//------------------------------// // Heartfelt Interlude // Story: Say It // by HermitKlam //------------------------------// -0-0- Twilight’s cheeks flushed even darker as her weak attempt at diffusing the charged situation seemingly backfired. She had hoped that Celestia would have been too busy laughing at her – admittedly poor- joke, her distraction giving Twilight ample time to discretely attempt to discard the dress Rarity had sent. Instead, a small smile had curled around the edge of Celestia’s lips and her intent stare had become even more intense as she gave the flustered pony another thorough onceover. Fidgeting noticeably under the admiring stare, Twilight bit her lip and shifted slightly to the left, bringing her right forehoof up to absentmindedly rub against her left one. Freezing suddenly as she caught Celestia’s gaze following her almost hypnotically, her flustered features slowly morphed into a thoughtful expression as an altogether astonishing notion occurred to her, causing her to quickly re-examine the past few minutes in her mind. Blinking slowly, Twilight ended up coming to a surprising – yet altogether pleasing - conclusion. Though she was certain that she looked ridiculous in the rather skimpy gown, it was starting to sink in to her head that perhaps Celestia was of a different opinion. In fact, the more she thought about it, the more evidence she was able to come up with to support the rather farfetched claim. Celestia hadn’t laughed when she had seen her, had in fact redressed her, and hadn’t taken her eyes off of her since entering the room. Her stare was both approving and pleased, and - if Twilight wasn’t imagining things - was laced with more than a hint of desire. In fact, if Twilight had to compare it to anything, she would have to say the passionate gaze most closely resembled the look Celestia got in her eyes before pouncing on her favorite cakes and utterly devouring them. And though Twilight still didn’t understand exactly why Celestia was looking at her like that, she couldn’t help but admit to herself that she liked it. Her thoughtful expression shifting into something altogether more calculating, Twilight deliberately shifted one pace to the right. A small yet powerful thrill shot down her spine as the white alicorn’s heated gaze unfailingly followed her every movement. An unknowingly sensual smile slowly unfurled on Twilight’s lips as her violet orbs became slightly hooded. She really really liked it. A lot. A pink tongue unconsciously poked out from between her lips and slowly wet them as Twilight leisurely began to saunter forward. Swinging her hips teasingly as she walked, Twilight’s tail also joined in the stimulating show by lazily swishing back and forth, unfailingly drawing attention to how the cut of the dress seemed to emphasize both her cutie mark and the flanks they rested upon. Catching the slight shudder that ran down the larger alicorn’s form, Twilight’s smile widened; her earlier embarrassment entirely forgotten in the wake of the heady feeling she was all but drowning in. Though she may look silly, the knowledge that she was the one causing those delicious reactions in the goddess before her was all she could bring herself to care about at the moment. -0-0- Cadence’s eyes slowly widened to the size of saucers. Having managed to surreptitiously maneuver herself against the far wall, she watched the steamy events unfolding in front of her with bated breath. Carefully bringing a hoof up, she all but stuffed it in her mouth, pre-emptively striking against any squeals of abject joy that might otherwise escape and break the spell the other two were under. This was turning out to be even more informative than her little question and answer session with Twilight earlier, though she could hardly believe her eyes. Here was Twilight – shy, easily flustered, naïve Twilight – slowly sauntering up to the powerful alicorn who rose the sun each morning, the intent to seduce practically oozing off of her like a fine perfume. And there was Celestia, practically smoldering in her horseshoes as she watched the approaching purple pony with a single-minded focus many a lover would envy. And the best thing was, both ponies were so wrapped up in each other that they had seemingly forgotten about their one-pony audience. It was like a scene from one of her romance novels suddenly leapt off the page and began playing itself out in front of her. Only, this was even better than anything she could find in one of her novels due to the fact that it centered around two ponies whose happiness – love related or otherwise – she was entirely invested in. Seeing and feeling the genuine and pure – to her - display before her, Cadence was suddenly very glad she had postponed her return to the Crystal Empire. -0-0- Celestia watched Twilight approach with intrigue, her excitement spiking sharply at Twilight’s sudden self-confidence. Wings aching slightly with the urge to unfold them, she was barely able to restrain herself from pouncing on her beloved. Though she wanted nothing more in this moment than to unwrap her extremely enticing surprise and demonstrate just how appreciative she was, her inquisitiveness narrowly won the battle with her desires. It wasn’t often that Twilight took charge of their intimate encounters, and she couldn’t help but be eagerly curious to find out just how far the purple alicorn’s newfound courage would take her. Twilight came to a stop