Magical Mistakes - Twilight the Changeling

by ThePrinceOfTheNorth



Events happened rather quickly after Twilight left the hospital. Pinkie Pie threw a party to celebrate Twilight's safe return, of course, and Ponyville settled down. While not dissolved, the Canterlot Inquisition was stripped of a number of it's priviledges, based on what happened in Ponyville. These losses included control of the Royal Guard and a sharp cut in funding. It would have been dissolved, but there were still Changelings out there with ill intent, and they still needed to be watched. Edmund was dishonourably discharged from the Inquisition on account of his mistreatment of prisoners, and only narrowly avoided banishment from Equestria altogether. Now, the only real important thin was the wedding of Queen Fate and Elegance White, which was just a few weeks away...

"So darling, aren't you excited about the wedding," asked Rarity. She and Princess Rarity were making Twilight something nice to wear for the wedding.

"Don't you think it's a bit early to get excited," questioned Twilight, "It is two weeks away, after all."

"Nonsense," replied Rarity, "Getting ready for events like this require much planning ahead, so one must be excited about it."

"I guess," Twilight said before looking over to Princess Rarity, "What do you think."

"Well, darling, I really just want you to look nice," she said, "I already made myself and Ella dresses for the wedding, and it worries me to think that you do not."

"Huh, you really were a fashion designer in another life, weren't you," Twilight said, refering to the fact that Princess Rarity was once human.

"One of the best," she replied, a smug look on her face, "Rarity was my idol! She's the reason I'm here, well, not the direct reason..."

"I get the picture," Twilight said, remembering the incident earlier that month.

"Don't worry, darling," Princess Rarity said, "I'm still fully devoted to my work, now even more, since I get to work alongside my idol."

The rest of the session consisted of much talking and gossip, and despite all of it, the two Raritys made Twilight a beautiful lavender dress.

"It's simply marvelous," said Princess Rarity with a smile.

"Agreed," Rarity said.

Princess Rarity left, as she had some other things to take care of before the day was over, leaving only Twilight and Rarity.

"I still find it confusing to have two of you," Twilight said.

"As do I, darling," Rarity replied.

Twilight's thoughts turned to the wedding in a few weeks. She knew that the few renegade changelings wouldn't try something, but she still felt as if something bad was going to happen.