//------------------------------// // 14: Inability to Relax // Story: Crossed Gears // by TheFoxern //------------------------------// “Will you marry me?” Four words, that would answer every question he had. Every last question. Cast away every last drop of doubt. The answer would all depend on how she responded. He sat and prepared himself for any inevitability. Yet her action still caught him off guard. He knew immediately that she had held back, but even so, as she knocked him to the floor, he felt as though she had broken his jaw. He stared blankly at the stone floor. “You bastard,” she said and he heard the anger in her voice. “You can't just...ask that! You can't just ask me that! Where do you get the nerve? Who do you think you are?” It was one of the responses that he had thought she might say. “I'm the one who loves you,” was all he could manage to respond. He could feel the pain in his chest. Was this what heartbreak was? “You can't just...ask that!” she repeated. “I am a queen. You must have...tact. You cannot simply ask. Just...assume.” Something about her tone of voice seemed wrong for the harshness she was forcing. So he looked up at her, looked up and watched as the tears cascaded down her face. It was odd. He had never seen her cry before and quite frankly, had assumed she could not. Though she had mentioned that as a child, she wept. Wept for the flowers and her home as it withered. And yet, he could see the smile. “I'm not known for being very romantic,” he said as he slowly got back up, rubbing his jaw. “I feel tact is something completely different.” He had never had any experience with true romance. Not before Chrysalis had come into his life. He had entertained the thought of it on occasion, but had not had much of a chance to employ any sort of romantic skill he might have. “It felt like now, or never. I had planned something more tactful...but I was worried I would have lost my nerve...” “You?” she scoffed. “You? Lose your nerve? The great Copper Feather? How absurd.” He was ignoring the voices behind him, focused only on her. “You are such a liar.” “Yes, I am a liar. But I'm your liar.” He somehow managed to smile despite the pain in his jaw. “I will always be your liar. And that is why I'm asking...will you marry me?” “I don't see how I could say no at this point,” she said as her smile grew. “That would be very tactless. Almost to your extent.” “Yes, but it is assumed no, until you say otherwise.” That caused her to pause. He had trapped her with words. He made it obvious that she would lose him if she said no, or said nothing. “Then my answer is yes.” Now his heart soared. It had almost broken mere moments ago, but now he felt invincible. “I will marry you.” Her expression, for the first time in a very long time, was soft. “Now...come. Sit beside me.” She grinned slightly as she wiped her face. “You make these ponies nervous and I like that.” “As you wish,” he said with a bow. “My queen.” He moved and sat beside her, looking out over the ponies. It had not been the proposal he had had in mind...but he could not stop himself. The moment was too perfect. And he could not help but make a show of it. “You didn't have to hit me,” he said, rubbing his cheek again. “Honestly I wasn't sure what else to do.” There was a smirk on her face. “Besides, you've had worse.” “That's not the point...I'm lucky I still have teeth after a blow like that,” he said and she laughed. “Honestly. First Chestnut hits me and then you.” He cleared his throat and stared out at the room. “Anyone else wanna take a swing at me?” he asked, quite innocently. Chrysalis put a hoof over her mouth. “No? Then...” he waved a hoof in a shooing gesture. “Back to your little consort thingy. Do...diplomatic stuff, or whatever.” He noticed how none, or at least not a noticeable amount of them, had left. Then he spotted Chestnut, who was staring at him. From this distance he could tell it was a look of shock and horror, though how much of either one he couldn't tell. And beside her...Twilight. He had forgotten she was around. How would she react to this? What words would she have for him? Then he noticed what was beside her. It was like a large fish tank on wheels. And inside it, was Jeta. The little seapony that he cared for most. “It seems they want your attention,” Chrysalis said in a soft, soothing tone. “I...I will be right back,” he said as he made his way down the stairs. He purposefully avoided Chestnut and Twilight, going straight for Jeta. Out of the three of them, she was the only one who seemed happy. She practically dragged him into the tank when she embraced him. “So she is who you choose?” she said softly, quietly. Suddenly Copper felt he knew nothing of ponies. Nothing as he should. How had he never noticed? He returned her hug and took a deep breath. “Yes,” he said softly as he closed his eyes. “But you will always be dear to me, Jeta...” He cut himself some slack, as seaponies