//------------------------------// // The love curse // Story: Lost In Everfree // by Dr_Cranberry //------------------------------// When Applejack woke up she was on the table at zecora's home. "Gah Wha- What happened?" Applejack asked holding her head from the sheer headache she had. "Its okay applejack your safe" Said twilight in a caring manner. "The monster sadly took pinkie. Rest her soul" Twilight said damping a towel in a concoction she found in one of zecora's medical books. "What happened after I was out?" Applejack asked. "Well for one the monster led a trail to where it took pinkie. So we can go there if your felling alright." Twilight said. "Well then Lets go!" Applejack said in a stern voice and started to get up carefully off the table. "Woah woah applejack take it easy!" Twilight said. "No twi' That thing took pinkie and I wont let her death go in vain. Were finding that thing and killing it before it can do any more damage." By this time applejack was off the table and feeling find as ever. Except for her head still hurting a little bit. "Are you sure applejack? Because once we leave theres no going back!" Twilight exclaimed. "I'm sure" Applejack said as she started to open the door to the everfree. "C'mon twi'" Applejack said she started to walk around the shack and near the back found a bunch of knocked down trees in an obvious trail. By this time twilight had caught up with her. "Follow me its okay to walk beside me now" Applejack said. As she started climbing over trees and vines that had been knocked down by this monster. Eventually they ended up at a area that not even twilight reconized. It was a large area that was a clearing about one-hundred miles around in a complete and even circle. There were carvings on a near by tree that sparked Applejacks interest. She read the carvings as twilight sat down and rested on the ground. Contemplating what had happened and if this was real or just a dream. She heard applejack say oh no! As she ran over. "Whats going on applejack?" "Twi' you might not believe me but were in an area that we cant get out of" Applejack said. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" Twilight said in a worried and scared voice. "Well we can get out but we need to do something that I don't think you will be down for. Otherwise were trapped." Applejack said. "I'm down for anything applejack as long as we can still kill that beast!" Twilight exclaimed. Applejack took a large sigh and began to speak. "Twi' When the everfree forest first was built there was a curse upon it. That anypony or monster that went in couldn't get out unless they showed affection for another pony. But soon celestia made a deal with the ancient gods that the forest could still have the curse. But it would just be in a clearing. We are in that clearing. So we cant get out unless we show affection or romance for eachother. Meaning kissing, Dating, and all the other stuff that comes with romance and true love." Applejack said. "Oh no no no no no!" Twilight yelled. "Applejack is there any other way?!" Applejack just shook her head. "Well then... We better get to work." Twilight said as she leaned in and kissed applejack on the lips. When the kiss ended applejack said, "Thats good twi' We just need to show the three signs of love. So kissing, Rubbing, and then... touching." "So how long do we need to do this for?" Twilight said. "The curse lasts as long as we need to show the three signs of love." Applejack explained. Then grabbed twilight again and kissed her on the lips again this time being more sensual and pulled twilight closer so instead of a weak kiss now they were making out. Applejack started to then rub twilight's back as twilight moaned in slight pleasure and couldn't believe she was doing this for her friends and for the rest of equestria. Applejack then touched twilights rear end and instead of pulling away twilight tried to accept it for her friends and took Applejacks hoof and put it more onto her rear end. Applejack then started rubbing twilight's horn with her hoof as twilight moaned in pleasure the sense of her horn being touched by another pony and not her. Applejack also started to rub twilights butt cheek in a circular motion to make twilight more aroused. Soon applejack started rubbing twilight's vagina as twilight started crying and wanted this to end she also her put hoof on applejacks vagina and started rubbing it in a pattern applejack couldn't even do. Twilight also felt a tear drip out of her eye as she wanted this to end so badly. Suddenly she felt a rush of blood to her head and her horn spewed magic as applejack pulled away. "Twilight we did it. We broke the curse." Applejack said as she ran into the same direction where the tentacle had lead a path to in the trees. Twilight couldn't believe she did that. But it was all over now and she never had to do it again.