Twilight Sparkle, Changeling Princess

by mojomcm

Chapter 1

Twilight Sparkle stood silently in front of the gates to Canterlot Castle. It was strange, that less than a month had passed since she was just a "regular old unicorn", to quote her much younger self, and now was a princess. She was no longer the part of the faithful student to Celestia, but her equal, a fact that never seemed to grow old.

She took a deep breath and stepped inside. Even though the castle was the same, and had been for almost a thousand years, the colors seemed brighter today. It was almost as if the world was smiling down on Twilight, and everything was most certainly fine.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" a familiar voice asked. "We don't really see much of you in Canterlot nowadays."

Twilight sighed, "Discord? Where are you?"

The draconequus chuckled from his hiding place within Twilight's ear. "It's nice to see you, too, princess."

"I'm kinda busy right now," Twilight said as she trotted through the halls. "Can this wait?"

"Hmm..." Discord climbed up to the lavender alicorn's horn and stared down at her. "It can, but I don't think it will."

"What in Equestria are you talking about?"

Popping back to his original size, Discord gerked his thumb over his shoulder. "'Tia's been looking for you all morning. Some sort of 'diplomatic mission' or something. I kinda tuned her out once she started talking about politics." With that, he leaped into one of the stained glass windows and slithered away.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Alright, then." Her hooves made muffled clicks on the carpet as Twilight wandered about, looking for Celestia. She soon found the sun princess on the Solar Tower balcony. "You wanted to see me?"

Princess Celestia nodded without facing Twilight. "Yes. There have been some small riots in lower Zebrica, which is one of Equestria's top export countries."

"You want me to go check it out? Why?"

"You have yet to learn what all being a princess entails, and this is just the sort of thing that will help you," Celestia answered, glancing at Twilight Sparkle. "And you're the only princess availible right now."

Twilight nodded slowly, "I think I can do that. I won't let you down."

Celestia smiled and nuzzled the younger princess. "I know you won't."

Twilight waved to her friends as her train departed from Ponyville. Instead of heading to Zebrica direcly, she had stopped at her home to finish packing and to tell her friends good-bye.

"We'll miss you!" her friends called out. Pinkie Pie still had streamers in her hair from the I-know-you've-gotta-leave-now-but-this-will-be-a-super-duper-fast-going-away-party party. "Don't forget to write!"

The lavender princess smiled as she watched her friends seemingly shrink as the train moved farther and farther away. Once she could no longer see them, Twilight turned back around to the book she had brought to read during the trip. Her last thought before diving into the world of literature was that this was going to be a long ride.

Unknown to Twilight Sparkle, three ponies who were not planing on a trip to Zebrica had been following the princess almost all day. They needed to know if she was the one they were looking for.

<Ugh. I've read that book, and the ending totally sucks.> The brown-coated stallion snorted. <She's gonna be so disappionted.>

<Stay focused.> A mint green unicorn mare two rows behind him rolled her eyes. <You don't want her to get involved, do you?>

On the other side of the train car, a white mare adjusted her dark purple sunglasses. <No, and you really don't want her involved if we botch this mission. Can't you guys keep the line clear for even a little while?>

<No.> <Yes!>

The white mare, a unicorn whom we shall call "DJ Pon-3" snorted. She was the pony in charge, and the other two, "Dr. Whooves" and "Lyra", were little more than assistants. As to what they were assisting, some ponies might call it "treason". These ponies called it "strategic revealing of the crown's secrets, working title."

DJ sighed as the others continued to argue, effectively ignoreing her order. This was going to be a long trip.

Twilight glanced up from her book, confused. She thought she had heard something buzzing just out of her hearing.

The princess flicked her ear. "Did somepony say something?"

One of the other ponies across the aisle of the train car shoook her head. Out of the corner of her eye, Twilight saw two ponies glance at each other worriedly, but ignored it in favor of her book.

She soon felt the tingling sensation of magic, and heard somepony scream as the world went dark. Twilight tried to pry the hooves off of her eyes, but was quickly restrained by more legs. She could feel something cold and hard slipping around her horn, which she guessed to be a magic draining ring, futher proven once Twilight attempted to teleport away. Oddly enough, it felt like hardened cocoon-goo, rather than the enchnted steel that made Equestrian rings.

A hissing voice, one identifying her attackers to be undisguised changelings, said smoothly, "Relax, princess. You're going home." as they traveled through a portal, coutesy of the changelings themselves.

Twilight's last thought before entering a magic-enduced sleep was that she hoped Chrysalis wasn't out for revenge.

Celestia stared at the messenger in front of her. The stout pegasus stallion had just flown to Canterlot to tell her, and her only, of the reported ponyknapping.

Twilight's ponyknapping.

"And you are absolutely, positively, without-a-doubt certain of this?" The princess asked, brushing her hoof on the carpeted floor nervously, hoping against hope that perhaps the pegasus was wrong.

He nodded his head, "Yes, ma'am. I saw it with my own eyes. Three changelings came out of nowhere and zapped Princess Twilight Sparkle into who-knows-where. I'm sorry I couldn't do more to get her back."

Celestia smiled as the stallion turned to fly away. "You've done plenty. Thank you." He nodded and took off. "I wish I could have done more."

Princess Celestia could remember the first time she had seen the lavender unicorn whom she had come to love. It was about fifteen years prior, after the changelings' first attack on Equestria in centuries.

Queen Chrysalis had made a name for herself, draining ponies of their love until they were no more than burned out husks, then slaughtering them once they were of no more use to her. It was a horrible, horrible way to end.

After one such an attack, Celestia herself went to go investigate, and if need, punish the changelings. She imagined that her sister, Luna, would like some company should it have to come to that. But it never did.

Inside the changelings' Hive, she had found one of the victims that the bugs had taken home to continue feeding off of, a tiny lavender filly no more than a few weeks old. This was Twilight Sparkle.

Upon returning to Canterlot, Celestia was able to quickly find a home for the foal under the care of Night Light and Twilight Velvet, two graduates of her school for gifted unicorns. They already had a son, who would eventually grow up to be the captain of the Royal Guard. All they needed was a daughter to complete their near-perfect lives.

It was completely a coincidence that the same filly would become Celestia's personal student, a pony whom the princess had loved from the beginning. Celestia only hoped that Twilight would be safe wherever the changelings had taken her.