But I'm here for you now

by Dashzilla93

One Step Closer

"Rarity, is this really necessary?" Sweetie Belle whined, having a frou-frou hat put on her head while wearing a tan silk dress with multi-colored flowers reigning over parts of the fabric. It covered her hind legs all the way to her neck.

"It's completely necessary, Sweetie Belle," Rarity mumbled having pins between her teeth, "Now hold still, this is delicate material." She used her magic to levitate a pin out of her mouth and into a folded piece of fabric on Sweetie Belle's dress.

"I look stupid," Sweetie Belle groaned with an unamused pout.

Of all the dresses in the world that her sister could've made her wear, she couldn't have made one that didn't make her look like she was on a vacation in Haywaii?

"Yeah, right!" Applebloom exclaimed, wearing a cotton style dress with a bright red tone on the body, darker red edges, a ruby shaped tiara, and high heels. She felt like some awkward big-shot for Manehattan. "At least you don't have high heels on," she grunted uncomfortably as she shuffled a little. "These things are more uncomfortable than washing Granny Smith's back," She said, before shivering a bit at what she just said.

"Come now girls, you both look fabulous," Rarity complimented, putting the last pin in Sweetie Belle's dress. They looked away and sighed quietly, wishing they'd go back in time and stop themselves from ever saying yes to Rarity; this was so boring.

Sweetie pouted at her sister, commenting on how the multi-colored flowers and tan silk looked on her, motioning to it with a hoof despite Rarity reminding her to hold still, "Rarity, you're making me look like I'm on a sunny vacation in Haywaii with mom and dad, trying to attract the nearest boy with a pretty face."

When she said that they wouldn't have to do anything while she works, they didn't think she meant it like this! They should be outside helping Scootaloo find more clues about her mom, not be in a boutique and look like dress-up dolls for way younger fillies!

The bell over the door dinged loudly throughout the boutique, "Oh, who could that be?" Rarity said.

"Maybe it's Scootaloo?" Sweetie Belle thought as her older sister went to go check it out, much to the fillies' relief. When she left the room, the uncomfortable, pampered fillies sat down and rested on their haunches.
Rarity walked downstairs with a friendly smile as she approached the entrance to see who stepped in her boutique, "Hello and welcome to the Carousel Boutique," she greeted, "My name is Rarity. How may I help you--" her sentence was cut off when she found out who it was that walked in, and couldn't help but put a large smile on her face.

"Hello Rarity, I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

Rarity giggled and waved an assuring hoof, "Not at all, Fluttershy," she said in a friendly tone to the shy mare. "It's so good to see you, darling. How are things?" she happily asked. She hasn't had a conversation with her best friend in quite a while and it was alright to catch up while she worked, or if Fluttershy needed to purchase something.

"Just wonderful! I was shopping around Ponyville and thought I'd come here to purchase something, and maybe visit for a bit?" She asked and smiled happily as she approached the center of the boutique.

Rarity nodded to her and said, "And I'm glad you did, darling. What can I do for you today?"

"Oh, I'd like to buy some pajamas, please."

Rarity nodded and turned away from Fluttershy and walked towards a movable clothes rack. She used her magic to pull the rack back and walked back to Fluttershy with it to show her two rows with four pajamas each with different colors and designs, much to Fluttershy's surprise and excitement, "Take your pick. I have four cotton and four silk," she pointed out, showing Fluttershy the variety to choose from. There were two small ones, three mediums, and three large. Knowing her actual weight, Fluttershy chose the mediums. Three were hoofmade made from the softest cotton to ever exist in all of Equestria. The designs were also a sight to see. One was light green in color that had flowers sewed all over the bottom. The second was a sky blue with clouds displaying within the pajamas, not sewed on. The last one was a light purple displaying a slimmer design than the other two; some spots, like the legs and back, were coated with bright blue diamonds. But what really gave off its cuteness was the red-orange phoenix located dead center in the chest area.

"Oh wow Rarity, they're so beautiful," she complemented with eyes sparkling in amazement.

Rarity blushed lightly and smiled a bit, "Thank you, Fluttershy. They're not my best work. But at least they sell well," she said. "So which one would you like, darling?"

"I don't know Rarity, they all look so amazing."

Rarity chuckled at Fluttershy's bewilderment, finding it somewhat adorable. She looked like she was a filly in a candy store, "Take your time, Fluttershy," she said with a bright smile.

