The Return of Change

by SilverWingDashie

A Visitor from Afar

Birds sang loudly as Twilight trotted through Mane Square. She couldn't help but to smile as she walked through the town she had come to know and love, and, to even call home. The Summer Sun Celebration was just a day away, and everpony was working to make sure they were prepared. Mr. and Mrs. Cake were at sugar cube corner working furiously to prepare for the upcoming celebration, as were Rarity and Applejack.

Rariry had been tasked with sewing new, ceremonial banners for the castle that would be used during such celebrations in the future. One banner was a brilliant white adorned with rubies and topaz, and lined with a bright golden thread; colors that would symbolize the sun and all that is bright. In the center was an Alicorn with a multicolor mane the color of the Northern lights, Princess Celestia, standing proud and confident watching over her loyal subjects. The second banner, was a midnight blue with black accents and adorned with sapphires and diamonds; colors signifying the beautiful night, and the ever watchful moon. In the center was a dark blue Alicorn with markings of black and a mane that rivaled the beauty of the night sky, Princess Luna, formally the dreaded Nightmare Moon.

Hard at work in the town square was Applejack, always smiling Applejack would work day in and day out to ensure her families success and admiration. Her method of working today was selling Apple pies and Cider, which almost as sure as the sun will rise would attracted the brave and bold, Rainbow Dash.

"Well howdy there Dash, fancy seeing you here. What can I do ya for?" Dash eyed the stand with admiration and thirst, a long day of clearing the clouds and training other weather Pegasi had left her parched and hungry.

"Hmmm, I'll take two Apple fritters and a mug of your famous cider." She exclaimed. Dash had always been a fan of the Apple families cider, its sweet tangy flavor always had a calming effect on her. However, too much cider would make her sick as they all found out at Pinkie Pie's last birthday bash.

"Sure thing, here ya go darlin'. Say, shouldn't you be out clearing the skies for the Summer Sun Celebration?"

"We're ahead of schedule, so I figured I'd give everypony a lunch break and let them relax before clearing the skies of the western fields. Matter of fact here they come now!" No sooner did Dash say the words, a large group of Pegasi stormed the Apple stand.

"Two fritters please!"

"I'll take one."

"I'll take three!"

"Two mugs of cider!" The voices exclaimed. Applejack struggled to keep up with the orders before saying good bye to her friend. "Ill have to talk to you later Rainbow, Lookie there, Twilights over yonder, why don't you see what she needs?"

"Will do thanks Applejack and good luck!" She waved goodbye as she glided over to her friend.

"Hey Dash, what brings you over here?" Twilight asked excitedly, she hadn't been able to talk much to her Ponyville friends since her coronation.

"Nothing much, just wanted to chat see if you had some free time. We're on break from weather duty since we're so far ahead of schedule, I figured I'd say hi. Would you like some Cider?" Dash put her hoof forward offering Twilight a sip.

She looked at the mug and smiled. "No thanks Dashie I'm good for now I just wanted to relax, walk through Ponyville and see how things were coming along." She said cheerfully.

"Well Fluttershy is almost done with the animal chorus, and Pinkie Pie has the after party nearly complete, Rarity is finishing up the banners as we speak and...well Applejack you can take a look for yourself." It was an amusing sight, Applejack was moving as fast as she could to make sure everypony was served. She was slinging fritters and pie left and right, all while attempting to balance mugs of cider. The two ponies laughed as the watched Applejack comically serve the army of Pegasi.

"But if you want my honest opinion? I willing to bet twenty bits that all the planning will go perfectly. Then at the last second, something that no pony can predict will take place and mess everything up. First, it was Nightmare moon, then the seeds Discord planted, then everypony caught the flu and last year we had the parasprites pay us a little visit again."

Twilight looked down in contemplation. Rainbow was right they hadn't had a quiet celebration since Twilight first came to Ponyville.

"Well maybe all of that is behind us, and this year we'll have a nice, quiet celebration?" Twilight said hopefully.

"Doubt it, but my hopes are up! I would really appreciate just being able to sit down with some cider, and relax without gallivanting off to quell some random trouble-maker for once. But enough of that I have to get back to cloud busting. Meet you at your place tonight? The six of us?"

Twilight smiled and nodded her head. "Of course, just like old times."

Every year, the night before the festival, the six friends would gather together and spend the night at Twilight's house reminiscing old times and relaxing. Sometimes, they would bring their little sisters; Applebloom and Sweetie Bell. Scootaloo would tag along even though she didn't really have a sister, but, ever since the camping trip where Luna visited her dreams, Rainbow Dash had taken her under her wing and considered her the sister she never had. This night however, was reserved just for the six.

