//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: An Adventure To Another Place // Story: Something Remembered // by ThePrinceOfTheNorth //------------------------------// Chapter 1: An Adventure To Another Place Fate had felt left out and unwanted all her life, and could only just barely remember the time before she was ten, though is seemed impossible that what she remember was real. While the people she knew were buying the latest Winter Industries gadgets, she was in his apartment that she could barely afford the rent for watchin My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, because that was all she remebered, but in greater detail than the show portrayed. Honestly, she would do just abot anything to get out of this feeling of not belonging if the opportunity came. One gloomy summer day, though, it did. Fate was walking back to her apartment. It was around noon, and she'd just been fired, again. It seemed to her that her life was just setback after setback after setback. She would lose the apartment by the end of the week, and she knew it. She felt something moist land on her head and realized it was about to start raining. She looked around to find she had somehow ended up in the park across the street from his apartment. "Oh great," she said as the downpour began. She made a mad dash across the street for her house, lifting her arms to shield her eyes from the rain. She didn't see the car that came speeding toward him. For a second, Fate didn't feel anything, not even her own heartbeat. Then suddenly, the whole world went white and she felt immense pain, and felt like she was falling. All this together caused her to black out before she saw something that would've taken her breath away, as it was something she remembered from her fragmented memories. Meanwhile in Solstice, North of The Crystal Empire... Captain Flynn was sitting at one of the monitors in Solstice Radar Control when a blip appeared on the display. He though it was malfunctioning untilthe blip again appeared, same place as before...and again...and again. Now he knew something was up. The display monitored unauthorized teleportations from Earth to Equus, which rarly ever happened, as they usually snch in using the Prince's lab on Earth. This wasn't a good thing, either way. He immediately began pressing specific buttons and turning specific nobs, as the radar imaging hadn't been focused in years. Flynn soon got the image honed-in, and was superised to find it was an area just outside of Canterlot. He zoomed the image until he could clearly see the being that had teleported halfway across the galaxy. Realizing who and what it was, due to it having hair, Flynn scrambled to get his headset on. "This is Captain Benjamin Flynn to Prince Winter, respond." A few seconds of static passed before he recieved an answer. "This is Captain Stormcry of the Royal Honor Guard, what is it his highness need to see?" "Code Blackbird, repeat, Code Blackbird," said Flynn, getting an immediate response. "Understood," said Stormcry, "The Prince will be there momentarily." ~~~~~~ A few minutes later, I was in the Radar Control Room looking at the display, which was very blurry and distorted. "May I," I asked Flynn, who nodded and moved from the console. I put the image onto the main screen of the Control Room and began focusing it in, and saw something miraculous when I did finally get it focused. On the grassy plains before Canterlot lay a Changeling with Jet Black chitin, an actual mane and tail that were a sickening colour of green, and large wings. This was not Midnight Blue, as she was always on Equus. Code Blackbird was for another Changeling, much like Midnight Blue, but with the handicap of having to feed on emotions. Queen Fate had finally come home.