Fluttershy eyed the pajamas and tried her hardest to decide, but it was futile to choose. They were all too good and Rarity was that much of an artist in the fashion work despite her saying that they weren't her best work, "Oh my, they're all so beautiful. I can't choose."

The bell chimed, again. Rarity and Fluttershy both turned their heads and looked back to see Scootaloo walk in the boutique as the door closed behind her.

"Sorry I'm late, Rarity."

Rarity sighed in slight disappointment, "Scootaloo, you have to be more--" she noticed the sun in the corner of her eye and looked at the clock and out the window behind Scootaloo; it was still sunny outside. Time was still going, but Scootaloo surprisingly made it back three minutes earlier, "--Actually, you made it just in time," she said, giggling from her own mistake, "So sorry, dear."

Scootaloo looked at Rarity and slightly rolled her eyes. Despite Rarity trying to lighten things up, it didn't stop or help her feel any better, yet she still pretended to laugh. She looked back down at the floor before walking between the mares. Fluttershy noticed the look on Scootaloo's face and knew right away that she was faking it, she had to find out why she was looking down.

Just earlier she was in a hurry and had a smile on her face, but now it's back to a sad frown.

"What's wrong, Scootaloo?" Her voice spoke to the filly, laced with worry.

Scootaloo stopped to look at Fluttershy and sighed lightly. "It's nothing, Fluttershy."

"Did you get what you needed from the toy store?" Rarity asked. She gazed to Scootaloo, hoping that the little filly had gotten some sort of lead to further her investigation.

Scootaloo glanced at Rarity and nodded in response, "Yes, but the answer I got kind of left me thinking. What if what I'm looking for will take me longer than expected?" She said as she walked past the older mares with a disappointed frown and headed up to Rarity's bedroom. "Maybe this whole investigation is impossible…" She sighed lightly before disappearing into the bedroom, closing the door.

Rarity looked after Scootaloo with a slight frown as well. Despite not getting an exact clear answer, she knew Scootaloo shouldn't give up that easily.

"What was she looking for, Rarity?" Fluttershy asked in a curious tone.

"Oh, she was looking for the clerk who worked there and said she needed to ask him something," she looked back at Fluttershy and told her what Scootaloo told her, thinking it was alright to tell. "You won't believe this, but, she told me she had a dream about meeting a mare at her orphanage. I know it sounds a little silly, but--"

Fluttershy's ears perked up and sat down, surprised and shocked to hear that, "A mare… at the orphanage?!"

Rarity nodded to her, "Yes, she believes this mare could be her actual mother."

"Oh, my. D-does she remember anything else?" she leaned forward a bit, hesitant but eager to know more about Scootaloo's dream.

Rarity shook her head, "I'm afraid not, my dear. All she remembers is hearing her voice," she said while Fluttershy secretly panicked. Her eyes shrank pea-sized as a bead of sweat dripped down her head to her right cheek; she thought that Pinkie might be right about Scootaloo figuring this out on her own, and maybe that it's time she told her daughter the truth. She felt an invisible rope mentally pull her and drag her close to the truth. Rarity's Boutique was the perfect spot to tell her. But she needed more time.

Rarity noticed Fluttershy's unusual reaction and placed a hoof on her shoulder, "Fluttershy, darling, is something wrong? You seem tense about something." she gently nudges her to try and wake her up, even gently tap her left cheek to get her attention.

Fluttershy blinked a few times and snapped back into reality. She looked at her concerned friend, "Oh, um, no, I'm fine, Rarity," she said with a giggle and an awkward smile.

Rarity raised a brow and shrugged it off. She smiled at Fluttershy then asked, "So have you decided, yet?"

Fluttershy cocked her head and raised a brow, thinking it over. She remembered what she came here for, but then another idea popped into her head, "Um…" she looked at the pajamas before she looked back at Rarity and smiled happily, "Actually…"

***Rarity's room***

Scootaloo walked inside, her eyes filled with depression. She sighed lightly to herself and looked up before her sad behavior transformed into a look of surprise, which melted into an amused smile which finally changed with a burst of laughter escaping her lungs.

She apparently walked in on her pampered, uncomfortable friends and was now seeing them in their silly outfits as she laughed at their appearances, pointing at them in hilarity.

"Nice outfits," She said sarcastically. She got their attention but the unamused frown from Applebloom and pouty face from Sweetie Belle made it even more hilarious. "Are you tryin' to look like fancy Carrot Patch Kids Dolls?" She laughed so hard, she could almost feel her gut trying not to burst as she fell over, gripping her sides.

