//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: Last Chance // Story: Magical Mistakes - Twilight the Changeling // by ThePrinceOfTheNorth //------------------------------// Chapter 5 I led Twilight and the other to the throne room, as a large, open space was needed for what Twilight was about to attempt. Though I knew she felt tired, I also knew she didn't want to be a Changeling any more. "Are you ready, Twilight?" Twilight nodded. "I'm ready as I'll ever be." "Okay," I said, "Luna, Midnight, Nighmare Moon, I suggest you take a few stteps back, as this will be a very powerful spell." The three ponies nodded, and took a few steps backward into the hallway for cover. I turned back to Twilight. "Whenever you're ready." ~~~~~~~~~~ Inquisitor Edmund had just recieved word that Prince Winter had arrived and had gone into the Everfree. He was tiring of Fate and Elegance, and excused himself, claiming to need to relieve himself, which he did not. Instead, he rouned up a few Royal Guards and began making their way into the forest. Fate and Elegance grew suspicous when Edmund didn't return, and peeked out of the tent just as he and his guards disappeared into the forest. Elegance pulled out a small radio. "This is Elegance to Captian Stormcry, over." "This is Stormcry," said a voice over the small speaker, "What seems to be the problem?" "Inquisitor Edmund is on his way to the old castle," Elegance said, "A guard came in a few minutes ago. He must have seen Winter go into the forest." "The shield is down at the moment," said Stormcry, "It cannot be raised until after Twilight has performed the spell." "Okay," Elegance said, "Out." He put away the little radio and turned to Fate. "What should we do?" "Have faith," she said, remembering the show as she'd watched it back on Earth, "Twilight will make it, don't worry." ~~~~~~~~~~ Twilight's teleport spell had reached full power a few minutes ago, and was almost to the appropriate charge when I heard hoofsteps approaching. I would've asked gotten Twilight to abort the spell, but at this charge, there was no telling what could happen. "Luna, Midnight, Nightmare Moon, I think the Iquisitor knows I'm here," I said, "We need to keep them out until Twilight's spell is charged enough, follow me." I led the ponies to the door, which I quickly closed and barred. "There are towers overlooking the area before these doors. Do not kill them, just immobilize them, got it?" All three of them nodded. "Okay, let's go!" ~~~~~~~~~~ While we were using non-fatal spells, the Inquisitor and his guards were using spells that, if they hit one of us, could cause serious injury. "Winter, look out," yelled Nightmare Moon, and I ducked just as a fireball flew by me. "Thanks," I called as I paralyzed the pony who thew the fireball. Moments later, I heard a sickening groan, followed by a snap as the rotted wood beam holding the door closed snapped, revealing a completely defenceless Twilight Sparkle. Edmund, who had just blew open the door, managed to send a fireball at Twilight before Luna paralyzed him. "TWILIGHT," I yelled as a bright light lit the entire throne room. When I opened my eyes, it was to a dismal sight. All that remained where Twilight just stood was a scorch mark in the shape of her cutiemark. I feared the worst, but held out hope that Twilight had succeeded.