Magical Mistakes - Twilight the Changeling

by ThePrinceOfTheNorth



Not to skip formalities, but my name is John Winter. I'm Prince of the Kingdom of Solstice, a powerful kingdom to the north of The Crystal Empire, but all will be explained as tou read on.

I was seated with his wife in the luxurious gardens in the palace courtyard. It was a site to behold, flora and fauna long since thought to be extinct on Equus, but still alive here, in the Solstice Royal Gardens. Solstice itself was a city far to the north of the Crystal Empire, and was very disconnected from the rest of Equus. It's inhabitants were humans, not unkile those from Earth, which they had visited in the past.

Solstice was crown jewel of the Kingdom of Solstice, and The Winter Palace it's heart. This is where I was now, lounging around after a morning of tedious meetings, though the arrival of Cadance and Shining Armor had been quite enjoyable, but with all the recent Changeling activity, and this second attempt to take Canterlot, almost everyone was on edge, even as far as far away from Canterlot as Solstice was.

I was thinking about this when a familiar muzzle made it's way into the gardens, her starry mane floating in the breeze, and her kind attitude showing even though her appearance was truely menacing.

"Oh, hello Nightmare Moon," Luna, the only other pony there, said happily, "Sleep well?"

"Quite, thank you," she said as she laid down beside her maker. I had regular visits to the moon during her and Luna's exile, and had rehabilitated her. The antics on Nightmare Night had really just been for show. How Nightmare Moon was independent of Luna is because of The Winter Spire, a tower housing a focus crystal that channeled the dangerous amount of ambient magics that were left over from the Solstice War, which lasted from the very dawn of time to about seven thousand one hundred five years ago, and I'd been around since the beginning. It's all very relative when you're just above the level of an alicorn, but is still very slow to pass.

I was interrupted from my thoughts as I sensed something very wrong. You see, due to the limitless magic reserves I posessed, I could to detect powerful spells being cast incorrectly or by a different species than the spell was meant for. While the latter was of little matter, as many ponies did this, the former was very worrysome, as somepony could get hurt. This was an exceptionally bad case as it was a combination of both, which could lead to the most disasterous consequences possible. I used a magic trace to find who was casting the spell, what the spell was, and how ovepowered and incorrectly the spell was being perforrmed. I gasped as I all was revealed.

Twilight Sparkle was trying to use the Changeling Reveal spell with an area of effect, something that the spell was never once modified to do. To make matters worse, the spell was massively over-powered...

...and had imploded on it's user, doing to her what it would normally only do to a changeling, even if she wasn't really one...

...Twilight Sparkle had accidentally turned herself into a Changeling Drone.

"Luna," I said as I got up and quickly ran for the enterance to the garden, "I'm going on a trip to Ponyville."

"What about the Changelings," asked Luna.

"That's the whole reason why I'm going," I yelled as I passed through the door into the halls of the Winter Palace, out of earshot of Luna and Nightmare Moon, "I hope I'm not too late." My mind shifted to the Inquisition Celestia had formed to deal with the Changeling threat. He dreaded what would happen if they got to Twilight first, not knowing she was one of the alicorn princesses they were supposed to serve.