Recent royal duties had kept Twilight away from Ponyville for almost a month now. I wonder how Fluttershy is doing? She thought to herself I should go visit her. I do feel kind of guilty for missing her birthday.
Twilight trotted forward happily, humming to herself as breathed the deep, rural air of Ponyville. She had missed the cascading trees and the scent of flowers that made Ponyville seem so far from anyplace else. She admired the way the gentle stream that lead to Fluttershy's cottage seemed to weave between the trees like a skilled seam in a dress. It was almost magical, everything fit together so harmoniously.

However, Rainbow Dash's words hung heavy in her ear. What if shes right? What if something else goes wrong? I just want one quiet celebration, a normal day. She thought to herself as she slowed her pace, paying close attention to the trees and flowers.

They were beautiful, brighter than normal, fuller, happier. She couldn't tell if their heightened beauty was natural, or she if was finally fully appreciating them after being gone for so long. She didn't care, she was there, and she was happy.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a beautiful sound, a chorus of birds singing in sync just up ahead. Their sound swooned through the trees and each note hit like a gentle drop of rain during a spring shower.

"Fluttershy!" She said quietly. Her excitement was masked by the quietness of her voice. She quickened her pace to find Fluttershy under a willow tree with a gathering of songbirds. She watched in silent admiration.

Fluttershy was happy, a smile spread across her face as her heart danced, She started to hum along with the birds and moving slightly to the light, dancing melody. The songbirds finished their ensemble and the final notes spread through the air like a wave. Twilight inched forward slightly not wanted to re-enact her and Fluttershy's first meeting, where she unknowingly scared her and sent her song birds scrambling away.

"Fluttershy!" Twilight called.

Fluttershy's heart leaped, and her eyes widened. She knew that voice, she quickly turned to see her friend standing proudly. Where ever Twilight had gone it had done her well. She stood taller, and looked stronger. A proud mare if ever there was one, but this was no time for questions, it was a time of greeting.

"Twilight! Oh my goodness how have you been!" Fluttershy rushed to her side and hugged her tightly.

Twilight was unsure how to respond. Fluttershy was never this loud or excited. She dismissed the thought instantly and embraced her loving friend.

"I've never been better. I'm so glad to be back in Ponyville. I've missed so much! How about you?"

"Oh I'm good. Just trying to get the songbirds ready before the celebration." Fluttershy sounded confident as she spoke of her students, her wings even started to flutter slightly. The gentle breeze came to Twilight like a gentle song.

"They sound wonderful Fluttershy, they always do."

Fluttershy blushed slightly at the friendly comment. "Oh, thanks Twilight I've been working really hard and I hope that Celestia and Luna will like them. They've been working day in and day out to get everything sounding just right."Fluttershy's face quickly changed from bliss to slight annoyance, as she looked up to the sun and saw that it was lower than she had anticipated. "I'm sorry I have to cut this visit so short, but I really must go, I have to keep training the songbirds. They need one more good practice before the go home to their families."

"That's okay." Twilight said comfortingly "I should get back to the library and prepare for tonight; you are still coming right?"

"Oh, of course I wouldn't miss it for the world! I'll make sure to let the others know we are meeting at you're place, hows sunset sound?"

"Sounds perfect I'll see you then. Bye for now." Twilight giggled as she spoke.

"Okay, bye now." The two waved at each other as they parted ways for the day. Twilight held her head high as she trotted back to her residence. Nothing could ruin this pony's night, at least nothing she could think of...

It was just after sunset, and a storm was raging over the Everfree forest. A lone pegasus, struggling against the wind, beat his wings furiously hoping to overcome the torrential downpour. With each wing beat, the pegasus could feel what little stamina he had left being drained from his now feeble limbs.

Where in Equestria am I? I've never ventured this far out before. I must find a place to rest soon or I'll fall out of the sky; and who knows whats down there?
The Pegasus had flown in from the Griffon lands, and found this whole area was a mystery to him. The dense forests and rolling plains were much different than the rocky outcroppings he was used to seeing. The whole land beneath him was tangled with what he could only imagine as an inescapable maw, a prison for creatures of the sky like him. Down below, the tree line seemed nearly impenetrable, it's branches twisting and turning menacingly.

He shook his head and reset his thoughts so he could focus on the challenge ahead, the wind had picked up and he could feel his wing beats getting even weaker and his breaths shorter. He had been flying for almost two days straight, no food, no water, no sleep. Just the drive of escaping the memories and actions he had left behind, and the consequences that followed. Thunder boomed around him and hail pelted his face as he noticed something up ahead. A clearing! Thank Celestia! He thought. The sight of what seemed like small town ahead, brought a surge of energy through his frozen veins. Still, as close as the town seemed, it was still a two hour flight in fair weather.

The stallion narrowed his vision and flew forward, his heart racing. Suddenly his fur started to stand on end, and the smell of sulfur filled his nostrils as a buzzing sound filled his ears. Everything went white and then....silence.

