//------------------------------// // Pet Peeves // Story: On My Honor // by Honored Service //------------------------------// On My Honor Pet Peeves By Honored Service Edited/preread by Spirit of Harmony “Yes yes yes yes!” Luna squealed in excitement as she bounced around her tower room. Night Rose stood beside the door as the Princess of the night continued to release noises of excitement. The Night Guard had only said ‘Honored had lost the competition’ before the Princess had exploded into this hyper active ball of energy. “I thank you for this wondrous news Night Rose!” “Of course your highness.” Night Rose said as she kept her stoic position. “Will that be all Princess?” “Yes. Yes of course Night Rose, please head back to your home or watching Honored.” Luna waved a hoof as she dove head first into her large closet. Random articles of clothing began flying out and landing all over the bed and room. Night Rose rolled her eyes and then stepped out of the room. * “No no no no.” I was pacing around my backyard as the large robot sitting on his six wheels tracked me with his gun turrets. “Sir, if I may recommend a suggestion.” Tune said as he continued to watch me pace. “Sure, go for it buddy. I have no idea what I’m going to do.” I stopped and looked at the ADW system. “I’m shit out of ideas on how to get out of this. Unless I can think of a new bad guy to go and attack.” “Sir perhaps instead of trying to get out of it, you should just go on the courting event.” Tune stated before rolling closer to me and then extending his robotic claw out and resting it on my shoulder. “You are running from the Princess of the night, but did you ever stop to think that maybe she enjoys the hunt of catching you?” I tapped a finger to my chin and thought about that. In a female dominant culture the chicks had to go after the males… it did make sense. She was having fun giving the prey a good chase. “Good thinking Tune!” I exclaimed, bounding away from the robot, “Time for the hunted to become the hunter.” I began a run towards the Everfree Forest. I had only my two pistols and bowie knife, Bad Bertha, with me but I was just going in to get some flowers from the depths of the forest. Start off the date right. I’d get her flowers, dress up nice, take her to a nice restaurant, and then drop her back off at the castle. I stood in front of the path that I had created into the forest from my constant running into it with the portal… and the Humvee crashing out of the tree line. I started my search for some flowers within the forest, of course staying away from anything remotely blue. Damn poison joke. I shuddered at the thought of sparkling again because of the stupid rogue weed. “Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr” I froze and looked around the path I was on. “Shit.” I suddenly felt the lack of my heavier weapons as I pulled my .357 and Berretta from their holsters. The forest was dark, even if it was the middle of the morning. I swung around, both weapons kept at the ready in case of whatever made that noise tried something. “GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR” The noise was even louder as I walked forward, carefully avoiding stepping on the branches and creating unnecessary noise. Suddenly the low growling was replaced with lots of short barks and growling. I stepped into a bush and pushed the branches apart with the barrels of my pistols. My jaw dropped. It was a manticore, cornered against a rock wall by six full-grown timber wolves. The timberwolves all lunged at the cornered beast at once. One paw lashed out and smashed two of the attacking wolves to pieces, but the damage was already being inflicted. The remaining four wolves latched onto the manticore’s neck, side, and hind legs. The beast roared into the air as it thrashed around, trying to shake the smaller monsters off of its body. Deep red blood began to flow freely from the manticore as its stinger swung around its head and sunk deeply into the neck of the wolf that was latched onto its neck, before flinging it into a tall birch tree, the body shattering into twigs. The last three wolves jumped off the manticore and stepped back, still circling the wounded beast. I noticed that it was moving with a limp; its back leg bleeding heavily. I’d had enough. Even if the manticore remained violent after I saved its life, I should be able to take it with all the harm it had sustained. BANG BANG BANG SHZAP SHZAP The .357 and Berretta blasted away two of the wolves in front of me. The metal rounds caught one through the neck, splattering the ground and trees with brown sap, the magical beams from the Beretta slamming into the other wolf, burning holes right through its body. I spun around, searching for the final attacker. GRAWWWW! I spun around and caught the wolf square across the chest, its jagged wooden teeth sinking easily through the shirt I was wearing. I arched my back, planted my legs under the beast’s belly and kicked up, sending the timber wolf flying through the air where it was impaled on the manticore’s stinger. The manticore itself was laying on the ground on its side, holding the wolf above its head. “Oh dear.” I quickly holstered the pistols, ignoring the stinging pain shooting across my chest. I could feel blood soaking down my abdomen as I approached the wounded mythological beast. “Hey there big… manticore… thing.” I said kneeling down to the beast’s head. The wounds on the manticore’s side and rear leg were bad, but not anywhere as bad as the devastating wound on its neck. The great creature gave a low groan before dropping its tail, the body of the timber wolf collapsing next to its limp tail. “Hang on manticore.” I said quickly, trying to think of a solution. I used my knife on my hip to slice one of my sleeves off from my long sleeve gray shirt. I slowly reached down and ignoring the growling from the manticore, pressed the cloth to the wound and held it there. The flow of blood was still pretty strong, soaking through the hastily constructed bandage. I looked up from the mortal wound and found the manticore staring right at me. “I’m sorry.” I choked out. It was my fault that this beast was dying. Sure I had killed one before, but this one, this one had simply been trying to defend itself from the timber wolves and I had waited too long to help it. It was all my- “Rawr!” I looked down beside me and saw a baby manticore. It was a pale tan with a light red set of wings and a scorpion tail. It crawled past me till it was resting against the side of