in front of the taller alicorn, her purple muzzle within a hairsbreadth of the shiny white coat. Leaning in, she slowly began rubbing her head against Celestia’s chest before moving her nuzzles upwards. As she travelled further up the white neck, her warm nuzzles quickly melted into a slow yet intense flurry of little nips and kisses, eliciting a low hum of pleasure from her partner. Too soon for her liking, however, Twilight reached the point where she wouldn’t be able to continue to her destination without resorting to standing on her hind hooves for added height. Frowning lightly at her predicament, she gently nipped once more at Celestia’s neck, this time tugging lightly on the skin caught between her teeth. Repeating the action a few heartbeats later, Twilight finally received the reaction she was looking for as Celestia slowly lowered herself onto her stomach with a low breathy chuckle, the sound sending a tingling jolt strait through her. Releasing the skin held captive in her mouth, a smile once again adorned Twilight’s face as she spent a few moments soothing the lightly abused spot with her tongue. After one last swirling lap of her pink muscle over the now wet fur, she continued her trek up Celestia’s elegant neck, this time interspersing little licks in between the nibbles and butterfly kisses. Finally reaching her destination she puffed teasingly, her hot breath breaking upon an alabaster ear and causing it to twitch lightly. As Celestia slowly became used to the sensation, Twilight inclined forward with a cheeky grin and ran her tongue leisurely up the shell of her ear. Humming in pleasure as she was rewarded with a small jump and a minor hitch in Celestia’s lightly labored breathing, Twilight repeated the action. This time, however, instead of trailing her tongue back downwards when she reached the tip she instead engulfed the point in her mouth and nibbled playfully. Retreating slightly once more, Twilight blew lightly on the now slick ear, absolutely delighting in the full-body shiver she felt pass through the white alicorn. Repeating the action, she followed it up with a hot whisper, making sure that her breath crashed against the now sensitive ear with every word. “…Do you like it?” It was only as she pulled back in order to receive her answer did Twilight realize that there had been a slight tremor in her voice when she spoke. Like a slow leak in a hot-air balloon, Twilight’s earlier confidence began to vacate her in favor of her usual slightly awkward and uncertain nature. Sinking down onto her haunches, a light flush slowly diffused across her cheeks as she bashfully averted her gaze and began to fidget nervously, her overactive mind doing her no favors by beginning to second-guess her earlier forwardness. Celestia’s gaze softened perceptibly at her love’s much more typical behaviour, though the glint of desire in her spinel orbs refused to be snuffed out completely. Moving her head forward, she lovingly returned Twilight’s earlier affections by insistently nuzzling the younger alicorn, causing Twilight to start slightly before leaning more fully into the unexpected contact. Brushing a few light kisses along the edge of her jaw, Celestia made her way sedately up towards one of Twilight’s ears and began to murmur. “You look absolutely breathtaking, Twilight.” Breath hitching quietly at the utter sincerity she could discern in the white alicorn’s warm, desire-tinted words, Twilight slowly leaned back and raised her gaze. Pausing briefly to stare at the genuine loving smile adorning the white lips before her – the variation that, Twilight had recently noticed, was reserved solely for her – she then moved her gaze upwards and became lost. Gazing deeply into dancing eyes filled to the brim with all things warm – happiness and sunshine and so much love- Twilight was once again reminded of just how lucky she was. Her life may not have been the easiest, but, looking back on it, there wasn’t a single thing that she would risk changing. Sure her early life had been lonely; she was a prodigy - her mental and magical prowess years above those of her own age group - and because of that she was shunned and teased by others of her own age. After becoming Celestia’s student, she had let a few select ponies – and one baby dragon – through her walls and into her heart, but had pulled even further away from everypony else. Being sent – though at the time, she had compared it more to being exiled – to Ponyville had been a real blessing in disguise. Despite the innumerable scrapes, bruises, and seemingly weekly catastrophes that had befallen her, she had gained the best group of friends a pony could ask for – a group of friends who had managed the impossible by slowly but surely breaking her out of her shell. No longer the lonely little pony she used to be, she now had a plethora of friends and friendly acquaintances, as well as wonderfully caring siblings and…and a special somepony of her very own, one whom she has loved – in one form or another – since the very moment she laid eyes on her. And so, while her life may not have been the easiest, the rewards… she considered the rewards beyond priceless. Celestia watched as the awed look on Twilight’s expressive face faded into warm contentment, a pleased little smile curling across her soft lips. Giving into temptation, Celestia ducked her head down once more but instead of nuzzling the pony she loved she instead brought their lips