Back in Ponyville, the six friends greeted each other in a chorus of laughter and smiles which filled the cozy hollow of the library. Soft light flickered off the walls of the home as shadows danced across the walls like memories in a dying mare's heart. Spike was off in the kitchen making snacks for his friends, but mainly...for her. Four years in Ponyville and Spike was still enamored with Rarity. A beautiful white mare with a mane that could end wars with its beauty. In the four years in Ponyville, Spike had gotten bigger, his scales larger, his babyish feature were gone and replaced with the more aggressive features of an adolescent drake. His wings however, still had not come in yet. It wasn't customary for wings to come in until the younger adult years, but he would settle for this.
Spike walked into the main room with a platter of hay sandwiches and berry punch. Immediately, Rarity took notice of her Spiky-Wikey, as he strutted confidently into the room. She was taken by his new-found confidence, his muscles had filled out and he stood taller than Twilight by at least a head.

"My goodness Spikey, how you have grown!" She exclaimed.

Spike's scales turned a reddish hue as he "blushed". "Haha thanks Rarity, my last trip with Twilight was a bit more action packed than our usual trips." Spike said nervously.

"Well what ever you two did you must make sure to tell me in vivid detail. I would love to hear it." There was something almost flirtatious in her voice. Spike simply nodded nervously and continued to pass out the snacks.

"Woah! Is anypony else seeing this!?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. The other five ponies clamored to the window to see what Dash was so excited about. A massive storm was nearly ripping the Everfree Forest apart, lightning strikes littered the sky and the thunderous rumble could be heard even as far as Twilight's Library. The six friends sounded excited and slightly worried at the same time but were soon back to playing games and sharing details of Twilight's last adventure.

She went on to describe a war in the Griffon Lands that nearly spilled onto the Equestrian border. Princess Celestia had dispatched Twilight and Spike to handle the situation diplomatically. A good first royal duty for the new Princess. During the diplomatic mission, Twilight and Spike had come into conflict with a few rebel bands of Griffons. Luckily, Princess Celestia did not send Twilight without a company of guards to dispatch such ruffians. However, that did not mean that Twilight and Spike didn't get into some skirmishes themselves.

In one such skirmish, Twilight had taken to a small creek to bathe when a pair griffons had attempted to assassinate her. Spike had wandered to the creek to check on Twilight, as he always does, when he noticed the griffons, and charged both of them without a second thought. Spike stood up as continued to tell the event in vivid detail in an effort to impress Rarity.

"I rushed into the fray, lance forward and my shield raised!" He said loudly, obviously engorging himself. "The griffons swept low at me, in a flurry of feathers I lashed out, catching one in the wing! The other tore plates of my armor and nearly got my throat. That's when Twilight blasted him and he fell to the ground just in time for the Royal guards to finish the job!"

A resounding chorus of oohs and ahhs filled the room "Too bad you didn't have a party cannon to lighten the mood!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed loudly. The others just shot her an odd glance. "What? A party solves everything!" They just laughed and rolled over in joy.

Rarity nudged closer to Spike. "They didn't hurt you, did they dear? She asked him affectionately.

"N-no n-not at all. My scales are harder than any dumb old griffon's talons, haha." The words seemed to stumble out of his mouth. Rarity simply smiled and laid down next to him, shooting promiscuous glances every few minutes. Secretly, she loved Spike's nervousness, it was amusing in an affectionate way to her. Spike always tried to play it off when his nerves failed him around the beautiful mare. She noticed each and every time, and she loved it.

Twilight stood up and cleared her throat. "So is everypony looking forward to the...."

Before she could finish her sentence, a loud crash rang though the living room, and glass shards were sent flying in ever direction. Spike leaped to cover Rarity from multiple shards that were headed straight for her, they bounced off of his scales in pitiful effort and crumbled to the ground. Twilight had put up a magic bubble that shielded the others from the sudden assault of glass.

Confused, the ponies looked to one another in shock until Dash exclaimed. "Look over there!" She had pointed to a lump of fur and blood that had crashed into a pedestal on the far side of the room. The same pedestal which used to hold the Elements of Harmony. The six magic stones that had brought the six together four years ago and united them ever since. The pedestal, now empty, stood as a reminder of that fateful day when Twilight regretfully took the elements back to the tree of harmony. Now the pedestal held the stallion which had crashed into her room. His breathing was shallow, he was covered in blood and looked as if he had been flying for days on end. His fur was covered in ice and small trail of smoke arose from his back where a large scar had formed, it was fresh and the fur around the wound was singed. It looked as if it was instantly cauterized.

The stallion was of a moderately large build with massive wings. He had dark tan fur and a black mane. He looked like he was the same age as Twilight and her friends. His features were rough and strong, they resembled the look of a pony who had led a hard life. His muscles were more defined than the other males in Ponyville, but what puzzled the six friends most, was his right wing. The entire outline of his right wing was stained silver.