//------------------------------// // Invasion // Story: Dark Equestria // by Catboy //------------------------------// Celestia's P.O.V. One of the guards announced the arrival of Twilight and her friends. I gave the order to let them in. Twilight trotted up to me and bowed down. "Princess, I would like you to meet Catboy," She said. Upon cue, a white, unicorn stallion walked toward me. "I am Catboy, your majesty. I'm the ruler of Catworld, the planet of anthromorphic cats. I have come to you to receive help so I can return home," He said. Catboy told me about his planet, the history, how he ended up here, and the other main reason he is here as well. I nodded, but I was still very confused. "Twilight, may I speak to you..alone?" I inquired. She nodded as we went into the library. ... Twilight's P.O.V. "Twilight, I am not sure if he is actually telling the truth. And if he is, I do not believe I have any way to help him out," The princess explained to me. "If this planet existed, I would think I would know about its existence, or Luna might have know as well. Either way, your new friend might have to live in Equestria from now on," I stood there thinking for a moment. "Maybe there is something we could look up while we are in here," I suggested. Princess Celestia looked unsure. "If you believe we can find an answer in here, we better start looking now," She said. ... Catboy's P.O.V. I was sitting on a railing on the balcony, when, as I would expect, a guard came in trying to warn me not to do so. "I have plenty of experience with doing this so I would stop your worrying," I said "Sir, you have no authority to tell me to do so," He replied. I sighed, then got an idea to have some fun with this guy since I was getting bored with all this waiting. I made my balance on the rail shift over to the side where a hundred foot drop was waiting for me if I did this stunt the wrong way. "Sir, please don't try my patience," The guard ordered in a more frustrated tone of voice. I grinned mischievously at him, and let go of the rail. I was now free falling through the air. "Now to see if I can really time this well!" I charged energy into my horn. I closed my eyes, hoping I was doing this well. When I opened them, I was on a roof top. Well it looks like I can teleport just fine! I sat there just looking at the busy streets below. I wish my planet didn't have to worry about when Dark Catboy's next invasion would be, or worry about the return of the solomun virus that caused a zombie apocalypse. I felt something tug on me. I thought it was Rainbow Dash, looking for me to make sure I didn't just suicide by going over the castle balcony, but when I turned around, I saw a creature made of pure blackness. The eyes had no pupils. They were just a shining, bright, blood red color. It was one of Dark Catboy's soldiers! "I will take you to the ruler of all things evil!" he exclaimed in my face. I wasted no time bucking him off and levitating the pocket knife out of my saddlebag. I aimed carefully, then launched the knife into the creature's right eye. The knife easily found its target. The result was the foe screaming in excruciating pain as a black substance gushed out of his eye. He finally collapsed from bleeding to death. I was about to turn around when I was suddenly hit in the head and lost consciousness. ... Twilight's P.O.V. I was getting very frustrated. I've looked through five book shelves already and I haven't been able to find anything on at least anthromorphic animals! "This is starting to seem like a wild goose chase," I sighed. Princess Celestia was also having trouble finding any reference to Catworld as well. "I'm going to assume here that either we have no knowledge of this place yet, or that it doesn't exist at all," The princess said after putting back another book about all known planets in our solar system. Suddenly, a guard rushed in the room and whispered something inaudible to the Princess Celestia. "Twilight, come along," She ordered. I followed along with her to see what was going on. ... I noticed a very similar, white, saddlebag with whiskers on the latches. We were in the dungeons. "This belongs to Catboy," I pointed out. "Did he do something?" "Just look at the contents we found within here and it will give you the answer to your question," He replied before walking out. I opened up the latches, then levitated the bag into the air. I flipped it upside down, and I saw some very shocking items. There was a sharp iron pocket knife that had some weird black substance staining the entire blade. There was also a revolver with a shortened muzzle. And there were, in an estimated guess, a hundred bullets for the revolver. The weirdest item was a very small bag with a label that read "catnip". "Twilight stay here, I'm going to have to have a little talk with your 'friend' you brought here," And with that, Celestia stormed off to find the cell Catboy was in. ... Catboy's P.O.V. My eyes opened up slowly, but my vision wasn't clear yet. I waited for my vision to return to normal, and then rose from the spot I was lying on. I noticed there were a set of iron bars in front of me, and a stone floor. Celestia was on the other side of the iron bars. "ugh... what happened?" I asked. But she had an angry look on her face. "You've been placed in a jail cell because there has been a report that you have murdered a pony. Is this not true?" She questioned. "If you count a creature made entirely out of a material that is pure evil, responsible for the death of trillions, and has no compassion or mercy for its enemies and victims a innocent pony, then this would be true. However, that was NOT a pony and therefore it was the act of destroying something before it would have the chance to obliterate this town," I explained. She had a confused look on her face. "That doesn't even make sense!" She exclaimed. She tried glaring at me in a menacing tone, as if she was trying to scare the truth out of me (which we all know i just told the truth now but nobody in this room wants to listen to me). "I'm not scared of you. Who cares if you have the ability to be able to execute me, or banish me to the moon, or even turn me into a stone statue?" "How did you know about those things?" "I'm surprised you don't know a meown thing about me. Yet somehow, I have an entire shelf in the library in my castle that is all about Equestria! While you waste your time here having this stupid little conversation, Dark Catboy is out there probably already about his invasion!"