"Haha, very funny," Sweetie Belle said with a slight groan.

"It's not funny, Scootaloo!" She scowled a bit as her cheeks started lighting up from being laughed at by her best friend.

Scootaloo giggled slightly before she closed the door behind her and walked up to her friends, and said, "Sorry. It's just that you two look so hilarious and ridiculous in those clothes," She smirked and tried to withhold more laughter, tears of laughter started forming as she snickered quite a bit.

"I wouldn't continue laughing if I were you. Rarity still has your dress to make," Applebloom said with a devilish smile, instantly making Scootaloo stop and gulp with wide eyes.

It went silent for a minute until the three fillies started laughing from their brief fiasco.

"So… how'd it go at the toy store?" Sweetie Belle looked to her friend, a bit surprised that she got here in such a short time. She humorously thought it would've taken a bit longer if Scootaloo had gotten distracted by the toys inside like any other foal would. Did something go wrong?

Scootaloo sat down in front of her friends and started to discuss her time in the toy store. She explained her answer to them she got from the toy store clerk and also brought up the thought of how long it would take for them to search. The result ended with both dressed-up fillies sharing Scootaloo's hope and defeat. There were so many mares with gentle voices, any one of them could be Scootaloo's mother.

"Wow, I never thought of it'd be like that," Applebloom said with a sad tone.

"I guess getting our cutie marks through dream solving isn't gonna happen anytime soon," Sweetie Belle said dipping her head in shame.

Scootaloo nodded, gazing down at the floor with disappointment, commenting with a sour expression, "Back to square one again."

Who knew that solving a dream mystery was going to be so difficult?

"So what do we do now?" Applebloom asked. They disliked feeling like failures, so they had to find something to take their minds off of it in the meantime, otherwise the rest of the day is not going to be any fun for them.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo thought about it for a moment, until Sweetie Belle softly gasped when an idea came to her, "I know!" she said with a squeak in her voice. "Let's have a slumber party."

"Hey, that sounds like a good idea!" Scootaloo said with Applebloom nodding in agreement.

"Cool, I'll ask Rarity when she…" before she could finish, right on cue, Rarity opened the door and walked in her bedroom with Fluttershy.

"Is everything alright, girls?" Rarity asked carrying clothes on her back.

Sweetie Belle nodded before popping the question to Rarity, "Hey big sis, can my friends and I have a slumber party here?"

Rarity gasped in shock, "Oh my. I'm sorry Sweetie Belle, but I can't watch you three today. Remember? I still have those dresses to make for the pageant," she said apologetically, letting her little sister and her friends down gently – even though it breaks her heart to see her little sibling so upset.

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that," Sweetie Belle facehooved, feeling foolish that she forgot that her sister had her own plans – and knowing her sister, every opportunity is a chance to further her business career.

She frowned, giving her older sister a sad, yet disappointed look. Her friends shared the same look as her; this was just not their day, was it? Bad luck was fully consuming them and enjoying it with a mocking grin on its face as they suffer.

"But you promised you'd do something special for us?" Sweetie said pointing that out.

"I know, but--" Rarity looked down at the three frowning faces when a blissful voice stopped the four in one single sentence.

"Maybe I can look after them."

Rarity perked her ears and turned her head to look at Fluttershy, "Are you sure, Fluttershy?" she asked, very surprised. "Don't you remember the last time they stayed over?" It was an overwhelming experience last time that almost got them turned to stone by a Cockatrice.

Fluttershy nodded, "Yes I do. I believe they've learned their lesson about the first; never going into the Everfree Forest and taking matters into their own hooves," She smiled because she too learned that lesson after that event with a sick Philomena.

The CMC threw their heads up, surprised to hear Fluttershy offer to look after them. They smiled excitedly that the sleepover was back on. "Yay, the slumber party at Fluttershy's!" Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle started jumping about.

Rarity gasped in horror, "Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, please stop jumping! You'll ruin the dresses." she shouted dramatically and a tad angrily.

Fluttershy smiled warmly, placing a hoof on her chest as she watched the sight before her. Her heart melted to see her daughter so joyful and full of life, again. All the sound around her faded away, and the only sound she heard was Scootaloo giggling.

She could hear her daughter's joyful laughter all day. But sadly, Rarity's shout snapped her back into reality.


The fillies stopped when Rarity walked up to them; her face had an annoyed expression as she tapped her front left hoof like a disapproving parent.

