The Friends of the Night

by Noctis

Meeting Rarity

As they approached the Salon section of the excellent, yet extremely modest spa, the two friends encountered a pony currently getting her mane blow dried. It was none other than the White coated, purple maned fashionista herself, the element of generosity, Rarity. Rarity looked up as she noticed the obstruction in the lighting of the room and sensed that ponies were coming near her. When she looked up, she was surprised, but definitely not disappointed to see Twilight.

"Twilight! Darling! How have you been! Why, I haven't seen you since I went to Manehattan to help Coco Pommel with her dress line! It has been far too long!" Rarity exclaimed as she saw her old friend. Luna soon appeared, coming from behind the purple pony. "Oh, and why if it isn't the princess of the night herself, Princess Luna! How good it is to see you under pleasant circumstances!"

"Likewise, fair Rarity. It is rather unusual to see you under non-troubling, non-urgent circumstances. There is typically always some sort of dire situation that only you, Twilight, and the rest of your friends can only resolve. It does get rather repetitive and formulaic seeing you under such circumstances, so I must say, that without a doubt, it is most good to see you here. I trust you have been well, Rarity." Luna was excited to see another one of Twilight's friends with whom she did not spend much time with. This was her chance to make a closer bond with Rarity and form a close friendship with her.

"Girls, girls, come on, let's drop the formal greetings. We're here to relax, and it's time we start doing that." Twilight interjected, but had gone unnoticed.

"Why yes, in fact, I have been very well! I have recently designed a whole new fashion line with Coco Pommel! I simply can not wait to present it to everyone when it's ready!"

"Pray tell, what is the concept of your fashion line? Modern fashion intrigues me, for it has so much more individuality and uniqueness than it did a thousand years ago"