who he only vaguely knew would treat him with affection. It was just their way. They wanted the company of others and weren't afraid to express that want physically. “Honestly I never stood a chance.” She was clinging quite tightly to him. “Not with an option such as her...” Copper felt as though he was going to cry or should be crying, but that would be pointless. Jeta was dear to him, but he could not see her in the same light as he did Chrysalis. Or Celestia. “I do love you, Jeta,” he said softly and took another deep breath. “But not in...that way...” It felt so lame to say, but he couldn't help himself. This was new territory to him. “I know and that's good enough.” Her voice was barely a whisper. “I never expected you to, or even hoped that you did.” Then she sighed and loosened her grip. But he did not, he held her close. “You are the greatest friend I have ever had, Jeta. My first friend. Even when I did not want them...I still...I still thought of you as a friend. My only one.” He had never admitted it, even to himself. He had had himself so convinced he had no friends and didn't need them. Yet there had still been that traitorous thought, long ago. Slowly he pulled away, looking at her. She was crying. But she was smiling. “I will always be there when you need me.” He nodded as he returned her smile. “I know...you've told me that.” He took a deep breath and then brushed away her tears with his non-metal hoof. Then he turned to Twilight and Chestnut. “Now then, I will listen to what you have to say, but know that nothing you say will change my mind.” “Change your mind?” Twilight said, actually looking quite shocked. “Why would we do that?” “I plan to do that,” Chestnut said, frowning at him. Copper frowned slightly as he recalculated. “So Twilight is for and Chestnut is against?” “I'm not against it,” she said hurriedly, glancing up at Chrysalis, who was watching them with interest. “I just...” She sighed, shaking her head. “This means a lot more than you could understand, Copper...” “I know.” They all stared at him. “There is more to this than I know, or will know. But what I do know, is that I have done what I wanted. And she has agreed, quite to my surprise to be honest...” “You thought she would say no?” Jeta said; somehow the tank seemed to move semi on its own. “I was more afraid she would say nothing. A 'no' I could have handled. But if she had said nothing...” He took a deep breath and sat down. “It would have been worse. An answer either way is better than no answer, even if I don't like it.” They all sat down, except for Jeta who continued to float. “So you plan to marry the changeling queen, Copper?” He looked over his shoulder and his mind raced through the many faces he had seen. But this griffon was not amongst any he had seen. “Forgive me, I am Sir Pedleston. Eagland ambassador.” “Ah. The one who refused to see me when I was in Griflon,” Copper said as he stared at the griffon. He was obvious of higher class from the way he was dressed and the sheen of his feathers, but overall he looked quite average. He cleared his throat. “Ah...well, yes. You see there were many complications, including those that the late Lady Evale was-” “I'm well aware. Now, if you have a point, I recommend getting to it.” Copper wanted to return to Chrysalis's side. Pedleston cleared his throat. “Ah, yes...well, I know you are a pony who likes others to get to the point, so I shall not beat around the bush. A number of us are wondering how serious this is?” He had the look of somepony who was expecting to get hit. “Understandable. I know it was a tad unorthodox, but I assure you, that it is quite serious.” Pedleston nodded slightly and took a deep breath. “Right then. Good day to you, Copper. Princess Twilight, Jeta and...friend,” he said as he turned and left. That was a griffon Copper probably could get along with. He was worried and not afraid to get to the point. That was probably the best sort of ambassador as far as Copper was concerned. “Friend?” Chestnut said, frowning at the griffon's backside. “Well, he doesn't know who you are. Or did not recognize you,” Copper said as he gestured vaguely. “I'm the right hoof of Queen Chrysalis,” she said, frowning further. “She has appointed me as her diplomat.” Copper blinked and looked at her. It explained why she had been in the room. “A lot has happened during the conversation with Celestia...what else has-” A flipper came to rest on his shoulder. “I do not think you should keep the queen waiting any longer, Copper...” He blinked and looked at Jeta. It was odd having her of all ponies to be the one to refocus him. “Right.” He looked up at Chrysalis and she smiled as he headed back up towards her. “I apologize for the wait.” “No need. I had hoped you were going to stab him,” she said with an odd tone of disappointment. “Would have made things much more entertaining.” His brow furrowed slightly. Apparently ponies had been telling