"I can tolerate childish behavior and other childish things; but please, for Celestia's sake, be careful with those dresses!" she exclaimed, "They are very delicate and can tear very easily."

"Sorry, Rarity." Applebloom apologized, shuffling a hoof in embarrassment.

Sweetie Belle looking up at Rarity with sad puppy dog eyes. "Sorry, sis…"

Rarity sighed a bit then took in a gentle breath, and said, "I forgive you little sister, and you as well Applebloom. Just be more careful," she smiled calmly, "Now then, why did I-- oh right!" she looked at Scootaloo who flinched once she had been spotted by the fashionista, catching her about to sneak out of the room, "It's your turn, Scootaloo."

Scootaloo nervously looked at Rarity, she had a bad feeling that despite what Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were wearing, she was going to look twice as foolish than them combined, "Do I have to?"

"Yes. You volunteered, remember?"

"I guess," Scootaloo said with a groan in her voice, and then hung her head a bit. Her friends smirking and chuckling behind her.

Three hours flew by and Rarity finally finished the dress around Scootaloo. She backed away to look at her creation while Scootaloo sat there with a very unamused frown. The dress she wore wasn't helping, either; a diamond coated tiara, a slightly long dress made of silk with flowers embedded in it, and light green high heels.

Scootaloo let out a heavy sigh before Applebloom and Sweetie Belle started laughing in hysteria.

"Not funny girls!" Scootaloo said with a snarl, her cheeks started turning bright red from being laughed at by her two friends. They still laughed, not caring in the slightest if they got death glares from Scootaloo.

Fluttershy approached her with a sweet smile, giggling lightly at the dress she was wearing, "Don't be upset, Scootaloo. I think it looks adorable on you," Fluttershy complimented. If anything, the little filly looked somewhat like a princess with that dress on.

Scootaloo looked away and blushed beet red, "Thanks, Fluttershy," she said in a near quiet tone. She felt so embarrassed in the dress. First her friends, now Fluttershy. Who's next on the list, Rainbow Dash? She hoped to Celestia and Luna that Rainbow Dash doesn't walk through that door. If she saw her in this dress, she'd never let her live it down and the embarrassment won't leave her for years to come.

Fluttershy smiled reassuringly at Scootaloo before looking at Rarity and watched her walk to her desk, putting her threads and needles back near the sewing machine. She walked back to her and sighed softly, happy and relieved to have her dress done.

Rarity looked at the three fillies, feeling mesmerized by her work and how adorable they looked in them, "Alright, I think we're done for today, girls," She said before she glanced at Fluttershy, "Now, are you sure you want to do this, Fluttershy?" she nervously asked. The story Fluttershy told her about with the Cockatrice made her worry and stress a bit. As much as she and Sweetie Belle get in fights most of the time, Rarity still loves her younger sister; she would be devastated if her little sister got hurt.

"Oh, of course. Don't worry Rarity," Fluttershy said in a soft tone, trying to comfort and reassure her friend, "Everything will be fine. They know not to go out at night." She looked at the CMC, "Right, girls?"

"Right!" They said sitting down in front of the older mares.

Fluttershy smiled and was thrilled to foalsit them again. She thought it was also a wonderful way to secretly bond with her daughter, but her conscious told her to withdraw herself from telling Scootaloo the truth; she felt like she wasn't ready, yet. Why can't she just flat out tell her right now? It's as simple as the alphabet. Maybe it's because she didn't want to see her daughter's reaction or something? The pain from these thoughts almost got to Fluttershy when Rarity spoke out and brought her back to reality, again.

"Oh, I almost forgot, Fluttershy went out of her way and bought a present for each of you," She said as her horn flashed a light blue. The three fillies watched as Rarity levitated three small pajamas off her back, "She was so kind to buy these three for each of you."

Sweetie Belle smiled at her music note covered pajamas then glanced at Fluttershy, and happily said, "Thanks, Fluttershy."

Applebloom looked at her pajamas and noticed apples on it. She smiled with joy, and said, "Thank you, Fluttershy."

Scootaloo smiled at her sky blue pajamas. She saw lightning bolts on each side with two holes on the back to fit her wings through. She looked at Fluttershy with a giddy and thankful smile. "Yeah, thanks, Fluttershy. This is awesome!"

"You're welcome, girls" Fluttershy replied with a shine on her face, happy to see them smile. It even warmed she heart twice as much knowing she made her daughter happier than she's ever been. The time was almost upon them, "Are you three ready?" she asked.

