//------------------------------// // The chase // Story: Dark Equestria // by Catboy //------------------------------// Catboy's P.O.V It was a pretty dull day in my castle. I had paperwork to do. My beloved pet cat, Tigger, was asleep, and the guards...well...guards are never in it for the fun. The entire day on the whole planet was peaceful and calm. Not a single crime was being committed! So obviously i was surprised when a guard rushed into my office with a look of worry on his face. "Dark Catboy has stolen something from the treasury!" He exclaimed. I looked at him, then laughed really hard. "Oh Daniel, you have such a sense of humor! For a minute, I thought you were serio-" "SIR! I MEOWING MEAN IT!!!" I ran past him to find the fiend as soon as he told me that! I kept on running through the nicely decorated hallways and finally caught up with Dark Catboy. However, he seemed to have gotten faster since our last encounter. He pulled out a pistol that resembled a portal gun, and fired a shot into the wall behind me. A portal opened to reveal a meadow with a forest near it. He ran up to me, punched me in the face, then jumped through the portal. I got up and followed him in. Nobody gets away with hitting me in the face! After some time, I seemed to have lost consciousness.