her things. “Yes...well, that would have been rude. And bad for relations with Eagland.” She nodded slowly. “True, true. May I see it?” He paused before he extended the arm, twisted it slightly and- Shink. “It is...impressive...” she said as she examined it. Copper watched as most of the room froze and stared. “Quite sharp as well. I'm not sure exactly how crystalline metal is made, but it is incredibly sturdy. Best material in the world to make mechanics from, from what I've seen.” He watched how when he moved his arm, the crowd’s gaze followed it. Shnikt. “Is the whole thing made from it?” she said as she lifted and twisted his arm slightly. “Yes- why the sudden interest?” It was odd that she seemed to have random moments of interest in mechanics. “It is impressive,” she said, looking at him with a slight smirk. “The things that could be done with this...can you imagine a pony covered in this? Armor mixed with mechanics...” “It would be an unstoppable pony.” He was frowning at her. “If done right, not even magic could touch him.” “Ah yes...that is how you beat him, isn't it? You circumnavigated his magical protection...” She was watching him out of the corner of her eyes, pretending to look at his leg. “It is.” He did not mind what she was doing. Her interest was a comfort. It was something to think about other than what was happening. “But this can't do that. I designed this to help me walk and...well, I went overboard...” She touched her horn tenderly to the crystal. “It was very dark magic...nothing of it remains but...it leaves marks that will be with you forever...” “I've plenty of those,” he said with a smile. “Lots and lots. One more won’t hurt.” “Mmm...that is true...” Her hoof ran slowly over the smooth surface. “Though I do think that it will make things awkward.” Her voice was soft and there was a smirk on her face. He blinked, his brow wrinkling. “Awkward?” But her gaze continued and he swallowed. He knew that look. “Ah, well...uhm...maybe.” He looked back out at the crowd for something to do. ~ Corser was out of breath. He was actually out of breath. Not just panting, but breathing heavily. But so was Copper. Both their breaths steaming the air. “Control it,” Corser panted. “You're slipping.” “You're the one whose slipping, old pony,” Copper said with a smirk. He wasn't winning, but he wasn't losing either. That had never happened. Unfortunately, the court yard would need extensive work after this. There was another flash and the thunder clap deafened Copper for a moment, but Corser shouted over the din. “You think you stand a chance?” The bolt struck on either side of Copper as it split several feet in front of his hoof. Copper had never seen this side of Corser. This was what happened when he let loose. The very ground around him was scorched with magic. There had not been a fight like this in recent history. Two unicorns of immense power facing off. Except one of them was a pegasus. The air split but it passed harmlessly over Corser. “You haven't put me down once!” Copper shouted. “And you haven't come close!” Hoof met hoof. Copper's head ducked under a leg and he jumped backwards as the ground erupted in flames. Of course, it had not started off this way. It had started with Copper asking to practice. He wanted to practice control of The Shattering. Twilight was good for learning and teaching. But Copper needed experience and over the last four hours, he'd gotten quite good at it. “Too slow!” He'd learned The Shattering could only damage magical things. Even if Copper tried, he couldn't manage any damage to non-magical objects, even to fragile things. “Is this really necessary?” Twilight called, again. Honestly he could barely hear her over the roar of the crowd. Another bolt split, then Copper had to move out of the way of the burst of flame. There was a delay between uses, as Copper could not use The Shattering in rapid succession. There was a sort of...charge up and he had spent all that he had built up since the fight with Madam Raven. It was the lightning bolts that he had to watch out for. Corser only knew a handful of spells, unlike Twilight. But the majority of those that he knew, were meant to hurt. Meant to kill. The lightning spell was the worst. The flame bomb was bad, but took too much time to actually go off. Those were the two he was best at. But both had drawbacks. “Ready to give up?” Corser said with a smirk. “Perhaps we'll call it a draw,” Copper said, panting. He had felt tense, but now, he felt ready. Or as ready as he could be. He'd spent several days with Twilight and Jeta, studying. They could not find very much about The Shattering, but with a bit of trial and error and studying, they'd managed to learn a lot. “Yeah...I can live with a draw.” There was a general ease of tension and as they shook hooves, the crowd cheered. It was the first time that he had looked at them but...well, apparently all of Canterlot was there. As well as