Dark Equestria

by Catboy

Dark Maze

Catboy's P.O.V.
I woke up with a massive headache. The first thing I saw caught me off guard.
"HOLY MEOW WHAT THE MEOW IS THIS?!" I screamed as I scooted to the other side of the room.
"I am Discord. master of chaos!" The creature said. This thing had many different animal parts that didn't even match.
"Could you not pop up in my face if we are in the middle of a crisis here?" I requested. I took my time to examine the room. The sky was dark and occasionally shimmered with colors of murky green and red. The walls were dark blue and made out of bricks. The bricks seemed to be whispering things to me. The floor felt smooth. It was made out of crystal, and seemed to show some stars swirling around in the floor. Spike was also with us. After some time, I realized this must be one of Dark Catboy's testing facilities.
"What to do..." I muttered to myself.
Twilight's P.O.V.
I woke up on a hard, cold surface. The place had a very eerie feel to it. I noticed Rarity was also in the area with me. She looked terrified by the place we were in. I looked around for some kind of exit,but I could not find a door in the circular room. The bricks also whispered when ever I went near them.
"Where in Equestria are we?" I asked out loud. I looked harder and noticed that some of the banners that hung fro the walls had a picture of Dark Catboy's face sewn onto it.
"Twilight, we need to get out of here, and fast!" Rarity exclaimed when she also noticed the banners. One thing was confirmed for sure; we were no where in Equestria at all.
Rainbow Dash's P.O.V.
I woke up and felt really cold. I quickly got up to see where I was. The appearance of the room left me feeling very scared. Fluttershy was in the center of the chamber, petrified with fear of the entire place. I trotted up to her so I could try to comfort the skittish pegasus, but then I heard what was making her so fearful. The walls were whispering things to us.
"Death awaits you," was just one of the examples the bricks would whisper.
"R-rainbow Dash? I'm so s-scared!" the yellow pegasus shrieked. I could understand her fear, because I was feeling it as well!
Apple Jack's P.O.V.
"Uh..wha? Where am ah?!" I asked as Ah noticed the surroundin' area. Pinkie was bouncin' around as if she was lookin' for something.
"Huh, I don't see an exit from here!" she shouted. She was right. There wasn't a door in th' room,let alone a window. Ah got up to see if Ah could try to find a secret door, but the walls had no hidden contraptions in them.
"Ah hope th' others are OK," Ah said.
Dark Catboy's P.O.V.
I couldn't help with how much joy I was feeling from all this luck I was obtaining. I was able to defeat Catboy and send him and his equine friends into the maze, successfully defeated the ruler of the land, and had the capital under my control. I was sitting in a room, with monitors, controls, and a microphone. From here, I could view the pests that were in my way. I sat down in a chair, inched closer to the microphone, and spoke into it.
"This is Dark Catboy speaking, and I will start by saying this is your doom! If you do somehow survive, there is an exit at the center of the maze. I have paired you all up as pegasi, unicorns, earth ponies, and the non-ponies. If you try to teleport to the exit, or fly over the maze, you will get electrocuted to a crisp. There will also be traps and puzzles to get through, as well as my soldiers to fight. Have fun!" I finished my speech, and laughed as my plan was all coming together. I relaxed a little, and prepared to be entertained by the blood bath that was bound to happen.
Catboy's P.O.V.
After Dark Catboy had finished his speech, some of the bricks crumbled, showing a path in the so called maze. I levitated Spike on to my back, and pulled out my M16. I trotted forward to along the path, keeping my ears perked up to hear my surroundings. None of us said anything while we walked through the twists and turns, there were a few traps, like mines and dispensers that would fire arrows at us if I stepped on the pressure plate, but I showed the others how to get passed these simple traps. Finally, Spike broke the silence.
"Catboy...do you think Twilight and the others are going to be OK?" He inquired.
"I'm not sure. This is Dark Catboy we're talking about, so I don't know if they will be alright or not. Only time can tell," I answered. Suddenly, a bullet whizzed pass my muzzle, barely missing at all. I looked to my left to see a dark matter private holding a 9mm pistol in his hoof. I quickly reacted by pulling out the M16 and aiming for his head, letting loose the spray of 3 burst bullets. The foe quickly plummeted to the floor, and my adrenaline slowly disintegrated.
"Come on, this way," I ordered as we went into the tunnel that the private was guarding. The tunnel led to a dead end, to my disappointment.
"Meownit!" I said as i punched the wall. I noticed the sound of the punch echoed, suggesting that the wall was hollow.
"What was that?" Discord questioned as he looked at the wall.
"I think it's one of Dark Catboy's puzzles. Seeing we have no explosives on us, I would assume there would be a keyhole in the wall," I explained to the two. They nodded in agreement and started looking for an area in the wall that had a hole in it.
"Over here," Spike spoke to me. I came over to where he was pointing at, and sure enough, there was a keyhole. I levitated the screwdriver and bobby pin out of my saddlebag. I was almost close to unlocking the door, but then a heard something break. At first, I thought it was my only bobby pin I had, but when I investigated the problem, I noticed the screwdriver,s head was hanging by a metal thread.
