped at the sight of him and some ponies even came up to shake his hoof and say, "Thank you for your service." Flash enjoyed the attention, and replied mostly with a simple, "My pleasure." and responses along those lines.

At one point a news pony ran up to Flash, thrusting a camera into his face and blinding him with a flash of light. Flash stumbled back in disarray. "Sorry, sir! But, if you don't mind I'd like to ask a few questions." Some pony talked to Flash.

After rubbing his eyes for a few moments, Flash looked up at the pony. "Sorry," He talked to angered, gritted teeth. "but I have a train to catch and I can't be side-tracked." With that Flash began to walk away, but the news pony followed him.

Flash knew the pony was behind him, but he continued walking. When the pony sped up to walk alongside Flash he began asking questions again. Which Flash answered as simply as possible.

"So where are you headed?"

"Train station."

"To go where?"

"None of your concern."


"Would you mind your own business?" Flash stopped and narrowed his eyes at the pony. "I would like to go somewhere without be plundered with questions." He gestured for the pony to leave, so he did.

Flash sighed and looked back at the Canterlot Clocktower, which now read 10:20 AM. Buck! I knew I couldn't get sidetracked! He panicked as he began sprinting to the train station.

Flash burst through the train station doors and headed to his terminal, he heard the "last call" announcement for his train as he sprinted for it, and hearing the announcement made him move even faster.

As the train readied to pull out, Flash dove on board through the doors at the last moment, just making it, for the doors slammed shut as soon as he got on.

Ponies stared at him, some in shock, some in awe because they felt like they were meeting a celebrity. Flash stood up with the aid of some kind ponies around him.

"Are you ok?" A stallion asked him, while helping Flash up.

Flash grunted. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks."

The pony stared at him. "Are you, Captain Flash Sentry?"

Flash took off his hate, and ran a hoof through his mane. "Yeah. Why?" He asked, out of breath from his run.

The pony stuck out a hoof. "Pleasure to meet you sir."

Flash shook the ponies hoof. "Likewise, who are you?"

"Eh, ponies call me Rustle. But names aren't important, why are you taking a train? I'd expect you to be flown to wherever you're going." Rustle rubbed the back of his neck.

Flash tilted his head. "I wanted to be in public. I don't feel any different, why should I be treated any different?

Rustle nodded. "Good point." The two ponies stood around for a while, Flash still getting stares of awe from other ponies.

Flash exhaled, he was getting hot. He took off his coat, revealing his Royal Guard Uniform he had still been wearing. Ponies gasped and smiled at him, making Flash very uncomfortable. He looked to his new friend. "Say, Rustle, want to head to the lounge car?" He asked.

Rustle nodded. "Sure." He stepped aside and bowed. "After you."

Flash smiled and walked ahead of him. "Thank you." When he passed, Rustle got up and followed Flash through the train cars until the made it to the Lounge Car.

The two ponies sat down at the first open table. Flash put his coat down at his side and rested his hooves on the table. Rustle did the same.

A waiter came to their table eventually. "Can I get you ponies anything?" The stallion asked.

Rustle looked up at the waiter. "Can I have some coffee? Whatever milk is fine, no sugar." Then gestured to Flash.

"Uh, do you have Green Tea?" Flash asked the waiter, who nodded in confirmation. "Then I'll have that, with honey too."

The waiter finished writing down their order and closed the notepad. "Alright I'll be right back." He said and trotted off, leaving Flash and Rustle alone at their table.

Rustle looked over at Flash. "So what brings you to the Crystal Empire? Official business I'm assuming?" He started the conversation.

Flash nodded. "You got that right. I'm meeting Shining Armor. Not saying when and where. That's none of your concern." He responded.

Rustle lifted a hoof. "I understand. You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to. I do have to ask one thing though." He confessed.

Flash raised an eyebrow. "What's that Rustle?"

With a slow movement, Rustle pulled out a small picture and pen from his pocket. "Can you sign this?"

Rustle passed the picture to Flash, when he looked at it and smiled. It was a picture of Flash in his guard armor, back when he was a regular guard. He was smiling in the picture, and this made Flash smiled even more on the outside.

He looked to Rustle, who was grinning as well, as if asking, "Oh Celestia please sign it." Flash took the pen, "Sure Rustle." and signed his name on the picture. He then took one last look at the picture, then gave it back to Rustle.

"Thanks." Rustle said as he put the picture back in his pocket. "I've been trying to get you to sign that for years." He told Flash. "I look up to you Flash. Is it ok if I call you Flash?" He stopped, but Flash nodded his approval.

The waiter brought their drinks, and they began to take small sips to avoid getting burned by the hot liquids. Rustle put down his mug and looked at Flash. "What's it like?" He asked.