"Wait! Before they do, they need to take the dresses off first," Rarity said.

The fillies glanced at themselves and carefully removed their dresses. Rarity then used her magic to levitate the dresses over to three small mannequins and very carefully placed them down. She placed the high heels next to the stands as her magic on her horn faded away.

Sweetie Belle looked at Rarity with an eager face, "Does this mean…" Scootaloo and Applebloom were eager to know, too. They had sleepovers before and had tons of fun, but having a sleepover at Fluttershy's cottage was more special to them than anywhere else they planned to sleepover. The peaceful vibe around her cottage was strong, there was a lot of room for them and the animals were friendly and fun to play with; even carnivores like bears and pythons were friendly around the cottage.

Fluttershy was eager to know, too. Even though she knew the answer Rarity was going to say, she still loved the suspense. And at this rate, it seemed Rarity was making a long dramatic pause; she knew exactly what she was doing, and it was really starting to get to the fillies. But it sure was adorable to see the little ones in such suspense and getting excited in such a way.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Rarity looked back and smiled at them, "Oh, alright. Go have fun at Fluttershy's, and be careful."

And just like that, the CMC cheered with pure excitement as they shouted, "Cutie Mark Crusaders: Slumber party at Fluttershy's," and rushed out the door.

Fluttershy giggled and walked away, but stopped to look back at Rarity, "I promise nothing bad will happen to Sweetie Belle this time." She would also make sure Elizabeak stays inside her chicken coop this time.

Rarity nodded and gave her a trusting smile "I know. I completely trust you, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy exited Rarity's room with the pajamas in her bag and walked out of the boutique where the three hyperactive fillies bounced around in circles, giggling excitedly and frantically. "Ok girls, front and center," Fluttershy said in her soft voice which got them to do so as came up to her and sat down forming a straight line. They stared and listened to what Fluttershy had to say; she appreciated their obedience. A sign that they remembered their lesson and were cooperating this time.

"Alright girls, you ready?" They nod their heads eagerly at her. Fluttershy smiled and walked ahead with fillies behind her. As they did, deep down, Fluttershy was just as happy as the fillies. She could bounce off the walls; she was that happy. She would finally have more time to spend with Scootaloo that she could shed tears of joy, but then she thought to herself that telling Scootaloo the truth would be her first priority. Maybe when the time was right; that idea still lingered in her head, and she would tell her eventually. But when they get home in the meantime, she would have to get them settled first, then have loads of fun with them and hope nothing bad will happen again once she watched them.

They walked over the small bridge with the smaller creek underneath. Fluttershy and the CMC walked up to her cottage door and was about to open it when she noticed nightfall slowly approaching. Fluttershy looked at the falling sun and glanced at the beautiful evening scenery for a few seconds then looked away with a smile. ‘Home Sweet Home', she blissfully thought; it's a walk away from Ponyville and close by the Everfree, but it was home to her.

She opened the door as she and the three happy fillies walked into the cottage she called home. When Fluttershy walked inside and closed the door, she looked at the fillies and gave them a friendly smile as she watched them sit in the middle of the cottage. She approached them and asked, "Okay, girls, we have a few hours to spare. What do you want to do first?" she sat down in front of them.

They put on their thinking caps and tried to think of some ideas.

"Um, we could play a game," Applebloom suggested being the first to talk.

"But what should we play?" Scootaloo asked with a questioned look.

Fluttershy and the fillies took their time and thought up ways to play games, but nothing came to mind. Fluttershy thought about playing cards with them, but she doesn't have any cards. Maybe tag! Then again, most of the stuff in her home is pretty fragile.

It wasn't long before the fillies' presence didn't go unnoticed. Fluttershy's animal friends started peeking from their hiding spots within the cottage, they were happy to see their beloved caretaker was home, but they quickly noticed she brought company.

Sweetie Belle felt a little rubbing against her flank and looked down to see an adorable kitty with a blue bow, purring up at her with such a sweet cat-smile. She gasped and squealed as she picked up the kitten, falling under the adorable spell it has cast on her, "Kitty!"

Fluttershy noticed the kitten and smiles as she approached Sweetie Belle, "Aww, hello Mina. Did you come to say hello to Sweetie Belle? Did you, girl?" Mina purred, rubbing her cheek against the little unicorn and Fluttershy's cheeks, causing some giggle-fests out of the two.