"HOW THE MEOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!" I shouted, and I'm pretty sure every thing in this maze heard me.
"Relax!" Discord shouted. "Just use my tooth," after he said this, he pulled out the sharp, curved tooth from his mouth. The spot where the tooth once was slowly started to bleed.
"Thanks?" I said in a very confused tone of voice as I levitated the tooth and bobby pin back into the keyhole.
Pinkie Pie's P.O.V.
"Pinkie, do ya really know where we were going? Cuz Ah think we're walking in circles," Apple Jack stated.
"Oh come on A.J.! When have I EVER been wrong?" I asked. She gave me this look as if I was asking something that wasn't true.
"Well Ah think we should go this way," Apple Jack answered as she went into a tunnel. I ran after her so that I wouldn't get lost.
"Shoot, dead end," Apple Jack said, as she slowly started turning around. Suddenly, the wall crumbled, causing a big dust cloud to appear.
"I guess we just go through and see and see if we find the exit!" I exclaimed.
Catboy's P.O.V.
After I had made the key hole click to show that I had successfully lock picked the wall, it crumbled away, giving out a huge dust cloud. I gave the tooth back to Discord, which he simply placed it back in the spot he ripped it out of. After a few seconds, it was as good as new (physics I tell you!). I noticed to silhouettes walking through the cloud. I pulled out my M16, just in case it was more of Dark Catboy's minions. Then, the figures stepped out, revealing the two shadows as Pinkie Pie and Apple Jack. I eased up my tenseness and slung the M16 onto my back.
"Are we gad to see y'all! Ah was worried somethin' bad had happened!" AppleJack exclaimed.
"It's still a little to early for joy in our reunion. We have to find the others and find the exit out of this death trap," I stated. I took the lead as we all walked into the newly opened tunnel.
Twilight's P.O.V.
This maze wasn't as hard as Dark Catboy said it would be. I simply solved every single trap and puzzle that blocked our way. I felt very sure that we were near the exit where I hoped the others would already be waiting for us.
"Twilight, I need to relax for just a bit. We've been walking for almost a whole hour!" Rarity whined as we just came to an intersection in the maze. I almost wanted to agree with her, but I knew if we didn't move on, something bad might happen. I looked around to see if there could be any dangerous situation that would happen if we rested here for just a minute. I did not see any such traps waiting, so I told Rarity we should probably sit here for a few moments and then move on. I was thinking when I suddenly heard some hoof steps coming from the path way in front of us. I quickly went behind on of the walls from the passage to the left of the one tunnel that I had heard hoof steps from. Rarity was behind me, trying to ask what was wrong, but every time I told her to be quiet. I peeked out from my hiding spot and saw more of those black creatures. They looked around the area, apparently nervous about something, before th bigger one set a radio on to the floor. The small one turned it on, then backed away from the device. The bigger one then leaned over and spoke in to the radio.
"Overlord David reporting, your Majesty," The big one greeted as he waited for a response.
"Good. I assume you have information to give me That I may have missed when monitoring the doomed fools?" The radio inquired. I recognized the owner of he voice as Dark Catboy's. I listened more carefully, hoping to pick up some helpful info from these two.
"I do not, your Highness. However, Dark Scout Frank does," On cue, the small dark creature ran up to the radio and began to inform everything he apparently learned.
"The earth ponies have found Catboy, and are now with him. If we don't act fast, the whole group could gather up," He seemed to be anxious as he waited for the response.
"Then this is the order to every single soldier in my army. Kill the ponies, the dragon, and the weird snake creature if spotted. You may kill them in any way you see fit. But if I hear that ANY of you killed Catboy, I will obliterate everything precious you have, give your soul to the Underworld, and make you walk the depths of hell for eternity!" he screamed out. I was shocked at the violence and language the fiend used. "In other words, you bring Catboy to me alive, not a scratch on him unless you need to knock him out. I hope this is understood,"
"Yes, your cruelness. Over and out," and with that, the radio was turned off, and picked up by the overlord. I noticed they were walking right to the tunnel we were in. I concentrated, then fired my magic at the two enemies. A cloud had appeared, and the two fell to the ground, fast asleep.
"Come on Rarity, we have to find the others and make sure they are OK!" We both galloped into the tunnel the minions came out of to begin searching for our friends. We weren't even halfway through, when suddenly, I crashed into something.
"Hey watch where you're going!" I looked to where the voice was, and saw Rainbow Dash on the floor. She realized who I was and then became very joyous. "Twilight! It's good to see you! I almost died back there," She sighed.
"Where is Fluttershy?" Rarity questioned.
"Right here," they yellow pegasus called out as she walked over to us.
"Well now that we found each other, we got to find the others now!" I shouted. We all galloped down the tunnel, hoping to find the rest of our friends.