the larger manticore. It silently let of a series of quiet ‘mews’ as it nuzzled into its mother’s mane. I stood up from the manticore and stepped back from the scene. I felt tears welling up within me, my emotions swirling around this tragic sight. A kitten manticore losing its mother. All because I hadn’t acted quickly enough to save the older creature. The mother manticore looked at her kitten and then looked up to me before closing her eyes and taking a final breath. “Mew.” No. Please no. I cracked open my eyes and watched as the tiny kitten clambered up onto the larger manticore’s neck. It began to pud her mane while ‘mewing’ and licking her ears, trying to wake its mother up. I was struggling to hold back tears from the scene unfolding in front of me. I quickly turned around and wiped my sleeve across my face, drying the tears up. I felt something tug on my pant leg above the boot. “Mew.” I looked down to see the baby manticore sitting on its haunches with its front paws outstretched, clinging to my pant leg. “Mew.” I felt like I should say something to the baby creature that was clinging to my leg. “Um hello.” “Mew?” “Can I help you?” “Mew!” “Yeah Im sure Fluttershy will know what to do with you, come on.” I waved a hand forward and began walking forward out of the forest, my plan to find flowers forgotten to my new quest. The little pale yellow manticore kitten began following me before stopping and looking back at the body of its mother. I stopped and watched as the baby ran to the body and gave it a nuzzle with its head before running back to me and stopping at my legs. “I’m sorry.” I whispered as the mythical kitten kept in pace with me as we walked out of the forest and past my house. I turned at the intersection and headed straight for the little cottage tucked away behind the little stream. “So you got a name?” “Mew?” “Guess not.” I shrugged my shoulders as I crossed the wooden bridge leading over the stream. The manticore kitten stopped and then flapped its wings, raising of the ground a few feet and sailing over to me. It circled around my body twice before landing on the back of my shoulder and draping itself across my shoulder blades like a warm manticore scarf. “God that’s cute.” I said crossing the remainder distance to the cottage. I raised my armored fist to the door and gave it a series of quick raps. “Fluttershy it’s Honored. I need some help.” “Well slap my knee and call me Grandma!” That voice. That sing-songy voice. Oh fuck to the hell yes! I stepped back as the door was thrown open, the hinges swinging the door open from the top of the frame, and out came the greatest villain turned chaotically neutral in the show. Well world since I was living the show. Mother Bucking Discord. “I’m a huge fan!” “I’m a huge fan!” We both screamed out simultaneously before I reached out and grabbed his lion’s paw and he took a hold of my gauntlet. We both shook viciously smiling like fools at each other. “The way you can turn a normal day insane is amazing!” I gushed, still shaking his paw. “And it doesn’t even have to be that bad to turn everything upside down. It’s honestly down right hilarious!” “I could say the same about you!” The draconequus said, letting go of my hand and slithering around me smoothly. “I simply love the way you turn into a deadly rage monster when the ponies are threatened.” He stopped and looked at me before summoning up two glasses of chocolate milk and handing one to me. “I never wanted to hurt ponies, but I was never one to step in and save them you see. Kind of why I brought you… hey lets go see Fluttershy, she should be out back.” I followed behind the mismatched creature through Fluttershy’s cottage. No sign of the satanic evil fluffy bunny, but I still kept guard up. I took a sip of the chocolate milk and stopped short. Discord turned and flashed me a smile. “Is this,” I smacked my lips after taking another sip, “is this a chocolate black Russian?” I loved these drinks. Discord simply smiled and gave me a knowing wink, before stepping out of the backdoor and taking to the sky with a quick flap of his mismatched wings. Fluttershy was standing beside a multilayered bird house and was spreading seeds around the bottom of it. She turned and gave a slight gasp as I approached but quickly calmed down when she saw Discord lower himself beside me. “Oh Fluttershy, it would seem that we have a visitor on this truly glorious day!” He spread his arms and spun around in midair before finally noticing the kitten manticore spread across my shoulders. The baby had been watching everything quietly with wide eyes. They were mainly black pupils, but a very faint outline of sea green, complementing its wings and tail color, surrounded the pupil. I couldn’t have seen that in the dark shade of the Everfree. “Well who’s your little friend Honored?” Discord asked, hovering closer and outstretching his claw. He gently scratched the kitten’s chin, the manticore baby releasing a ‘purrrrrr’ as he did so. “Well I guess I better tell you what happened.” Fluttershy immediately stopped feeding the birds and had dropped down next to me. The manticore had jumped from my shoulders and was letting Fluttershy pet the ever loving shit out of its head and back. “I went into the Everfree forest to get some flowers for Lu… to spruce up my house when I heard a growl.” I began, both listeners leaning in with rapt attention. * “Um sister?” Luna said poking her head into Celestia’s private office behind the throne room. “We may have a tiny, almost miniscule problem.” “And what would that be?” Celestia said without looking up from the newest tax proposal from the Canterlot Elite Yard Owners Committee. It was a silly proposal, but as a good and fair ruler, Celestia read everything brought to her, before using it as a fire starter. “You might just want to look for yourself.” Luna walked fully into the room before levitating a scroll over to the desk, a black ribbon hanging off the opened scroll. Celestia sighed and laid her current work down on the desk. She picked up the new scroll and lazily read over it. “Human went into the forest.” She smirked and rolled her eyes, “tell me what else is new.” She continued to scan the page, “emerged with a manticore, and went to visit Fluttershy- yada yada.” She let off a yawn and then gasped, choking on air, “MET DISCORD!?!?!” “Yeah I thought you might be a little displeased with that.” Luna had shrunk back a few feet from hearing her sister speak in the Royal Canterlot Voice. Something that was very rare. * “Did