Mystery of the Forest: Daughter of Gaia

by Vinetion

CH.20: Darkness Descension


"The night"MARE"? Odd name for a stallion don't you think?" Luna said smirking.

'Luna why?! In front of you stands a being strong enough to beat me and your making fun of his name?! What is wrong with you?!' I thought when I heard that.

"That may be true but it is a name you and all creatures shall come to fear from now until eternity!" the Nightmare said none the perturbed.

"And what is there to fear from a being such as you aside from your dreadful appearance?" asked Celestia.

"Many things really such as my past activities. For instance it was I who brought Discord into this realm. It was I who corrupted him into Chaos. It was I, even though I did not have my form at the time, who drove the alicorns to war with thoughts of destruction of hate through hate-filled dreams. What your thinking is correct, I am the one who killed off your race and your parents. It is by my power and taint your world was nearly destroyed. And it shall be by my power that such an end comes sooner than fate wishes."

At the mention of the death of the alicornian race Luna stared at the Nightmare in pure rage and was advancing to attack where she was stopped by Celestia's wing.

"Even if that may be what ends up happening, you act as though we'll simply move aside and allow you to do as you please." Celestia says calmly.

"I do not in any fashion expect you to simply stand aside and do nothing. In fact I was hoping you would try to stop me. I have seen what your pathetic excuse for a goddess could do, maybe her daughters could do better?" The Nightmare sneered.

"You say that in the tone of someone who cannot lose. For what reason would one act like that and still look for a challenge where he thinks there is none? You are obviously here for something you can only get through fighting us and thus are trying to hide it through challenging us with taunting maneurisms and past acts." Celestia said calmly as analytical as ever.

"Well well, It would appear as though I have been found out. Yes there is something I need of you two but, you will never know what that is by the time i am done!" The Nightmare said as he charged forward but was stopped by Celestia sliding through his legs tripping him. As he got to his feet he was launched into the far wall by a blast from Luna.

"I will have you know vermin. Attacking royalty is a offense punishable by death. However while their is no known punishment for attacking a goddess, attacking our mother is an offense worse than such." Celestia spat at the fallen Nightmare with a burning anger.

"Heh, I have beaten this world's goddess, immortal or not, measly foals compared to me will be a cake walk." The nightmare said as he slowly got to his hooves.

Before anypony could speak again, Luna charged at the Nightmare who jumped to the side. Not being deterred Luna just kicked off the wall chasing down the Nightmare as they began to fire energy blasts at each other seemingly always missing. As they closed in on the nearing wall the Nightmare quickly spun and ran the other way causing Luna to slip and slide into the wall with a slam.

Turning back around and firing a blast at Luna the Nightmare stopped mid-fire as he was impaled on Celestia's horn. As the nightmare screamed from being stabbed Celestia sent energy coarsing through her horn electrocuting the Nightmare as he hung bleeding impaled on her horn. With a shake of her head Celestia threw the Nightmare onto the ground and bucked him away.

The Nightmare slowly got to his hooves bleeding heavily and said "I will admit this, I certainly did underestimate the two of you. While the two of you are no where as strong in power as your mother together you are much more dangerous. I will not get the power I seek by fighting you both, so I'll just have to separate you huh?!" and with that the body of the Nightmare dissipated into black gas as his form expanded and flew towards Celestia. Celestia saw this coming and put up her wings to block but the attack never came.

At the last second the Nightmare turned and flew towards Luna who didn't see him coming and took the full blunt of his attack. But from what we could see nothing happend aside from Luna slumping over with the Nightmare nowhere to be seen. As celestia began to approach Luna's body she was stopped by the piercing scream of her sister in pain. Luna's body begrudgingly rose to it's feet as a bright white shone from her eyes.

"AAAARRRGGGHHHH!!!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD YOU FOUL DEMON SPAWN!!!!!" Luna screamed. Our eyes widened as we heard "HAHAHAHA! And why should I do that?! I have in my possession now a form mightier than mine! Do you really think i'll simply give that up?!"

This otherworldly voice sounded like a mix of Luna's and the Nightmare's voices. Celestia looked on in rage as I figured out what his back-up plan was. If the Nightmare was powerless between the two of them to steal their power why not have the two of them fight against each other? Equal in strength they would destroy each other and he could steal their power on their death bed's.

As to why the Nightmare went after Luna was proven earlier in the conversation with Celestia who already proved she was powerful in both body and mind where as Luna was not. And it was showing it's results now as the corrupted Luna stood up laughing.

"I must hand it to that foal, she was certainly putting up a good fight but with her stuck in that corner of her now this body is mine now. From now one you shall call me Nightmare Moon, the demon of the night's sky, and as my first act hows about we stop the precious sun of yours from ever returning hmm?" Nightmare Moon said with a sneer as his/her new horn glowed a ghastly black.

As we looked outside the sky began to darken as the moon slowly moved into the sky. It made it's way in front of the sun and slowed it's movement to match the sun putting us into state of eternal eclipse. Nightmare Moon looked on in triumph at Celestia's rage. As a parting gift he blew open a hole in the wall and tried to fly away allowing Celestia to follow where she was shot back into the castle by a wave of black energy knocking her out cold. This wave also hit me knocking me out but before everything went black I saw the stars began to turn red.

A/N I began to write this since I published my last chapter. I could not get around to finishing it. Also previous plans on adding OC's and/or ancestors may or may not go through again as plot holes and plot designs might end up preventing anymore add-ins. I will still end up doing the drunk chapter from which I asked you all ideas for and i will try to get at least two very important OC ancestors in there. Also omnius will be back. also as to why I haven't been able to work Blame Iron Clad and his MC server. That and this.