//------------------------------// // ~CHAPTER SIX: A Pair of Pegasus~ // Story: Draconicus Incognito // by zztfox //------------------------------// “So this is really what you want...” Questioned Fluttershy 'UH-HUH!” Replied Rainbow Dash as she obsessed over the item in question. “It's a First Edition Copy of Daring Do and the Sapphire Statue. Just what I need to complete my First Edition Collection of Daring Do books, this being the rarest one out of the set!!” Rainbow Dash was beside herself with excitement. “Well, I am glad to help in anyway possible. But all I brought was this bear call...” admitted Fluttershy. “That's great, but I doubt we'll need it!” The Rainbow Pegasus was absolutely bursting with confidence ”Because I brought my LUCKY HORSE SHOE to trade and how could anyone resist that?!” “Yay...” Fluttershy sighed with more that a lot of doubt. Rainbow turned to the mare running the stall, who happened to be dressed just like Daring Do. “Today is your lucky day, ma`am, as I have something way more AWESOME than that book you've got there,” The mare did not buy that, in fact the only thing she would have traded that First Edition Copy for was a specific kind of old horse shoe. She needed it for next weeks Daring Do meet up as that was the treasure rumored to be in the newest book to be released next week. “One lucky horse shoe!” Rainbow beamed. The mare stood in shock, it was the perfect size, weight, and age to fit the part perfectly. She would be the envy of the meet. As the stall owner opened her mouth to voice her agreement in the trade, a voice somewhere in the depths of her mind spoke up. “You could do SO much better than that for such a valuable book.” She shook her head hoping she wasn't going insane. “Yes” It spoke up again ”There are many more valuable things, take that Orthrus over there.” She really hoped she was just hearing things, but curiosity got the better of her and she looked anyway. There stood an Orthrus in the next stall. She had to admit, she had been slightly skeptical about a horse shoe being Daring Do's next treasure. But that Orthrus. If she had that, she would definitely blow the competition out of the water. “Um... HELLO? Anyone home?” Rainbow shouted rather rudely ”I know my lucky horse shoes is ALMOST as awesome as me, but I'm a busy pony and I don't have all day for you to gawk. Trade or no trade?” The stall owner found herself rooted back In reality and no voices to be found. She was still eyeing the Orthrus, however. “No.” Stated the mare, plain as day. Rainbow almost had a fit. “What do ya mean NO!?” The stall owner continued ”I actually had my eye on that Orthrus over there” Rainbow sighed ”So the Orthrus for the book, huh.” She was not going to give up on her chance of getting that book so easy. ”Be right back! Come on, Fluttershy.” Fluttershy followed, as she couldn't wait to see the Orthrus for herself. There was a third follower unbeknownst to the two Pegasus. It was a certain princess double that was intent on keeping the two Pegasus on a wild goose chase and out of his way. Making a mare hear voices was only the start... As the Pegasus duo approached the animal tent, the tamer stepped up to them with a look on his face that clearly said ”What's Up?” “Trade ya an awesome rusty lucky horse shoe for that Orthrus!” Rainbow thought this would be a cinch. Only, the tamer declined her offer with a simple shake of his head. In that same instance one of his monsters swiped at him, missed, and destroyed his only lamp. “How about if you get me a lamp, instead?” the tamer finally spoke up. “Ugh, fine...” Rainbow would not let her hopes get dashed as easily as that lamp had. And so the Pegasus duo of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash (along with their unnoticed trouble maker) went from tent to tent getting deeper and wider in what felt like a wild goose chase, from an Orthrus to a lamp, a chicken statue, and finally a crystal chalice. The pair finally stood at the stall selling crystal chalices. Rainbow, almost in dismay from the events that had transpired, and Fluttershy trying to keep her friends spirits up. Their hidden chaotic princess was also accounted for, just out of their view. “Please tell me you've got a chalice to trade for a rusty horse shoe...” Rainbow almost pleaded. “I certainly do!” Stated the stall owner. Rainbow didn't hear her at first. “I mean if you need some oddball thing like a robo-duck, or a life size replicate of a Statue of the Mare of Manehatten, or...” Rainbow rambled. Fluttershy stopped her. “She said she would trade, Rainbow!” Fluttershy announced happily. “...or any other requests....Wait, WHAT!!” Rainbow almost shouted in disbelief. Their goose chase finally had an end in sight, all that was left was to trade said items. The stall owner gladly accepted the horse shoe and laid a crystal chalice before the two. It was quite a work of wonder, its edges shaped perfectly and made of the clearest crystal. Too perfect for Princess Discord's taste. As Rainbow and Fluttershy reached for their well earned prize, and the final leg of their journey coming to an end, a sharp noise filled the air. A noise akin to an unstoppable force hitting an unbreakable wall and ripping the universe apart. It could have also been the cracking of crystal. Rainbow would have actually accepted the former over the latter. CRACK. Both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, figuratively, exploded into screams of frustration. Princess Discord actually exploded with laughter. Putting the crystal chalice together was sure to take them the rest of the day, plenty of time for chaotic gods to play....