you hear that?” I asked after being interrupted from my story by a distant shout. “No.” Fluttershy said on the verge of tears. “No, please continue, I’m sure it was nothing.” Discord waved me on. He was holding onto his legs in a fetal position, tears flowing freely from his eyes at my description of the poor manticore. * “No. No. No. No.” Celestia was running around in circles shaking her head back in forth. “How. How could this have happened? We only allow Discord to visit Fluttershy while Honored is away so that the two are never near each other.” Celestia teleported beside her sister and grabbed Luna in her forelegs. “Can you even begin to imagine what will happen while they are together?!” “I would rather not.” Luna said thinking about the chaos prone human and the chaotic god incarnate. “Oh sweet Creator.” “Quick we got to tell Night Rose to get them separated before anything can happen!” * “And this little guy came with me.” I gave the manticore baby a little rub behind the ears as it purred beneath my hand. “Girl.” Fluttershy said softly. “What?” “It’s a girl.” Fluttershy pointed out looking to the creature, “And judging by her size i'd say she is just about a year old little kitten. Manticores don’t hit their growth spurt until they are almost three.” Fluttershy turned around and began digging in a wicker basket beside her. She removed a small fish, similar to the ones she provided to me since my hydra steaks had been depleted. The manticore gobbled the fish up, scales and all. “Hungry much?” I said to the cute and yet slightly terrifying animal. “What are you going to name her Honored?” Discord asked floating around the fuzz ball giving it a delicate pat, “If I can make a suggestion, I think that Eris is nice.” “Sure you do.” I said with a roll of my eyes, “Why would I name it?” I asked, looking to Fluttershy. “Well um… I thought that since you… kinda… sort of saved her, that you would want to see if she wanted to be your pet?” Fluttershy told me and the manticore quietly. I looked down to the baby manticore and shrugged my shoulders, she repeated the gesture to me. “Um. So manticore kitten…” I awkwardly looked at the kitten, “do you want to be my pet?” “MEW!” The baby gave a loud squeal of approval and began kneading into my leg as I reached down and picked her up. “Well then you’re going to need a name. I can’t just keep calling you manticore kitten.” “Mew?” “Well what do you want to be called?” “Mew.” “No, you’re not nearly pink enough.” I looked into the creatures eyes and smiled. For such a notorious frightening creature, she was so cute. Better than a cat because of the whole badass wings and scorpion tail. And I loved badass things. I looked at her eyes. Those beady animal like eyes with the small faint sliver of sea green running around their edges. They were so unique, they made this little manticore stand out from all the others; well that and the fact that she was willing to be my pet! “How would you like Selene?” “Mew!” The manticore leapt out of my arms and soared around me before landing on my shoulder and licking the side of my face with her rough cat like tongue. “Awwwwww.” Fluttershy and Discord said leaning against each other. Discord pulled a flip phone from a pocket in his scaly tall and snapped a picture. “That’s definitely going to be contact photo.” “Well Fluttershy, I guess you better inform me on everything I should know about raising a manticore.” “I’d be happy to!” Fluttershy leapt into the air and pulled me towards the cottage’s back door. “I have a book that we can read and toys Selene can play with and then we can go shopping for food, more toys, -mhhmh.” I placed a finger against Fluttershy’s lips to silence her Pinkie Pie like rant. “One thing at a time Shy.” I closed the cottage door behind us as Fluttershy flew to a bookshelf and pulled down a book for us to go over. * “Well that was surprisingly heartwarming. Discord you’re going soft on me.” Discord smiled into a mirror that his magic had manifested for himself. “But still just as gorgeous.” “Excuse me, Discord?” A calm and deep sultry voice said from behind the occupied draconequus. “Yes?” Discord said turning around to face a hovering Night Guard wearing sleek black armor that fitted to the curves of her body. Discord almost thought it was cute except for the fact that the hovering pegasus was holding a syringe filled with a clear liquid inches from his neck. “Oh buck me.” Discord felt the prick of the needle and then a calming cool feeling pass over his whole body. His elongated serpent like body coiled inward on itself until he was laying like a limp strand of rope on the ground. “Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.” He said, his eyes slowly beginning to close as the mare stood in front of his face. She smiled as her armor began to shimmer and soon he found himself looking up into the slowly transforming face of Fluttershy, although this one was giving him a deviously wicked smile. “Target dealt with. Beginning transport back to Canterlot Castle.” She said speaking in Fluttershy’s soft sweet voice into a glowing green gem. “Copy that Shadowmere. Send package over.” “Good on last. Out.” Night Rose said, crushing the communication gem on the ground beneath her hoof. She reached down and threw Discord’s limp body over her back and with a few powerful pumps of her wings, sent herself hurtling towards the city in the distance. * I was walking through the somewhat crowded streets of the Ponyville on my way to the pet store with Fluttershy in tow. “Why can’t Selene just sleep wherever she wants in my house? There is plenty of space.” “Because she needs to have her own space Honored. We also need to get some food for her, I know of a certain cat food will be perfect for her.” Fluttershy was positively glowing with joy as she talked about how to care for the little manticore bouncing and weaving around between my legs. “Alright fine.” I smiled, reaching down and scooping up the little fuzz ball. “I’m happy that you decided to stay with me Selene. I promise I’ll be the best pet owner around!” I squealed in excitement giving Fluttershy a wink. “Hello Honored!” I turned and gave the approaching purple alicorn a friendly wave. “Hey Twilight.” I immediately picked Selene up under her forelegs and held her out to Twilight. “Meet my new pet Selene!” I smiled pushing her forward to Twilight’s face. “Mew!” “Okay two things Honored.” Twilight said entering rant teacher mode. I prepared myself for the incoming boringness to follow. “One that