Flash stopped his mug at the tip of his mouth an looked up. "Huh?" He responded with a puzzled look.

Rustle shrugged. "Well, what's it like, being Captain of the Royal Guard, being showered by fans and cameras. How is it?" He asked, clearly wanted an answer, because he had his head resting on his hooves, and his forehooves resting on the table. He looked comparable to a filly learning about the discovery of candy.

Flash placed his cup down gently. "Stressful. Very stressful." He sighed.

Rustle leaned in closer. "And what about the paparazzi?" He asked.

"Annoying. Very annoying. The cameras are blinding, and having questions being shoved at you one after the next is tiresome." Flash responded. "The ponies who just give regular 'hellos' and go to shake my hoof or even salute me are the ponies I like."

Rustle nodded. "I can see why. Just an ordinary hoof-shake is much better than being blinded by a camera the second you walk out of the castle." He added. "Speaking of the castle, what's it like living in there?"

Flash tapped his hoof, thinking of a response. "Heh, it takes some time to get used to. It's a pretty big place, I myself got lost a few times when I first started my career." He grinned as he recalled his earlier memories.

Rustle grinned at Flash. "Was it ever embarrassing when you got lost?"

"Always. Especially if another guard had to bring me back." Flash chuckled.

A smash sounded from what seemed like a few train cars away. The sound echoed through Flash's ears, the sound of glass shattering, and his senses kicked in. He perked up and looked at Rustle. "Let's go check that out."

Flash quickly slid out from the booth and trotted past everypony through the Lounge Car. He took a quick look behind him, only to see Rustle flowing close behind.

When the two ponies made it out of the Lounge Car and into another passenger car full of ponies. Flash tried to make his way through as quickly as possible. All of a sudden, a shriek came from the same car as before, making Flash burst into a full gallop. He pushed aside all the ponies in his path to get to the door.

Flash rammed the door into the next car, to see two ponies fighting each other, one with a knife help up to the other pony's neck. It only wasn't going in because the other pony was holding him back. Rustle came in after him and skidded to a halt to stare wide-eyed at the two brawling ponies.

The fight seemed to halt when the door came crashing down and Flash entered. Both ponies stopped struggling and stared at Flash. The pony with the knife, looked back at the pony he was currently fight, then pushed him off and charged at Flash, with his knife raised.

Flash ducked and slammed into the stallion's rear hooves, making him flip over Flash and into a wall. The stallion stood up and charged at Flash again, who tried to drive out of the way, but due to lack of space and situational awareness, he fell right into a chair and hit his head on the wall, dazing him for a few moments.

Those few moments were enough for Flash's attack to make a move, as Flash flipped over on his back to get up, the pony dove on top of him and thrust his knife down to Flash's head.

Flash managed to catch the pony's hoof and slow the knife to a halt about an inch from his muzzle. Flash struggled, knowing he wasn't going to last longer. Knowing that his hooves had failed him, he flicked his right wrist, extending his hidden blade, and rammed his hoof into his attacker side. Flash gritted his teeth, and kept ramming his hoof several times into the pony's lung area, until the pony let go of his knife and Flash was able to throw him off with the assistance of his friend.

Rustle stared at Flash, his gaze flickered between the pony bleeding out of the floor and Flash, who's once clean and nice Royal Guard Uniform was now bloodstained with the crimson-red liquid.

Flash looked over at the pony gasping for air, hang on for dear life. This was when he noticed a white and black patch with a picture of a blood-red fang on his jacket. Flash stumbled over to the pony and searched him, to find a note in one of his pockets.

Through shaking hooves Flash opened the letter and started reading -

Here is your ticket to the Crystal Empire-

Make no mistake, the job on the Captain's life is still in motion. We have another bidder, one who is offering even more money. Make sure you get the job done.

Flash sighed, Will I ever get a break from this? he wondered. He put the note in his pocket and sat back. Who else would want me dead? Flash couldn't think of anypony other than Jagged Wing who wanted him dead.

A hoof came in contact with Flash's shoulder. He turned around to see Rustle, a pained look stained his face. Flash stood up and faced him. "I'm sorry you had to see that Rustle." Flash lowered his head. "I hope you see why I had to do what I did."

Rustle shook his head. "I won't judge you any differently. But who was he? Why was he after you?"

Flash tapped his muzzle with a hoof. Then sighed, "It's something that is not for your ears to hear. Sorry, I just can't tell you."

"I understand." Rustle nodded.

Flash looked at his uniform. "Well, what am I suppose to wear when I meet Shining Armor?" Blood dripped down his blue uniform on the right side. Flash flattened his ears. "I don't suppose you have a washing machine on board, heh." He joked, disappointment hinting at his voice.