together in a soft kiss, her eyes slowly slipping closed of their own accord. Twilight followed Celestia’s example and closed her eyes as she subconsciously leaned further into the kiss, a low hum of delight vibrating up her chest. Basking in the euphoric feeling of kissing the love of her life, Twilight’s entire sense of perception narrowed and became fixedly focused on the mare before her. Thus, as she felt the slight shift in the larger alicorn’s body signifying her intent to pull back, Twilight impulsively surged forward and wrapped both her forehooves and wings around Celestia as she pressed more firmly into the kiss. Slight surprise at the unexpected move almost immediately melted into pleasure as Celestia eagerly reciprocated, suddenly even the very thought of pulling away from the delightful contact causing her heart to constrict painfully. Her current position too awkward to comfortably outstretch her hooves, Celestia instead unfurled one great white wing and wrapped it snugly around the smaller pony’s back, her feathery limb acting on her desire to keep Twilight as close as physically possible. Finally accepting the fact that she still required air to survive, Twilight reluctantly pulled away just enough so that their lips still brushed with each greedily inhaled breath. Cracking her eyes open, the purple alicorn gazed dazedly into the half-hidden orbs before her and spoke, her voice coming out in a low throaty murmur. “I love you…” Twilight shifted just enough to slide one hoof down to gently brush aside a stubborn lock of pastel-hued mane which had fallen across Celestia’s face during their kiss, her hoof caressing a white cheek briefly before returning to its earlier position behind the larger alicorn’s neck. Mesmerized once more by sparkling magenta gems, Twilight wasn’t even fully aware of what she was saying – all she was certain of was that what she spoke came from the heart. “I love you- Goddess, do I ever love y-” Twilight’s deep murmurs trailed off into a pleased purr as this time Celestia was the one who lurched forward to capture her lips in a deep kiss. Abandoning all thoughts, Twilight’s ever-working mind finally quieted as she let go and simply allowed herself to feel. Across the room, unbeknownst to the three oblivious alicorns, the bedroom door handle jiggled lightly – once, twice, three times - before a pink glow suffused it. -0-0- Shining Armor walked quickly down the hallway towards his sister’s suite, his posture stiff and his eyes stubbornly staring straight ahead. Walking through Canterlot’s busy streets and being stared at by random ponies was one thing, but causing the guards he had drilled relentlessly during his days as guard captain to actually do a double-take upon seeing him merely walk by was almost too much for even his manly pride to handle. Embarrassment barely held under wraps by his – admittedly weakening – will, he once again silently bemoaned his bad luck. Upon returning to the castle and parting ways with Luna, he had decided to take a quick detour on his way to check in with his wife and sister. Believing a quick shower was imperative to wash the blue dye out from his coat, he had stealthily avoided being seen by anypony as he slunk back to his and Cadance’s chambers. Fifteen minutes, three bottles of shampoo, and a bottle and a half of bleach later found him walking down the woefully crowded corridor to Twilight’s rooms – perhaps he went a little overboard on the guard assignment – with a silky smooth powder blue coat. His lengthy trek was akin to the walk of shame; or, at least, what he imagined the walk of shame would feel like. Finally seeing Twilight’s door come into view, Shining Armor sighed internally in relief and started to double his speed, his determined strides lengthening into a near run. Coming upon the door, he anxiously grabbed the handle only to feel a horrifying resistance. Practically feeling the many stares drilling into his back, the formerly white stallion sent a tendril of magic into the door – mentally thanking Twilight for including his magical signature in the door’s locking mechanism – and this time released a physical sigh of relief as the door clicked open. Hurrying into the room, he swiftly closed the door behind him and finally allowed his stiff shoulders to relax. “Twily? Cadance? You’ll never believe what torture I’ve just been… through…” Shining Armor trailed off blankly as he turned away from the door only to once again get an eyeful of his sister passionately kissing the solar princess. Not blinking, he woodenly turned his head to the side and took in the sight of his wife watching the amorous display happening in the middle of the room with watery eyes and a giddy smile close to bursting with suppressed joy. Finally, moving his gaze to look down at his girly blue coat and then at the door, he seriously considered making his way back to the comfy bed in his chambers – walk of shame be damned – where he could pretend the whole day had been nothing but a bad dream brought on by spoiled food. To his utter dismay, however, Cadance noticed him and whispered for him to come closer before he could make up his mind. Shining hung his head dejectedly in response and complied, the thought he had earlier about inquiring whether or not the royals kept a shrink on retainer floating through his mind once more. At the rate his day was going, he really feared he’d be in need of one sooner rather than later. -0-0-