any pony who could get there. And more were coming in. In the distance, he felt he could see even Celestia watching. “Well...that was very informative...” Copper was limping slightly. Corser had damaged his new leg. With just his hoof. That would take him some time to fix. “Quite.” He was rubbing his hoof into the dirt. “That thing hurts, by the way. Yet you don't rely on it. You almost got me a few times with a straight hoof,” he said as he shook his head. Copper felt filthy, covered in mud and dirt. He was also singed in a few places. When it was clear Corser was getting serious, Copper had tasted for the first time his flame bomb. He'd never seen him do it. But it was easy to avoid when he figured out what to watch for. There was a stance to it and the air would get hot. Plus, there was a range to it. It could only go so far and it was a small burst. Corser had told him about it...a unicorn who focused it long enough could extend the range...and the blast...wipe out entire platoons. “I built it to be tough. And you've broken it.” Corser chuckled softly, rubbing his hoof. “Well, I had to do something. I couldn't hit you, so I hit it. Slowed you down a bit and put the fight more in my favor.” “Yes...I'll make note of that during my repairs.” The sun was already up. Luna had raised it. Or had Chrysalis? Copper wasn't sure who was doing what anymore. “You cracked my tank,” Jeta said and without looking, Copper knew he was getting that look. He'd found out that the tank was a mixture of machinery and magic to allow Jeta to control where it went. “Sorry,” he said as he looked around. Chrysalis was not there. “She's busy.” Chestnut was beside him now. Copper didn't notice Corser leave, or her come up. “Wedding to plan for and all that.” Copper chuckled softly, nodding. “Yes...I imagine she's quite excited.” “Excited ain't the half of it!” There was a slight excited splashing as Jeta spoke. “She's also probably super busy with everything else. There's a lot going on, Copper.” He practically heard her fold her arms in a huff. “Not like you care anymore.” Again he chuckled. “Of course I care. I'm just very busy with other things and it's not my job anymore.” He had learned that Jeta had risen quite far in seapony society. Partially because of her relationship with Copper. But she was now head of the council, which meant she could do whatever she wanted. Including go to Canterlot as the Aquis representative. “So you say.” He could feel her eyes narrow at him. “Yes, well...” He flinched slightly and looked off to his side. What had that been? Something out of the corner of his eye. He scanned for a moment. There were some ponies off doing something, selling things by the look of it. He was on edge, but he was sure that something had just happened. “Are you all right?” His eyes refocused to somepony closer. Chestnut. “Fine.” He looked ahead. He wanted to be near Chrysalis. She was the only thing, besides Celestia, that made him feel good. Everything else just made him feel...off. He shivered slightly. “I think, anyways.” There was something wrong, some sort of feeling. He hated the feeling, but it was that feeling. Something...somewhere...something was going wrong. “I don't know. I feel all...scrambled.” They were all looking at him now. “That is not very comforting,” Chestnut said, partially glaring at him. He sighed and stared at the ground, taking a few deep breaths. It was true. Celestia had explained that what his mother had done to him was odd. She had never seen magic like that. But it was not a bad thing. It had driven him mad for a time, but things were starting to calm down within his head. Nopony was sure what exactly had been done, but he trusted her. “Normally I would agree with you...but I'm getting better.” ~ He stood in the long court, staring at where there had been a hole caused by Pots not too long ago. It still felt wrong that there was no evidence of it. Nothing looked like it had ever been wrong. Echoes of the things Sombra had said bounced in his head. Once again he had been left alone. He hated being alone. Celestia, Luna and Chrysalis were running things. Or at least he assumed so. He felt like he was useless again. What could he do right now? What was there for him to do? Nopony would let him help and once he had repaired his leg, there was nothing for him to do. So he wandered forward, looking at the stained glass windows. The one of him was still gone. He would have liked to take a better look at it. Truly appreciate it. It had been such a short lived discovery. “What are you doing?” He tensed up, despite knowing whose voice it was. “Just...just thinking, Chrysalis...” He took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. “You don't look well,” she said as she came up beside him. He looked up at her and then shrugged slightly. “I don't feel too well. Something is bothering me and I don't know what...” “Is it that feeling thing you keep mentioning?” She