Magical Mistakes - Twilight the Changeling

by ThePrinceOfTheNorth

Chapter 4: Simple Solutions

Chapter 4

Meanwhile in the Archives Section of the Solstice Royal Library....

"Come on, I know its here somewhere," I said. I did recall there being a book on Changeling magics and how to undo the damage of even the most botched of spells. I was about to grab another scroll when Captain Stormcry, Captain of the Royal Honor Guard, appeared.

"My King, Captain Flynn has informed me the Canterlot Inquisition has arrived in Ponyville," he said.

"Thank you for informing me," I said, "And I'm Prince now." Before Solstice had joined the Council of Equus, it followed the regular royal system, and the imperial system before the Civil War, but the latter was ancient history. Though most of the guards had already grown used to calling me Prince, Stormcry still had a habit of calling me King. It's not that I minded, though. I just thought Prince John Winter sounded better than King John Winter.

Stromcry bowed before he left, leaving me with the ancient scolls the lined the shelves around me.

I proceeded to grab the one I had been about to before, a particularrly old scroll that bore the marks of a long existence. I opened it slowly to reveal ancient Changeling writing, a kind used long before the Civil War that destroyed my kingdom.

I was able to translate it, though, as I am a very old being. It contained exactly what I'd been looking for, a way to reverse the effects of misfiring a area of effect Changeling Reveal spell. Believe it or not, it was quite simple. All that had t o be done was overcharge a spell you used very often. I put the scroll back and made my way back to the train station.


Meanwhile, back in Ponyville...

Inquisitor Edmund was pacing anxiously. He was trying to figure out how to penetrate the shield surrounding the old castle, but was consistently oming uo with nothing. When he ws there earlier, he'd tried all manner of attack spells and disspells, but none had any affect. He knew such powerful spells couldn't exist, yet, this one did.

He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't notice two Royal Guards enter the tent. He was caught off-guard, but regained his composure before anypony noticed.

"Inquisitor Edmund, there is somepony here to see you," the guard said.

"No," Edmund said, "Not now, I need to think."

"I would not put off a visit from a Royal," said the guard.

"A Royal," repeated Edmund questioningly, "In that case, bring her in!"

Through the tent's door stepped two ponies. One had fur so white is shone naturally, and a gold mane and tail that did the same. His wings were magnificent, bigger than even Celestia's and his muscle and size made him tower over most ponies, except Celestia, who he was only slightly taller than. Beside him stood a mare. She had blue eyes like sapphires, and a mane and tail as white as the fur of the stallion that stood beside her that flowed as if there were a slight breeze. She had no fur, but instead a jet black chitin covering her entire body, with more intricate holes in her legs, all symmetrical. Though he despised them, he had a certain respect for her beauty.

This was Queen Fate, and with her stood her future husband, the legendary Flash of Gold himself, Elegance White.

Edward was in awe. "Queen Fate! Elegance! What...what are you d..d..d..doing here!?"

"We came to see if we could reason with this Changeling," said Fate, "I'd pefer no unnessissary deaths."


Meanwhile, in the ruins of Old Canterlot Castle in the Everfree Forest...

Twilight was once again asleep, and Midnight was busy talking with Luna and Nightmare Moon.

"From what I understand about regular Changelings, they feed on love, right," Midnight said, "And Twilight has been turned into a normal drone, so she needs to feed, or she might die, right?"

"Actually, no," Luna said, "Winter created a spell to allow Changelings to absorb the nutrients from regular foods. He used it on Twilight earlier."

"Doth thou knoweth thy spell, Luna," asked Nightmare Moon.

"You're going regal again, Nightmare," said Luna.

"Oh, um, sorry," Nightmare Moon apologized, "Do you know this spell, Luna?"

"I do, actually," said Luna, "Winter taught me it last year."

"Good," Midnight said, "So when Twilight wakes uo, she should be able to eat."

"Right," replied Luna, "It isn't a permanent substitue, though."

"I hope Winter returns soon, then," Midnight said, "Otherwise Twilight might be in big trouble."

At that moment, Twilight woke up. Though she knew she'd slept a couple of hours, as the sun was now setting, she felt extremely tired. The three other mares saw her trying to get up and ran over to her.

"Are you okay, Twilight," said Luna as she and Nightmare Moon helped her up, "You look terrible, and I don't mean because you're a Changeling."

"I feel terrible," replied Twilight. Her muscles ached, and she could feel the beginnings of a headache. She was also very hungery. "I need to eat something."

"Hungery, then," said Midnight, "I'll go see if I can make something up for you, thought this isn't my kitchen, so it won't be as good as it would be in Canterlot."

Twilight chuckled at this. Midnight was, among her many other talents, a naturally-gifted chef, and could honestly make raw fish into a desirable meal.

Luna and Nightmare Moon helped Twilight over to the table. She was feeling very weak, but knew she had to stay awake and get some energy into her body. She sat for the next while, thinking about random things until Midnight returned with her food.

"It's not much, but it's something," she said as she placed the plate in front of Twilight. It honestly looked spectacular.

Twilight was about to start eating, but Luna stopped her. "I need to cast the spell that actually makes eating useful."

Twilight nodded and waited as Luna cast the spell. "There, now you can eat."

Twilight dove greedily into the plate. She hadn't realized how hungery she'd been until that moment. She soon finished the meal, feeling much better afterwards.

"Thank you, Midnight," Twilight said with a smile, "It was delicious."

At that moment, I came running in, panting.

"Winter!? What's wrong," said Midnight.

"Nothing, actually," I said, "The Inqusition is in Ponyville, as are Fate and Elegance, who are stalling them for me."

"Did you find a way to fix me," asked Twilight.

"Indeed," I replied, "It took a bit of searching, but I found an ancient Changeling scroll telling of how to reverse the misfire."

"How," Twiligth asked eagerly. She really wanted to be herself again.

"All you have to do," I said, " Is overcharge the spell you use the most."