Something Remembered

by ThePrinceOfTheNorth

Chapter 3: Getting Help

Chapter 3: Getting Help

Fate slowly willed hrself from her dreams and back into the waking world. She had been dreaming of a land made entirely of cotton candy, and had been thoroughly enjoying herself all night without a care in the world. Now it was morning, so she had to leave the tasty land and return to the real world.

The first thing she felt was the pain throughout her entire body. It was less than the previous night, but was still unbelievably painful. In all the pain she was in, she couldn't help but start whimpering. She closed her eyes and began to cry softly, so as not to cause herself more pain.

She could now tell most, if not all, of the bones in her body were broken. It was really nothing short of a miracle she was alive. The car really had hit her, and that impact had caused her to release magic, which in turn ended up being a teleport spell, which in turn sent her here. Still, it was a rather long series of event, and was rather difficult to focus on through all the pain. At least she was in pain, which told her, despite breaking everything but her skull, that she might make a full recovery.

She felt something cool placed on her forehead and opened her eyes to see a familliar stallion standing over her, one that she remembered from the memories she'd regained the night before.

"Elegance, that you," Fate asked in a whisper. Though the voice of most Changelings was hoarse, hers was soft and genlte, alot like Cadance's or Fluttershy's.

"It is, your highness," Elegance replied, "I'm superised you remember me. You've been gone for quite awhile."

" long," Fate asked softly, " l..l..long h..h..have I b..b..been g..g..gone?"

"More than five thousand years," Elegance said, "Celestia said you were in limbo until twenty years ago, when she couldn't detect you anymore."

"Oh," Fate said. She could vaguely remember the time in limbo, but not that well, as that's what she assumed caused her memories to fragment apart.

"But you're back now, and that's all that matters," Elegance said, dabbing the wet cloth on her head again, "You look like death."

"I f...feel like d...d...d..death," Fate said, "Got h..hit by a"

"I take it that's a bad thing," Elegance said. It then dawned on Fate that Elegance had no idea what anything from Earth was, so she thought she'd do her best to explain.

"Yes," Fate said, "It's a m...m...miracle I'm n...n...not d..d..dead."

"Well, when you put it that way, I don't think I ever want to be on the wrong end of one of these 'cars' as you put it," Elegance said, "I might break it."

Fate chuckled a little at his comment. There was really no doubt that with his strength, it would be like hitting a rock with a toothpick, the car wouldn't stand a chance.

"I missed you," Elegance said as he continued dabbing the cloth on Fate's forehead.

Fate gave him a slight nod. " too."

He would've hugged her, but he could tell she was in no condition to do any such thing. "So, what kind of damage did it do?"

"B..broken b..b..b..bones," Fate said, "All but skull, b..b..roken."

"Every other bone besides your skull," Elegance asked, astonished she really was alive. She nodded. "Can you still feel?" She nodded again.

"Okay, I'll run to the hospital to see if the have anything that may help," Elegance said, "If not, I think I know a pony who might know something that could help. I'll be back soon."

Fate nodded and Elegance quickly made his way out the door. Thankfully, her horn was still in working order, and her restored memories taught her ho to use her magic. She used it to continue dabbing her forehead with the wet cloth.

After a few hours, Elegance returned with some medicatin and another, much younger pony, who she knew from having watched every episode of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic about a thousand times.

Princess Twilight Sparkle glanced nervously at the Changeling on the bed before her. Fate could sense this apprehension, so tried to ease it as best she could. At least her voice had returned to her, which made talking much easier.

"Twilight Sparkle," Fate said, "I've heard so very much about you, and I must say, I am a huge fan of your accomplishments."

Twilight looked at Fate for a second before responding. "Well, I, um, thank you. It's nice to know you appriciate the show."

Now it was Fate's turn to be shocked. "Wait, it's all real!? Every bit of it!? Queen Chrysalis really did try to overthrow Canterlot while I was gone!?"

"Yes, yes and yes," Twilight said, "Winter has his clients record big events here, then animate recreate them, but in two dimensions so people don't think we're really real."

"Hmm, clever of this Winter," Fate thought for a mpment before realizing something, "Does he own a company on Earth called Winter Industries?"

"Yes," answered Twilight, "Why do you ask?"

"Oh, just curious," Fate said, not wanting to bring up her short existence as a human any more than she needed to.

"Well, I;m glad you girls have had such a lovely chat," Elegance said, "But Fate's bones are going to fix themselves ant quicker by just standing around."

"Right," said Twiight as she went into her 'Professional Mage Mode', as I'd come to call it, "Okay, hold very still and I'll see what I can do."