Applebloom noticed and, with a bit of wide eyes, looked around and saw other animals were coming out of their hiding spots, to probably examine her and her friends. She suddenly felt a bit jumpy, they may have done a sleepover here before, but the only animals they had gotten to see were Elizabeak and her fellow chickens. The other animals didn't show themselves like this last time, "F-Fluttershy, Scootaloo… d-don't think y'all noticed by now..."

Scootaloo quickly noticed their company and curled up a bit, startled by their sudden approaching. She finished Applebloom's thought, speaking to Fluttershy as she pointed to their approaching company of the cottage, "But I think we're surrounded."

Surprised, Fluttershy looked around to see her creatures were coming out from all sides to see the three little ones. She realized quickly and giggled, smiling at the three foals, "Aw, they want to say hello, too," She patted her little bunny friends as they hop forward, "They didn't get to properly met you the last time you came here for a sleepover."

Clucking filled Applebloom's ears and turning her head, she grinned when she saw a familiar chicken among the animals – and the chicken seemed to be smiling at her and her friends, "Elizabeak!"

The chicken strutted up to the farm filly and cuddled up to her, clucking in greeting, allowing her to pet her feathers. Applebloom giggled from the tickly feeling around her hoof by the chicken's feathers. She felt more familiar with Elizabeak since she and her family have chickens on their farm, "Haven't seen you in a while." Elizabeak clucked in response, agreeing with her.

Scootaloo, at first, was a teeny bit hesitant since her friends were approached by familiar types of animals, while the other creatures were getting a bit too close for comfort. She squeaked a little when she spotted a spider crawl near her, "Eek!" she would've screamed, if not for said spider to offer a little daffodil to her with what seemed to be a smile on its face.
"Oh!" She blinked in surprise. She was a bit worried that the spider would try to bite her, but instead, it was being friendly and offered her a flower, probably to try and be friends with her. "Um… thanks," She took it from the arachnid's leg.

Fluttershy smiled and giggled at this interaction, glad that her animals are befriending the little fillies, "Looks like Charlotte likes you, Scootaloo." A green hummingbird playfully buzzed over to the orange filly and playfully buzzed his wings against hers, causing those wings to buzz in response just like his wings are. The hummingbird made laugh-like chirps as Fluttershy laughed a bit, too, "And so does Hummingway!"

"Imagine my delight," Scootaloo teased with her lips stuck out in a pucker, a bit bashful that she had gotten startled by Fluttershy's animal friends when it turned out that they didn't mean any real harm. She blushed a bit faintly and waved a hoof at the other animals as they examine her, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, "H-Hello there."

Fluttershy smiled at her friends and explained, "I'm pretty sure Elizabeak told you about these little fillies: Scootaloo, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle." A few of the smaller animals nodded while the bigger ones shrugged. "They're going to having a sleepover here at the cottage, isn't that delightful?"

The animals made a chorus of noises; they seemed to sound pleased to have some friends over for the night.

Sweetie Belle smiled excitedly as she looked around at the creatures before looking at Fluttershy, stricken by an idea. "Fluttershy, can we play with your animals?"

The other two smile hopefully and nod at Fluttershy, wanting to play around with her animal friends since they didn't get acquainted with one another during their last sleepover here.

This request came as a surprise to Fluttershy. While she knew her companions are sweet and friendly around here at the cottage due to all the care and kindness she's been giving them – this was the first time some little ones wanted to actually play with them. Even her creatures were a bit stumped, they were familiar with the term ‘play', but it surprised them to learn that these little fillies wanted to play with them.

"Well, we have enough time, a-as long as you all behave yourselves, it's alright with me," She sheepishly blushed and gazed at her critters, hopefully, "You all wouldn't mind some playtime with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, would you?"

Checking the sky, the animals saw they still had enough time before bedtime, so that could be a good idea. They exchanged looks with one another and utter out separate noises while conversing with each other. It took a minute or two before looking back at their caretaker with smiles and nods.

The fillies cheered gleefully, although a bit too loud for the smaller creatures as the mice and bunnies held their sensitive ears from the cheering. This change of events brought relief to Fluttershy, she worried if they didn't come up with a game soon, they would've wasted the entire time here in the living room. She took them out back since it provided some extra space before reminding them all, "Now be careful. Try not to hurt one another."

While she knew that the animals could take care of themselves, she didn't want harm to come to Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and her little Scootaloo and the animals themselves due to too much rough play. Thankfully, they all agreed and rushed onto the grassy field to start playing.

