//------------------------------// // Rumors // Story: Ponies and the Alpha Team // by Optimistic Pessimist //------------------------------// Twilight Sparkle was in the library lounge, catching up on some light reading. A cup of tea magically floated down to her as she took a sip. The unicorn thought for a moment, and she brought her tea box over. "Shoot. Almost out of leaves." Twilight looked around. "SPIKE! SPIKE!" A young infant dragon ran down the steps. "I'm coming, I'm coming." Twilight looked back to her assistant. "Spike, I'm going to Zecoras' to get a new batch of tea leaves. Watch the library while I'm gone, okay?" Spike smiled. "Isn't that what I always do?" Twilight giggled. "Just making sure Spike. Just making sure." Twilight walked out the front door and smiled. It was a beautiful day, sun shining and not a cloud in the sky. There was nothing wrong. "Where is everypony?" Suddenly a pink earth pony popped out of nowhere. "THERE you are Twilight! I was looking for you! It's important!" Twilight was dumbfounded. "What's so important, Pinkie?" She just jumped in place urgently. "Town Square. Now." Twilight shrugged, and followed Pinkie Pie to Town Square. When they arrived, the whole of Ponyville was already assembled at the front of Town Hall. Twilight could hear murmurs of confusion as she walked up the aisle. "Why are we here?" "I heard some rumors about the Everfree Forest." "I hope no one was hurt." Twilight was sick with worry by the time she was at the front. Shortly after, the mayor came up to the podium. "Attention please! Attention please! Now, I know all of you are concerned with the recent rumors going about. Some of you may have heard of a strange new creature carrying shiny sticks and heavy plates, I assure you that there is no need to panic." Twilight was confounded. "Shiny sticks? Heavy plates?" "Our friend Zecora has seen these creatures many times, and all she sees them doing are passing by, emptying boxes of sorts. We currently have not have any eyewitnesses of said creatures, but rest assured, they are not hostile. Zecora estimates them to be roughly our height." Twilight was confused. "Roughly our height? Interesting." ~~~~ Twilight was flipping through page after page of books. The library was a mess. Spike came down from the steps. "Oh Twilight, you're back. Aw, don't tell me I have to clean that up!" Twilight didn't turn her head to respond. "How was the nap Spike? Does this library carry anything on creatures holding sharp sticks and wearing heavy plates?" Spike scratched his head. "Are you talking about horcs?" "And they're roughly my height." Spike thought for a moment. "Nope. I can't think of it. Why?" Twilight stood up. "That was the last book in the library. Hm..." Twilight lifted her bag and began to pack parchment and quills. "Excuse me Twilight, but um, where are you going?" Twilight closed her bag. "To the Everfree Forest. Why?" Spike shook his head. "Isn't that dangerous? I mean, with the rumors floating around." Twilight turned her head. "How did you know?" Spike sighed. "The balcony on the second floor looks out to Town Hall." Twilight sighed, and then perked up. "You know what Spike? You're right." Spike smiled. "That's why you're coming with me." Spike frowned. "What?" Twilight smirked. "Come on Spike, we're not even gonna stay there for long." Spike was shivering. "But, what about the... and the..." Spike was fretting. "Oh come on Spike, It's not that bad." Twilight nudged Spike with a wink. "Besides, I could always use a mighty DRAGON at my side!" This cheered Spike up. "Well, who wouldn't feel safe with a powerful dragon at their side?" Twilight rolled her eyes and giggled as she and Spike left the Library.