is a manticore kitten. The mother is going to hunt you down till she gets her baby back.” My smile died down and I pulled Selene to my chest, stroking the fur on top of her head, “Twilight, Selene’s mother was killed this morning by Timber wolves and I rescued her.” “Oh.” Twilight looked down, feeling rather ashamed. “It’s okay Twilight.” I smiled, trying to lighten the mood. “What was the second thing?” Twilight seemed to forget all about her previous statement and went straight back to teacher mode. “Her name. In ancient Equestrian, Selene translates into a perfect definition of moon.” I just stared at her. “Moon.” I continued to look at her with an eyebrow raised. “So?” Twilight slapped a hoof to her face and pulled it down letting out a sigh. “Moon. Selene means moon. What’s another name for moon?” “Um I don’t know.” I tapped a finger to my chin while using my thumb to stroke the side of Selene’s face. She purred and then began to lightly nibble on the finger. “Luna I guess.” Twilight raised her eyebrow at me and gave me a knowing smile. “What’s wrong with Luna?” Then it hit me like a train. “Aw shit.” “Did you really name your pet after the Princess that is infatuated with you?” She cocked her head to the side, that smile still plastered on her face. “NO!” I shouted at the librarian Princess. “I totally just thought her eyes looked like the moon’s color!” “I think that your subconscious made you notice the very similar color to that of Princess Luna’s eyes!” Twilight walked closer to me, poking me in the stomach with a hoof to drive the point home. “I think we need to sit down with psychologist Twilight and go over some hidden feeling!” Twilight was smiling widely, “and maybe Rarity would like to sit in as well.” “NEVER!” I screamed turning tail and sprinting away from silent Fluttershy and the accusing Twilight. Selene jumped from my arms and began flying with me, flapping her leathery wings as she glided around me, happily mewing as I ran. “You can’t run from the truth Honored!” Twilight yelled after me. “He is um… trying.” Fluttershy said so quietly, I almost didn’t hear her as I disappeared down the street. * I stood painting on the sidewalk with my hands on my knees. Selene was prancing around me flapping her wings against her side in pride. I smiled at the manticore and then looked up. I had ran myself around Ponyville and was standing outside of Savior Fare’s newest eating establishment. It was supposedly a five star eatery and it was nearly impossible to get reservation without getting one months in advance. “Well I did lose to Applejack. And a bet is a bet.” I sighed and hung my head in defeat. “And a Johnson always makes good on his bets. Win or lose.” I sighed again and walked towards the entrance. Selene jumped up onto my shoulders and I pushed the door open. “Ah welcome Sir to ze Five Star. I am ze owner of zeis esztablisment, Savior Fare. How can I help you?” The stallion had a thick Prance accent but seemed polite enough. “I’m trying to get a table reservation for two please.” I said smiling at the pony. “Oh I must sorry sir. It would zeem that we are full till ze next month.” The owner said flipping through the ledger on the podium. “Zehere is nozehing I can do.” “Oh are you sure you can’t make an exception for Lieutenant Honored Service of the Equestrian Honor Guard, savior of Equestria only, I don’t know, like five or six times. Oh and the other pony would be one Princess Luna?” I said nonchalantly examining my finger nails. I looked up and gave the pony my one of a kind smile, flashing my pointy canine teeth. “On second thought, maybe zehere is somezehing I can do.” He quickly flipped through the ledger and pulled out a quill and slashed it through a name on the page. “It would appear zhat a Mrs. Trudy Buckmen will have to move to anozher month.” I smiled and placed a bag of bits on the podium and smiled again. “Thank you very much. I’ll be here tomorrow at seven.” I winked at him and then stepped back out the door, Selene giving him a playful look the entire way out. “Okay so Selene we need to send Luna a message letting her know we have a date tomorrow at seven.” “I have a date tomorrow at seven.” FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- * “So I’m thinking this dark dress with the silver highlights.” Luna said floating out another dress from her never ending closet. “Or what do you think Celestia?” “OH MYSELF. LUNA!” Celestia screamed throwing herself from her sister’s bed. “We have been going through that bottomless pit of a closet and you still can’t think of something to wear. Maybe you should just not wear anything. Go as yourself.” “Celestia, his letter,” Luna hovered the letter from the desk and waved it around in her blue aurora before her sister, “said we are going to Five Stars. That’s at least a five star eating establishment. I promise you that he will be wearing something.” “He’s always wearing something.” Princess Celestia grumbled as she collapsed back onto the bed. Somehow she almost felt like sitting in the day court and listening to nobles complain about the too high minimum wage would be better than this. * “Yeah… No. I’m not wearing that.” I said with a frown. I pointed with one hand at the suit Rarity had designed for me to wear to my date in less than twenty-four hours. “But darling I assure that all the mares would be swooning at the sight of this suit.” Rarity said while draping a hoof over her eyes, “at least I would be.” She added quietly. “That thing is covered in thousands of gemstones and is shining like a cheap bedazzled belt.” I felt myself gag at all the pink and blue sparkling all over it. “Listen Rarity, I love the design of the suit itself.” I smiled and walked over to it. Underneath all the stupid gemstones and frills was a really nice black silk suit. I pulled off one of the gemstones and tossed it into a basket across the shop. “If you would get rid of the shiny and add a black undershirt with a red tie and some matching black pants, I think that would be great.” Rarity was silent as she looked at the suit, imagining what I had said. She slowly began to nod before lightly pushing me out of the way and began reshaping the suit. “Yes. Yes. I see it. I can feel it now. Honored please be a dear and go fetch some better shoes. The ones you own are most certainly not going to work with this.” I looked down at my amazing and totally fashion perfect combat boots. “Yeah yeah, I have a bad taste in fashion I know.” I smiled and walked out the front door, leaving Rarity to