"Kiss your butt goodbye, Grizzler the Terrible!" Scootaloo spouted as she held a long stick and a pillow like a sword and shield while wearing her trusty helmet, acting like a brave knight.

The bear she faced mock roared at her while Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were hiding in his cave, guarded by Angel along with Mr. Slithers and a few of his friends, acting as a block off.

"Save us, Scootaloo!" Sweetie Belle giggled lightly, having a lot of fun acting like a captive princess since she knew it was all just pretend.

"Or Grizzler will keep us locked up forever!" Applebloom giggled as well, it was kind of funny seeing Scootaloo face off against one of the largest land animals.

Earlier, it was just a few of the ferrets, bunnies and mice playing chase with them, then it started sprucing up when Mr. Slithers allowed them to swing on his tail when he coiled up in a tree. After that, an eagle and hawk gave Sweetie Belle and Applebloom a first-look at how flying feels like by taking them in their talons and flying into the sky, which earned them some excited squealing.

Scootaloo was amazed by the other bigger animals that were keeping watch – like the lounging lioness, or a sneaky crocodile that believed he could fool her by staying still long enough for her to come close, or the near wolf pack that stayed close by while the pups play as well. But when she bumped into a grizzly bear, she had a near panic-attack until she saw the large mammal seemed gentle and wanting to play as well, much to her surprise.

After a glance at Fluttershy and earning the green-light, believing this to be a onetime thing since she was safe with Fluttershy around – should something go wrong – she and her friends started playing a new game: Princesses and the Knight. Apparently, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were to play the damsels in distress, a few of the volunteering animals were to prove as the lookouts while the bear acts like a dragon, a final boss of sorts and Scootaloo gets to play as the knight since they couldn't see her as playing the princess role due to how ‘lame' and ‘sappy' they get. They agreed that Fluttershy gets to be the Queen since her kindness seems to match the behavior of a queen.

"Back! Back, horrible beast!" She danced around, looking for an opening as she and her ‘opponent' circled one another while Fluttershy watched in absolute amusement as the shy mare couldn't stop giggling at this adorable game, especially when she saw Scootaloo give chase towards her bear friend as she swung her ‘sword'. They neared her and the search for an opening continued with her daughter.

"Oh, please, save ‘my' little princesses, Knight Scootaloo!" Fluttershy playfully spouted while her daughter searched her opponent for an ‘attack' before finally seizing it, smacking his paw with her stick.

He yelped and grasped his paw as he stepped back, yipping in ‘pain' – which Fluttershy understood as actually being playful whining, childishly complaining of that shot not being fair.

Scootaloo grinned in victory, leaping for joy, "YEAH!" She smirked as she approached, making poking motions with her stick, "Now I've gotcha, Grizzler!" Her opponent then put on quite an act as he seemed to beg for her mercy before acting like he got stabbed, placing the stick under his arm while making it appear like he got stabbed through, before collapsing and playing dead.

Her two friends cheer for her ‘victory' as she stood victoriously, "You did it, Knight Scootaloo!"

Fluttershy smiled warmly at them as they were all enjoying themselves before she noticed the sky had darkened over their playtime.

The sun had finally set, letting the moon slowly climb its way to create its dark sky, and replace the sun's place.

"Oh my… it's getting late," Three tired yawns suddenly filled her ears. She turned to see three heads hang down displaying droopy, heavy eyes. She smiled warmly and walked up to them, "I think it's time you three-" she placed a hoof over her mouth and yawned, getting tired herself "-went to bed."

Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo looked up at Fluttershy with soft disappointed ‘aww's' and wanted to refuse, but their heavy eyes and constant yawning proved otherwise. Fluttershy giggled at the cute sight and would simply d'aww over this, but motherly instincts kicked in as she walked up to the tired fillies and gently nudged her head against them, "Come on fillies, time for bed." They looked at her groggily, but got up and walked back inside to go upstairs to Fluttershy's room. Fluttershy walked behind them to make sure they don't pass out right away.

She smiled tiredly over her shoulder at her critters who too started to get sleepy, due to spending all that extra energy on playtime, "I'll be back to make sure you're all tucked in bed." They nodded, smiling tiredly back at her as she followed after the fillies.