One of the train staff came in now, the stallion wearing a grey cap starred at the now dead pony in the middle of the car. He covered his muzzle with a hoof in shock, and looked at Flash. He pointed a shaking hoof at the body, "D-Did you d-do that?" he trembled.

Flash nodded, "Had to. Sorry."

The staff member dropped his gaze to Flash's uniform. "I assume that was from the brawl?" Flash nodded in confirmation. The pony's climbed its way back to Flash's face. "Are you Captain Flash Sentry?"

"Yes." Flash responded. "Does it matter?" He asked the staff member.

The stallion's face lit up, and he bowes. "Yes sir, it does. Captain Shining Armor ordered a private room for you." He turned around beckoned Flash with a hoof. "This way sir."

Flash followed the stallion through the door, but before he left, he looked back at the room he was just in and shivered. I thought this trip could keep me away from the guys for a while. Flash sighed, Guess I was wrong.

As the distance between him and the room in which another horrible experience just to place when Flash heard hooves behind him. He quickly stopped and turned around to see his brown-furred friend, Rustle. "Hey, you leavin' without me?" He joked.

"Sorry Rustle. I forgot about you." Flash grinned. "You tagging along?"

Rustle shrugged. "I don't see why not."

The staff pony lead the Flash and Rustle several cars away from their previous location. When he opened the door to thr last car he stepped aside. "This is your room sir." He said as he bowed to Flash.

"Thank you." Flash took a bit out and dropped in it the stallion's hoo, who thanked him gratefully.

When he stepped into the room, Flash took a look around. There was a bunk bed and dresser with a window looking out to the open plains they were crossing. He looked back at the bunk bed, then to Rustle. "How convienent. Want to stay with me?" He chuckled as he asked his friend.

Rustle smiled, "Sure!" He exclaimed. "When are we suppose to arrive in the Crystal Empire?"

Flash shrugged. "Four or five hours I think." Flash yawned. "I think I might sleep to blow time, plus I didnt sleep much last night."

Rustle nodded. "I'm not tired. I'm going to head back out to the lounge car. See you later I guess." He turned and walked out of the car, leaving Flash alone.

Flash yawned again as he slipped out of his uniform and climbed into bed. "Yeah, see ya." With those words the tired captain drifted off to sleep.


A violent shake rattled Flash's body. He groaned, and barely opened his eyes, only to close them again. The shaking grew more intense until Flash finally sat up and rubbed his eyes. "What is it?!" He groaned, and looked over to see who had interrupted his sleep. It turned out to be Rustle standing adjacent to his bed. "Flash! Get up we're here!" He told him, over-excitement hinting at his voice.

Flash yawned. "Where is that?"

"The Crystal Empire, duh." Rustle chuckled. "Are you really that clueless when you first wake up?"

Flash slid out of the bed and walked over to the window. "Not usually." He grinned back at his friend, who walked up next to him. The view of the Crystal Empire was always fascinating. A city powered by a Crystal Heart. Flash felt warmth take over his chest. "It's been so long since I've been here."

Rustle looked at Flash. "Wait, what? When were you last here?"

"Years ago, this was where I starting training for the Royal Guard." He explained. "Though I didn't grow up here, I was sent here to train." Flash recalled his younger years with joy as a smile crept across his muzzle.

Rustle nodded, absorbing what Flash had just told him. "Looks like a great place. It's my first time here, so I'm very excited."

Flash chuckled. "I can tell, you look like you're about to explode with happiness." It was true, for Rustle seemed a little to eager to set foot in the great city.

The train finally began to come to a screeching halt as it pulled into the train depot. When Flash and Rustle gathered their things and waited at the doors, they were shocked to see guards flood the train when the doors swung open. The duo looked at each other. Flash shrugged and the two stepped out into the great city.

Rustle gazed in amazing as his vision panned around the city. Flash just smiled merely at his friend's astonishment of the city. He walked on until he found the pony he was looking for. Flash shivered, "I've forgotten how cold it can get in the north." He saw that Rustle wasn't paying attention, and rolled his eyes. "I'll leave you to it."

Flash ran over to the tall, white furred pony and saluted him. "Captain Shining Armor. So nice to meet you again." Shining Armor looked at Flash and saluted back.

"Good to see you too Flash. Glad you made the train. Was the ride ok?" He asked Flash. Who nodded his approval. "Good, now I know you have something to tell me in private, shall we reside to the castle?"

Flash nodded. "You lead, sir. This is you're empire." Shining grinned, and nodded. The two ponies headed to a carriage waiting for them with pegasi who would fly it to the castle.

Well, made it. Now I just gotta tell him. But how? Flash drifted back to the dark reason why he had came.