her work. Selene came bouncing out after me, a red gem clasped in her mouth. “Selene we don’t take things that aren’t ours.” “MEW!” She squeaked loudly around the gemstone clasped between her fangs. “Well I took all that stuff to help Equestria.” “Mew.” “But that’s totally different.” “Mew. Mew. Mewww.” “Okay. But just this once.” I smiled as the manticore leapt into the air and began to fly in circle around me, dropping the gemstone and then catching it. “I buy you all those stupid toys and you like this rock.” Cats. They act the same here as they do on Earth. Well I mean Selene was a manticore, but that was half cat… or would it be half lion, half scorpion, half bat? So that would be like 33.3333333% cat. “Alright Selene, You can help pick out the shoes, but they have to be-“ * “-nice.” Ugh I slammed my head down on the counter of ‘Soul Mate’. The stallion behind the counter was giving me the widest smile possible. “Please. Selene please stop getting shoes.” So apparently Selene was half lion, half scorpion, half bat, AND half dog. As soon as Perfect Fit welcomed me into the store, Selene took off in a light tan yellow and pink blur to the shoes. She then proceeded to bring me any pair she wanted to, and on the way to me, her fangs would punch right through the material, making me the owner of a lot of fucking shoes. “No. No I insist that you keep finding your owner more shoes, he simply must have some for every occasion.” I looked up and gave a death glare to the off colored purple stallion with the huge smile and overdone mane-do. “Shut it Perfect before I have her shred your hair.” He promptly closed his mouth, but continued to smile as he began to ring up the sales on his old timey register. I slammed my head again I felt Selene drop something into my lap. I slowly pulled myself off the waiting bench and looked at the newest shoes in my lap. Selene ‘mewed’ and sat down looking proud at the newest pair she brought over. I was holding a pair of shiny black dress shoes. Maybe a size too large, but none the less they were actually very nice. “Okay thank you Selene.” I said while scratching the manticore behind the ear. Ignoring the holes in the dress shoes I placed them on the counter besides the ten other boxes of shoes I had to buy. “What’s. The. Total.” I said through my clenched jaw. “Oh with this week’s special and then including the hoofmade Trottingham dress shoes fit for a prince… your total is-“ “Perfect Fit?” “Yes Honored?” “You do know that little while ago I destroyed mhhhmm say two armies and a shit load of bad guys along with them right?” “Yeah.” “Give me a hero discount then? And because when am I ever going to wear these?” I said holding up a pair of bright pink fluffy winter boots. “I would say when it’s snowing and you have a matching scarf.” * “Honored?” “Twilight.” I said with a neutral nod from behind the Ponyville police station holding cell. The purple alicorn slowly placed a hoof across her face and dragged it down, pulling her face down before having it snap back up. “Honored what did you do?” “Would you believe me if I said it wasn’t my fault?” “No.” “Well then, I punched Perfect Fit in the face, resisted arrest, and then… what did I say Hoof Cuff?” I yelled towards the open door of the police station office. “You won’t catch me you doughnut packing, fake mustache wearing, dildo headed, ass brick douche cannon.” A gruff voice responded from the open door. “Thanks.” I called back. “Shut up.” “Why did you punch a pony?” Twilight said with a hurt look on her face. “You have never intentionally hurt a pony before. Why?” “I…” I stopped and looked down at the ground in front of Twilight. Why had I done that? All he did was give a couple of snide comments and I punched him. I just reached out and punched him. And even then I knew it had been wrong, but I still did it. And I don’t know why. “I… don’t know Twilight.” I said quietly refusing to look up at my friend. “I think I’m losing it. Slowly but surely I’m going loco in the coco.” “I don’t think that.” Twilight said reaching out and lifting my head up with a hoof. “I think you may just be under some stress lately. Usually when you have lots of stress you have a huge army to take it out on or some stupid quest. And right now you don’t.” She smiled and reached out unlocking the jail cell. “You just saved a sweet little death machine, have a date with a princess, and only have the largest private mercenary company in the world after you for some unknown reason. I think you may be a little stressed.” I raised a hand to object as I stepped out of the tiny prison. “No, listen to who you’re talking to. I think I know a little about getting stressed out.” I lowered my arm and smiled. “Thanks Twilight. You’re a good friend.” I looked at Hoof Cuff and gave the gray stallion a wave, “sorry about the whole dildo head thing.” “Shut up.” The unicorn police officer said without looking up from his paperwork as I walked out of the police station with Twilight beside me. * “So you’re getting a little carried away. Aren’t you human?” Night Rose placed the telescope down and scribbled a few notes into her ‘official human journal’. “I think it’s time I stepped in and actually did something about my charge.” Night Rose smiled and stood up from the rooftop she was perched on as her armor began to shimmer around her like a mirage on a hot summer’s day. Within seconds, were the Night Guard in sleek black armor had been, a cyan blue mare with a rainbow colored mane and tail stood. Night Rose smiled and zipped off the roof towards the human and the younger alicorn. “Twilight!” She called out, speeding to a stop before the two, “Spike’s having a sneezing fit again in the library!” Her voice was perfectly disguised thanks to the enchanted armor. Night Rose congratulated herself as the alicorn’s eyes quickly shrank and she leapt into the sky and flew as fast as her wings could carry her. “Hey Rainbow Dash.” Honored said with a nice smile and a friendly wave. Night Rose stared at the human, this was actually the closest she had ever been to the creature. He was tall and had a well-defined muscle system. He would be deadly in a hoof-to-hoof combat sparring. Night Rose quickly shook her head. “What’s your deal bub!?” She shouted at the human as he took a step back, “Why did you attack Perfect Fit? He was just selling you some shoes.” “Well I…” Honored was sweating and began to look around nervously before suddenly standing up straight and smiling. This smile wasn’t friendly, it was a cocky smile. The