As they walk to the door, Fluttershy walked around the tired fillies and opened the door to her bedroom, then walked in. She walked up to her bed and unfolded her bed sheets for them. The CMC immediately walked up and climbed into the soft bed as Fluttershy covered them under the bed sheets. Applebloom fell asleep almost immediately the moment the covers ate her body. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo stood strong and fought their heavy eyes. But sadly, Sweetie Belle closed her eyes and succumbed to dreamland when her head met with the pillow, falling asleep next to Applebloom. Whatever Fluttershy did to those bed sheets, it felt as soft as a cloud.

Fluttershy smiled warmly and quietly walked away, but stopped when a groggy, soft voice called to her, "Good night, Fluttershy." She looked back and gazed at Scootaloo smiling faintly before falling asleep next to her friends.

Fluttershy smiled a bit and felt her heart warm up, "Good night, Scootaloo." She walked back to the fillies and gave them gentle, quick kisses to their foreheads, her lips lingering on Scootaloo's head for a little longer before walking away, then quietly closing the door behind her. She walked down the hall with a slight heavy sigh.

Angel sat down on the living room floor and waited impatiently for Fluttershy. Lucky for him, he didn't have to wait long as he saw Fluttershy walk down the stairs and towards the couch with her head hung down and her face covered from view by her mane. Angel sternly hopped up to Fluttershy to tell her to help put him to sleep. He stopped and growled but he perked his ears and widen his eyes in shock when he heard sniffles and choppy breaths coming from Fluttershy which contorted his mood from stern to caring. He watched as Fluttershy climbed onto her couch and lied down, softly bawling in her arms. The white rabbit lowered his ears and hopped towards his owner. As much of a tough guy he thinks he is, seeing his owner cry really made things go downhill for him, and it's usually his and the other animal's job to cheer their caretaker up. He jumped up on the couch and stood in front of her, rubbing her hoof softly and looking at her with caring, sad eyes.

Fluttershy stopped her crying and looked at Angel with teary eyes, and sniffled, "Oh Angel, I-I'm sorry," She apologized for not noticing him before, but she had to get this off her chest. "I'm really glad you and the animals pitched in like that. I almost didn't know what to do," she said softly. "My child is here with me, again, and it almost didn't go like how it should," She sniffled, wiping the trails of tears off her cheeks, "I wanted to have fun with her. And if you and the others didn't interfere, we would've just wasted so much time doing nothing." She was relieved that they came to the rescue in a way as several tears slid down her cheeks.

Depression was about to take its toll on the poor mare until Angel rubbed Fluttershy's hoof and then he smiled lightly at her while brushing her mane, he was telling her that he didn't mind coming to the rescue with the other animals for once. While he preferred playing with her, he allowed himself to swallow some of his dignity and aid in playing with the kids until it was bedtime. He then gestured her about what she should do, and reassured her that there was still plenty of time to tell Scootaloo.

Fluttershy smiled a little, "Y-you're right Angel, I should tell her tomorrow, but what if she doesn't believe me?" She pondered about it, looking worried before nearly going into a panic. "What if she thinks I'm just a crazy mare? I just… I just…" Angel stopped her from going any further by placing a paw on her muzzle and gesturing her to take a deep breath and pointed to a box on top the shelf next to the stairs.

Fluttershy did so and took a gentle, deep breath before looking at her pet with calming eyes before Angel released her muzzle so she could look back at the shelf and eye the box. Fluttershy didn't know what to think at first, but a click brought a certain memory back, "Oh, I almost forgot about that," she turned to look at Angel before nuzzling against him as she calms down, "I guess I'm getting too worked up over this," she sighed then said, "But it's just so pressuring. I want to see her reaction, but I'm also nervous, too."

Angel gestured to her again, this time pretending to snore.

"Yeah, you're right. I should get some sleep. I'll tell her when I think the time is right," She smiled softly at him as he gave her a thumbs up.

With that approval, she quickly went back out to make sure the critters got into their respective den, cove or nest to sleep for a new day. She smiled gratefully at them for their efforts today, "Thank you all, my furry, feathery and slithery friends. You kinda saved the day somewhat." They coo, hissed, squeaked and growled in chorus, they were glad that they could help. In fact, they actually kind of enjoyed this little experience themselves.
It wouldn't hurt to do this again sometime.

Fluttershy smiled and made sure they were all cozy before bidding them each goodnight, heading back inside for her couch. She yawned lightly as Angel hopped up next to her and cuddling against her fur as she curled up. She smiled at him and wiped any remaining tears off from her face. She laid her head down on the couch pillow and drifted away into dreamland.

"Soon, my little Scootaloo. Soon."