Mood Swings

by Swimmingly

Day 228: Relapse

The past 50 or so days had been strange for pinkie.
She went from being slightly over the top pinkie to crazy super intense pinkie.
At night she barely slept, though she never felt tired.
Her friends had gradually distanced themselves from her because she was bad company.
She would ignore her friends when she was with them, or she would act, however she wanted and immediately became dangerous to be around.

Today she felt normal.

She was going to set a few things straight.
She found each of her friends and had a heart to heart with them sincerely apologising for her actions, and saying she didn't mean anything she may have said or done.

But most of all she wanted to get help.

She made her way to the Ponyville psychology clinic to book an appointment.
Luckily for her there was an opening later in the afternoon.

She went out to get some lunch, during her meal she pondered what she would say to the doctor.
That wonder turned to worry when she thought of what he might tell her.
With her mind preoccupied with thought time flew, and before she knew it. It was time.

"Pinkie pie" a brown unicorn stallion called.
Pinkie got and followed the unicorn to the room.

"Nice to meet you ms. Pie my name is Dr. Horn, I understand you haven't been feeling too well recently" Dr. Horn said warmly.
"Yes doctor I haven't been feeling good at all for the last eight or so months, and it's made me sad because I was mean to my friends so I came for help"
"What do you mean by not feeling so good?" Asked Dr horn.
"Well one day I got up and felt absolutely horrible, I felt hopeless, worthless and pointless," pinkie started to fidget nervously. "It was like all the light had been sucked out off my world, my pinkie brain even tricked me into believing that my friends didn't like me anymore."
"That sounds awful pinkie, may I call you pinkie-" she nodded "-did you feel like this everyday?" Dr horn made a few notes.
"Yes I did until one day, I didn't feel sad anymore, instead I felt so much better than I normally would" pinkie recounted. "I felt like everything was an opportunity and I could do anything, but I also felt as if I was better than every pony else"
The doctor continued to write. "Please go on pinkie"
"Well I remember the first day I felt like this, I went to my friend twilights house and I was yelling, she told me to be a little quiter so I called her bitch and ran off"
"His long ago was this pinkie?" Dr horn asked with a serious look on his face.
"About 2 months ago maybe, but things just got worse from there, my friends started to avoid me"
"Why did they do that?"
"Because I started to care so little I became dangerous" the pink mare said with hurt in her voice.

After another half hour of similar questions, the doctor had come up with an answer.

"Pinkie to me it seems that you are suffering from an illness called Bipolar I" Dr horn worriedly said.
"What does that mean doctor. Pinkie asked meekly expecting the worst.
"Well pinkie it means that sometimes you will be in the depths of despair or the mountain tops of mania, rarely will you be balanced like you are now" the doctor said grimly. "We have medication for this condition, these pills will help stabilize your mood" dr horn levitated a pill bottle. Lithium.
"So what should I do now doctor" asked pinkie.
"Well I think you should tell your friends and let them know, friendships are very important in dealing with mental illness."

So after paying her cues she went out into the bustling Ponyville in search of her friends.