sat down beside him. “Yes,” he said softly as he sat down. The worst part about the feeling is that it is vague. He used to be good at guessing what it was about, but this was just a vague feeling. They sat in silence for quite a long time, as Copper simply stared at the large tarp that they had hung over the missing window. He had enjoyed the insanity when it was fresh, but now it was getting tiresome. It was still jumbling his thoughts and dulling his senses. “What do you plan to do now?” The voice of Twilight broke him out of his thoughts. He looked at her and then shrugged. “I'm not entirely sure. I have quite the advantage now that I have much more control...but I also know a lot more things than I did last time, so I'll head back to the Chrystal Empire and try again.” Chrysalis put a leg around him and pulled him closer to her. He blinked and looked up at her. “You are going to leave me so soon?” “I'm afraid I have to,” he said with a slight smile. “Save the world and all that...” Twilight cleared her throat before speaking. “Yes, well you won’t be going alone this time, that's for sure. Not after after what happened last time.” He chuckled softly and nodded. “Yes, I think that that would actually be best...I don't think it matters if they know the movements at this point.” He took a deep breath and leaned into Chrysalis. “I'm sure that everypony knows my goal is the Empire at this point.” His thoughts came to the voice. Now that he knew more about Sombra, more than he'd like, he was sure that it was him. Everything that Sombra didn't want. He had to be honest with himself; he would have been happy never finding out the truth. He looked at Twilight and wondered what she would do if she knew. “And I think that's all right at this point,” a new voice said. Copper looked to the side and stared, quite surprised at who it was. “Princess,” Twilight said, smiling. “Should you really be up?” “I'm well enough to move about,” Celestia said with a large smile. She was looking at Copper and he felt that the smile was for him. He felt Chrysalis hold him tighter. “I am glad that you are getting better so quickly, Princess,” he said and leaned further into Chrysalis. “I see you two are getting along quite well,” she said as she moved towards them. He noticed that she walked much slower than normal, but that was understandable if what Doctor Hive said was true. She was recovering, but it would be a slow process and magic could not help, because of the magic that had caused it. It was just something that would take time. “More than getting along.” He could hear the slight tone of resentment in Chrysalis's voice. It was no secret, apparently, that Copper had feelings towards Celestia. He was not sure who had said anything, but he frankly didn't care anymore. He had Chrysalis and that was all he wanted now. Celestia laughed softly and sat down beside Twilight. “We are having the window redone,” she said, obviously seeing that Copper had been here looking at it. “Oh?” Copper said as he again looked up at the tarp. “I wish I could have gotten a good look at it...those fleeting moments I had of it were simply not good enough.” “You will see it when you come back,” she said, still smiling. He had a feeling that he wouldn't. “Yeah. I'm looking forward to it.” “I believe Corser is working on your travel once again. And I am glad that you will not be going alone.” She always knew so much. Copper found long ago that Celestia seemed to know things that nopony else could know. “I'm glad of that as well. I'll be taking anypony who'll come with me at this point,” he said with a chuckle. “Which I have a feeling would be every single pony if they could.” “Quite so. I know that even I would go if I could,” she said before she stood up once again. “But I'm afraid not everypony can go to the Crystal Empire.” He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. It felt like Chrysalis was truly the only comfort he had now. But then there was the feeling. “I just wish that I could-” “Ah, there you are, Copper.” The voice made him instantly sick and he turned to look. He saw the grinning beak of Madam Raven. Of all ponies, Chrysalis beat him to the punch and the beam struck the wall behind Raven. “What are you doing here?” “Oh dear me,” she said as she mockingly rubbed the place the beam had passed through her. “Such rudeness.” Copper could see the shimmer of her figure. She wasn't truly there, simply an image of her. “And here I go through all this trouble-” “What do you want?” Copper said, moving towards the image. Getting between it and everypony. “My my...I merely wanted to express my disappointment. Here I go through all the trouble of coming to the Crystal Empire, just to find you already left. Tisk tisk, Copper.” She was still smiling at him. “You-” Copper stared at her, unable to complete his thoughts. Now it was Twilight's turn to get in on it. “That's impossible. Shining Armor and Cadence are