Ghost of Parties Past

by Sythax

Life of the Party

The door creaked as Twilight opened it, peering into the gloom. The curtains were drawn and the remains of the party still stood in the shadows.
One by one the ponies entered. Applejack and Rainbow Dash came last, a stretcher between them, its occupant covered by a white sheet. Carefully they laid it in the centre of the room. As they did a pink hoof fell from beneath the sheet.
Twilight looked around at the others, their faces etched with worry. They all looked back and nodded.
"Pinkie Pie!" she shouted
The room remained silent. No reply came.
"Pinkie! We know your there!"
A faint breeze blew through the room, ruffling the sheet on the stretcher. A faint giggle echoed from every corner.
"Come out Pinkie! We just want to talk to you!"
"You don't have to shout Twilight! I'm right here!"
The five ponies looked up. Pinkie Pie was standing on the roof, her ghostly form looking down upon them.
"H...Hi Pinkie" said Twilight nervously as Pinkie drifted to the ground "How...uh... have you been?"
"Oh absolutely superduperriffic!" cried Pinkie as she bounced around the room "I've never had so much fun!"
"That great..." said Twilight "But don't you think you ought to stop?"
"Stop?!" said Pinkie, coming to a halt in mid air "Why would I what to stop?"
"Well...Ponies haven't exactly been enjoying you pranks as much as you..." said Twilight, choosing her words carefully.
Twilight horn flared as she began charging a spell, all she had to do was link Pinkie's soul to her body and...
Pinkie frowned as the spell charged. Realising what Twilight was doing she gasped.
"No! I don't want to go back!"
Looking around frantically she spotted one of the left over cakes. With a heave of her telekinetic powers she lifted into the air, dropping it squarely of Twilight head.
The tower of sponge completely engulfed her. With a splash of icing she emerged from the top of the cake, her mane smothered with icing.
"Oh lighten up Twilight!" replied Pinkie "We were just having some fun!"
"No Pinkie, you were having some fun" replied Twilight, not messing around anymore.
The other four ponies scampered over to help Twilight, only to be intercepted by some very aggressive teacups that flew around the room like missiles, blocking the path to Twilight.
"What do you mean?" said Pinkie "Everyone was laughing! I swear!"
"They weren't laughing!" cried Twilight over the sound of shattering china and the ever-increasing wind that blew "They were screaming!"
"Screaming with delight?!" asked Pinkie, her face struggling to hold its joyous smile.
"Screaming with fear! You haven't been spreading laughter but terror!" screamed Twilight over the now gale force winds.
"No!" screamed Pinkie, trying to deny it.
"Look at what you did!"
"Stop it!" cried Pinkie
"To your town!"
"I said stop!" she screamed, she pelted Twilight with various things from the room, streamers and balloons bouncing off her face.
"To you neighbours!"
Tears streamed down Pinkie's face, the cruelty of what she had been doing consuming her.
"To your friends"
Pinkie looked at the ponies surrounding her, her eyes leaking profusely. And one by one they smiled at her. She stared. What had she become? Had she gone too far?
Slowly the wind died. The room filled with the sound of breaking china as teacups rained from above.
Pinkie Pie just sat in the centre of the room, the pale form laying across her own still body. She shuddered as sobs rocked her and tears streamed from her face.
The others stood around her, watching as she wailed.
Twilight approached her and placed a hoof on her shoulder. Or she would have had it not passed straight through.
Pinkie looked up at her friends.
"I'm so...sorry..." she sobbed "I'm a terrible pony!"
"No your not!" said Twilight quickly "You just got carried away"
"B..B...But I hurt ponies! I don't deserve to go back"
"Look sugarcube" said Applejack, hugging Pinkie tight "We don't care whatcha did, that don't matter"
"We just what our friend back dear" said Rarity, joining in.
"Pranks and all!" chipped in Rainbow Dash, wrapping her hooves around them.
"Yay!" whispered Fluttershy as she also snuggled into the group
Pinkie looked at her friends. Even after all she'd done they still wanted her back?
Pinkie's mouth slowly raised into a smile.
"Thanks girls" she said, squeezing them tight.
Twilight's horn once again blazing into life, enveloping Pinkie's ghostly shape and her still body in a purple aura. And with a flash she was gone.
The body under the sheet jerked, kicking its legs as it owner reclaimed it.
The others pulled the sheet off. Pinkie's eyes were open and staring.
"Uh, Pinkie?"
"Woohoo!" she cried as she bounced into the air, taking a deep breath. She stretched her legs and yawned.
"Nice to have ya back Pinkie" said Applejack
"You know what this needs?" she said excitedly.
"We can guess" said Twilight as they all rolled their eyes.
"A 'coming back to life' party!" she cried.
Looking round her room, she picked up a plate, its contents of sponge some how unharmed.
"Cake anyone?" asked Pinkie innocently.
Five voiced chorused "NO!"
Pinkie just giggled.