smile that showed off his sharp teeth. “Because I think it’s time that theses ponies know their place. Beneath my boots!” He threw his head back and laughed madly while sending fire from his magical gauntlet and up his arm. “What’s gotten into you Honored?!” Night Rose asked in alarm. She shook her head in disbelief as Rainbow Dash’s rainbow colored hair appeared in her peripheral vision. He had snapped, this was it, she had to take him down before he got to his alien weapons at his house. “I should ask you the same thing, my mysterious handler.” Honored grinned and then swept Night Rose off her hooves. “Hey let me go!” Night squealed in Rainbow Dash’s voice. “I’m Rainbow Dash.” “No you’re not.” Honored said flatly. “One, Rainbow Dash never stayed standing still that long without flapping her wings at least once. Two, Rainbow Dash would have tackled me right off the bat. And three - which is also the most important one - is that she’s over there.” Honored pointed a finger at the other side of the street where Rainbow Dash was hovering above a hayshake stand. “Whoa, what’s that Honored?” The real Rainbow Dash called out, pointing at the pony tucked under Honored’s arm. “Oh this is that handler I was telling you about. I told you they would mess up eventually.” Honored said smugly before looking down at the other Rainbow. “You can drop the act there handler. I caught you.” “You still don’t know what I look like, I can just turn into somepony else as soon as I escape your clutches human. And you’ll never know if I’m watching you.” Night Rose struggled again but the human’s arm held tight around her. “Huh. That is an interesting theory. Or –“ Honored reached over with his free hand and grabbed the clasp holding the armored back piece of Night’s armor to her chest section. With a quick flick of his hand, the armor snapped and the two pieces fell away, the illusion sliding off of Night Rose like water. “Or I can say hello to the mysterious handler. Hmm a Night Guard? I guess that makes sense.” Night Rose went limp, accepting her defeat. “Damn you human. I have failed my job as well as my Princesses. I have shamed my family and my clan.” “Jeez, calm down there Debbie Downer.” Honored placed the Night Guard on the ground, her body still limp as she formed a heap of wilted pony. “Look, I was going to figure it out anyway, Luna totally would have snapped and told me.” “How do you know?” Night Rose gave a little sniff and wiped a hood across her nose. “Because I’m treating her to the most amazing date a mare could want. And at the end I’ve even got a surprise for her. She would have answered any question I asked.” “What kind of surprise?” Night Rose kept her face down, but the smile across her muzzle remained hidden. Was he really this easy? “Oh an amazing one. I thought about it and she did help me a lot while I’ve been in Equestria. The battles, the portal, my world, without her, I might not even be here, she truly has saved my ass a lot. So I’ve got to do something special for her. Something that will stop her heart!” “So something romantic?” Rose brought her head up a little bit, she flexed her wings slightly, slowly beginning to crouch up. “Something beyond romantic.” The human said with a far off look in his eye. “Thanks Honored. That’s all I needed to know.” Night Rose exploded off the ground in a burst of speed, her armor tumbling off of her as she tore through the sky towards the city of Canterlot in the distance. “Wait. What? Uhhhh?” Honored stood still, stammering in disbelief as the gray and purple trail sped away from me. “Looks like you just got played to find out about tomorrow’s date.” Rainbow Dash said as she hovered next to the human sucking on her hayshake. “Dash?” “Yeah Honored?” “Was that shake expensive?” Honored asked. “Nah it was like two bits.” SMACK “Honored what the hay?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as her hayshake went flying from her hooves. * “Sir it is time to wake up.” The robotic voice called out from the backyard. “Meh.” I rolled over in my bed and jerked the covers over my head and grumbled to myself. Damn early wake ups. “Piss off Tune.” “Sir may I remind you that you gave me specific instructions to do anything necessary to get you up early today.” “Did I give you specific instructions to be so gay?” I mumbled as I felt the sweet tendrils of sleep creep back into my vision. Another ten minutes. “Sir I am a robot and have concept of the mindset involving the psychology behind choosing one’s mate, thus I am incapable of being gay or understanding any form of relationship.” “Tune.” I mumbled as sleep began to overtake me. “Sir.” “Shut up.” “As you wish sir.” Then I heard the faint mechanical grinding of Tune’s robotic arm. I slipped back into sleep as the warmth of the covers snuggled around me pulled me under. “MEW!” The window to my bedroom burst opened and a flash of tan and pink flew through the air and smashed right into my bed. “SELENE!” I screamed as her sharp claws began kneeding a very sensitive spot. “MEW!” She screeched again, her high pitched shrieking shaking any hope of further sleep from my mind as she leapt up and hugged my face, licking away with her coarse tongue. “OUCH!” I screamed and jumped out of bed as I felt something incredibly sharp punched into my shoulder. I sat up from under the covers to see Selene giving me the ‘I fucked up’ look pets have as she slowly drew her scorpion tail back. Suddenly I felt very sleepy again. “Good morning floor.” I mumbled through the side of my mouth as I pitched over the side of my bed and smashed into the wooden floor. “Mew?” “Yeah. Good morning to you too Selene.” I tried to move my body but everything felt numb and distant. Like my body was on the other end of a really long tunnel and I couldn’t reach it. “Mmmmmmmhhhhhmhmh.” I groaned as I sat there, ass sticking in the air and face planted on the ground. “At least it can get any worse.” “Oh I wouldn’t say that.” A rough sultry voice said beside me. “Fuck meeeeee.” I groaned even louder and looked to the right. From my perspective on the floor I could only see gray leg covered in dark black armored boots. “Good morning to you as well, handler.” “Good work Selene.” The Night Guard said stroking my pet’s head. Selene gave a happy squeal and leapt into the air and onto the Night Guard’s back purring. “No! Bad Selene! We do not act nice to the douche handler!” I tried again to get up, but found Selene’s sedative to be pretty damn effective at knocking me on my ass. “Well I mean I was going