there, you couldn't-” “Oh, them? They had no idea what was coming...” The sickly black tongue turned Copper's stomach as it ran across her beak. “I cannot wait to spend some quality time with them...” There was a look of horror on Twilight's face, but Copper moved in front of her as well. “She's not done anything to them yet,” Copper said to her and then looked back at Raven. The biggest giveaway was that she wasn't covered in blood. “That's not her style. She'll let them sit for a few days before she...” He shuddered and took a deep breath. “Oh you know me too well, dear Copper.” She moved towards him, but he stood his ground. She wasn't actually there. “And such confidence you have found...I assume this is in part to your new found power? It is quite impressive...but nothing to the power I now possess...” Copper stared at her, despite not wanting to. He had to read her, figure things out. “Power...so you found Sombra.” “Oh yes...I quite missed him. And though it took quite a lot of...mmm...convincing, I now know how the crystals work.” She was grinning. That did not sound very good. “Really...” “Oh yes. But, oh, look at me still talking.” She was standing very close to Copper now, looking down at him. “Why should I talk...when I could simply show you.” ~ They were there. In the Crystal Empire. It had happened in just a flash and now he was standing directly in front of the real Raven, in the main hall of the palace. “What just happened?” He heard Twilight say behind him. He risked a glance back towards her; she was shaking slightly and her horn wrapped in black crystals. So were Chrysalis's and Celestia's. She had brought them all here. He felt claws run across his cheek and he turned to stare at Raven. “Oh you can't imagine the power that I have now...” She was not as she was. There was something different. Very different. It was in her eyes. “I'm sorry.” He looked to his other side and there stood Sombra. “She is...she is persuasive.” It was not the Sombra he had expected, that was for sure. He looked sunken with the way that he seemed to slump where he stood. He was thin and quite ragged. “I...I couldn't-” “Oh get a hold of yourself,” she said with a soft laugh. “Honestly, it's no wonder He decided to choose me instead of you. A few deaths and you become pathetic.” “I just...this isn't what I wanted.” He was mumbling now and Copper noticed he was swaying slightly. “Be quiet!” she snapped; obviously she didn't like how he was acting at all. “Some king you are.” Copper had to get a hold of the situation. This was not King Sombra. “You brought him back...” “Oh yes,” she said as she grinned at him. “Quite easy with this power.” She seemed to crackle with energy. “So much power, Copper...you could not even imagine...” “So he told you how to control the crystals...” Copper couldn't move. He chose not to move. He had to stand and face her down. There was nowhere to go. “Oh yes. Yes he did. And the power is so...exhilarating...” Again that black tongue ran across her beak. “And now, he and I will rule this world...it will be easy, once he snaps out of whatever he seems to be going through.” Copper couldn't help but smile. “Oh? Did you not know?” He couldn't help himself. Her head tilted to the side slightly. “Know? Know what, little Copper?” “I killed King Sombra,” he said, glancing at the other Sombra, who winced slightly. Her head tilted to the side. “Yes, I know that. But I brought him back. He was hiding out here in the empire,” she said, sounding slightly confused. “Oh no. You brought back what he had left long ago. You see...Sombra pushed out what he didn't want a long time ago.” Copper could see Sombra slowly making his way towards a nearby doorway. “So you see, you did my job for me. You brought back everything that Sombra wasn't.” “He is still Sombra,” she said with a smirk. “It does not matter if he is just parts of him.” “You are a fool,” Copper said, staring her down. “You brought back everything Sombra didn't want. His fears. His sadness. His cowardice.” Her eyes snapped to Sombra, who immediately bolted out the doorway. Shink. She looked at him and then at the large blade. “Oh? So you have a new toy? What are you going to do? Stab me?” “Yes.” Her smile immediately faltered as the blade pierced her chest. She coughed and stumbled backwards, clutching at her chest. She coughed again, blood splattering the ground. But she laughed. “Oh...that...wasn't...nice...” she managed and Copper saw the black smoke surround her talons. “Not nice at all.” It was gone. Just like that the wound was gone. Copper stared at her, trying to think. “That was...you shouldn't be able to heal from that...” “Oh and normally you'd be correct...but I am not just Madam Raven,” she said as the grin returned to her face. “No...” She stood up straight and the room darkened immediately. “Oh yes...” She spread her arms out and everything seemed far worse than he had ever imagined. “I am the Other.”