to knock you out anyway.” The gray mare said as she dropped a syringe with a long thick needle onto the ground. “So who’s a good girl?” She patted Selene again and crouched down, folding her legs beneath her as she sat across from me. She smiled the entire time, showing off her fangs as she did so. “What do you want handler?” I grimaced as I realized I was going to be stuck like this for who knows how long. “I come bearing a message from the royal highness.” Suddenly there was a shimmering and the common noise of magic as her armor began to shift and bend around her. With a smile, I found myself looking at a perfect copy of Luna, wavy mane and all. “TUNE!” “Yes sir?” The robotic voice called out from the backyard. “How could you have let her get by you?” “Sir I am but a simple advanced robotic weapons system with only six high pixilated advanced recon bino cameras, three infrared and thermal advance detections systems, and one thermal pulse detector. What makes you think I let her sneak in?” “You know, I question where your loyalty lies.” I said as I tried to move my hand, but only got a twitch. “Sir I am a robot with artificial intelligence giving me the ability to process the information around me. I have no idea of loyalty beside the definition from the dictionary app from the iPod.” “Not inspiring a lot of confidence right now.” I groaned as I slowly felt my ass coming back to me. It felt like I had been sitting at a desk for seven hours straight. “Have no fear sir. You provide me with the magical energy to charge my battery system, I am unique to your magical impulse signature.” “Close enough.” I turned my eyes from the window back to the gray Night Guard turned Princess Luna. Suddenly all at once I flipped forward, my body recovering from Selene’s poison in her tail. I shook myself and looked at her. “You break into my home, destroy my wonderful sleep, and now turn my pet against me,” I sucked in air through my teeth and smiled, “so how can I help you today?” “We need to talk.” The not Luna said. “I know you know who I am now, but this isn’t about any bitterness towards me. This is about Princess Luna.” “Okay shoot.” I leaned back against my bed and patted my lap. Selene jumped from the handler’s back and pounced into my lamp, snuggling into me as I petted and scratched her head. “Princess Luna is my leader. As a Night Guard it is my duty to uphold anything, any order she give to me. My order from her and Princess Celestia was to watch you, report anything you did, and then stop you if it endangered ponies or the safety of Equestria.” “Okay I knew all of this.” I yawned and stretched my back, smiling at the popping that ripped through my spine. “But I also have a personal interest in making sure Princess Luna is happy. She is expecting a lot from you and your date tonight.” The fake Luna shuddered before looking back up to me. “She has been talking about it a lot. And in,” another shudder, “graphic detail.” “I get it. She loves me.” I smiled and crossed my arms behind my head, “I'm gorgeous.” “I just wanted to warn you that if you do anything to hurt her, you in a sense hurt me. And if you hurt me. I’ll destroy you.” The faux Luna gave me a wicked grin. I was unamused at these idle threats. “You don’t scare me handler.” I smiled. With a flash or purple and gray I found myself slammed into the wall behind me, Selene yowling as she flew from my lap and was easily tossed out the window. The window slammed shut and the door to the bedroom was slammed closed and then locked. This all occurred in the span of half a second. I began to reach over to my bedside table to grab my Berretta but my arm was pinned to the wall with slam from an armored hoof. My other arm was slammed like the first into the wall and both my legs were pinned by her rear hooves to the ground. I was pinned against the wall in a seated position as the grinning face of the Night Guard loomed inches from my face. She slowly pulled her lips apart, her sharp fangs jutting out from her rows of normal teeth. She brought her leathery wings up and then draped them around my head, shielding me from the light. It was black and the sunlight streaming through the windows was blotted out to where I couldn’t see anything. “Right now I can see your eyes perfectly darting around looking to see what I’m doing.” Her voice was a whisper as she spoke into my ear. “I could simply reach out and rip into your neck and bleed you dry before you even had a chance to fight back.” I stayed silent and listened to my own breathing within the dark confines of my insane handler’s wings. “Nightmare Moon gave us bat ponies our powers. Powers of the night, the true night, something you haven’t fought yet. Princess Luna now lets us serve her and I’ll do anything to make sure she doesn’t get hurt.” “I understand.” I said, but slowly began to smile. “What are you smiling about?” The Night Guard asked sounding extremely pissed off that I was breaking her badass speech… wait is this how I sounded before killing a bad guy? Man I would have to stop. “Yada yada, I’m the night.” I jerked my head, gesturing to look behind her. She slowly pulled her wings back and looked behind herself. Floating behind the handler, suspended in a cloud of blood red magic were weapons. Semi-automatic handguns, revolvers, shotguns, submachine guns, rifles, one sniper rifle, swords and knives of varying lengths and one hand grenade. “Yea bat ponies are scary. Roger. I’m tracking that. And I’m a super-powered, mentally-unstable human with magic on that the level equivalent to an Element of Harmony.” Every weapon suspended in midair cocked back. Slides pulled back, charging handles slammed back and then forward, and bolts were racked. One pin removed itself from the spoon of the grenade. “I’m something that you have never fought before.” I gave her a grin lifting my upper lip into a snarl so my canine teeth were shown. The Night Guard looked at all the weapons floating behind her and then back to me. “How… how did you get these through the door without opening it?” “Open it?” I said cocking my head to the side. “These were all in here.” I laughed deeply as all the weapons spun in midair, safeties clicking through the cloud of weapons as they vanished into drawers, behind paintings, under the throw rug, and under the bed’s mattress. “Now handler, if you could please leave, I have a date in ten hours to get ready for. You can tell Luna I will be picking her up at six thirty on the dot.” The Night Guard in the sleek black armor walked to the window and opened it. She turned back to me and looked at me with a confused look. “Night Rose.” “Huh?” “My name is Night Rose. Night Rose of the Night Flowers clan from the Foal Mountains.” She leapt out of the window and vanished from sight. I looked down into the backyard and saw Tune rolling around slowly with his guns pointed down. “Some area denial weapons system you are.” * “Honored if you keep this up, I’m going to tie you down and leave you here till it’s time to go.” Twilight said while looking over the opened book she was reading. “You still have two hours till the date. Rarity will be here with the suit with plenty of time to spare.” She narrowed her eyes and placed her book down while still glaring at me as I made another lap around her library. “I warned you.” I was quickly jerked off the ground and slammed against the wall where I was suspended above the floor of the library. “NO! Put me down! I need to pace!” I screeched, struggling against the magical bonds that were holding me in place. “Please Twilight! I need to do something. Let me go fight something. Anything. Please I need to burn energy or get rid of this stress. Please. Please. Please. Please” I begged from the wall above Twilight. “No.” Twilight turned a page in her book and continued to read, ignoring my grunts and groans as I twisted and turned against the wall. “Oh Twilight dear,” Rarity’s voice called out as she opened the door to the library, “sorry I’m late darling, but the hem in the pants were just awful to get to stay… why is Honored pinned against the wall?” “He is having one of his nervous ‘need to fight’ episodes.” Twilight said without looking up from her damned book. I grunted again and looked at Rarity trying to convey my hate for the studying alicorn with my eyes. “Oh he’s got the first date jitters. How sweet.” Rarity cooed at me, a dreamy look spreading across her face. “Why I’m sure Princess Luna must be experiencing the same thing as we speak.” * “CELESTIA! THIS ISN'T BUCKING FUNNY!” Luna screamed across her room as she emerged from her shower covered in splotches of white mane dye. Her normally sleek dark blue coat now was transformed into a strange mix of dark blue and white layers making her appear to be a spotted alicorn. “OH IT’S PRETTY FUNNY!” Celestia called back from her spot on the tower balcony opposite of Luna’s tower bedroom. * “Now Twilight, can you please let him down so I may begin transforming this… uh roguish beast… into a picture perfect gentleman.” “Gentleman?” Twilight scoffed. “Beast?” I questioned as Twilight’s magic cut off and dropped me face first onto the library floor. I sat up and shook my head before being picked up in Rarity’s light blue magic and hovered towards the bathroom. “Yes beast. Now be quiet and sit still, there is much work to be done.” Rarity smiled as the bathroom door was flung open and I saw the countless beauty products and tools floating ahead of me. “NO!” I scrambled inside of the magical field trying to grab onto something. Anything to save me from the unicorn. “Twilight please help! I promise I won’t pace anymore. PLEASE HELP MEEEEEE!” I screamed, latching onto the door frame. With a final tug, Rarity dropped me into the bathtub, clothes and all, before turning on the freezing cold shower and slamming the door shut. “Ugh finally. Peace and quiet.” Twilight said smiling and flipping another page in her book. * “I… I can do no more.” Rarity said emerging from the bathroom of the library. She laid a hoof over her eyes and passed out backwards onto a fainting couch that had perfectly been placed next to the bathroom door. Twilight looked on in disbelief at her friend’s dramatics. Twilight was not alone in her annoyance. Applejack and Rainbow Dash both rolled their eyes at the unicorn’s dramatics. Pinkie Pie simply smiled and bounced up and down while Fluttershy looked startled that Rarity had fainted. The steam poured out of the bathroom door like a portal to another world as a tall dark figure stood at the frame. The light poured out around the bipedal creature as it strode forward with long graceful strides. Five jaws dropped open as the ponies stared at the transformed human before them. Honored who was only seen running around in armor, usually gore spattered, or simple jeans and a shirt, was standing before the girls wearing an incredibly well-designed black suit perfectly tailored to his body. The fine black silk making up the suit sparkled in the light of the library as he moved forward to the girls, still in disbelief at the fact that this was the normally violent and goofy human they all knew and loved. His sleek outfit covered all of his body, but hugged it so that the muscles beneath it could be seen as he walked. Around his neck he wore a loose dark red tie that matched the color of his magic whenever it was used. His gauntlet clasped around his left hand was shined and polished, the metal and the blood red diamond in the palm both sparkling in the dim light of the late afternoon. He stopped a few feet from the girls and smiled, his white teeth shining almost as brightly as his perfect dress shoes that caught the reflection of the dying sun spilling in through the windows. His hair, which had been shaggy and unkempt before entering the bathroom, was cut and styled into a perfect part that was swept to the right side of his head. The light stubble he normally had over his face was cut and trimmed into a perfect light beard over his chin and stretching up the side of jawline. “I… ah… Tank needs to be fed.” Rainbow Dash stuttered out before taking off out of the library. She tried to cover up another glance back, but ended up smashing into the wall right next to the open window. She shook her head and blushed before zooming out of the window and into the sky. “WOW!” Pinkie Pie squealed and ran up to the human placing a hoof on his leg. “I mean come on. How much better could he get?! This suit is perfect, the tailoring just insane! The coloring, just like Princess Luna’s mane. And the face! Something picture perfect like a rugged Royal Guard action movie!” Pinkie Pie was practically drooling over Honored’s shoes. He simply smiled and aimed his forefinger and thumb at Pinkie and clicked the thumb forward. “Pow.” Pinkie Pie swept her hoof over her face in a very Rarity like display and fell backwards into Twilight’s outstretched hooves. “Ah’ll say Honored. You certainly clean up real nice.” Applejack said, giving the human the toe to head look. “Thank you Applejack.” Honored said with a slight bow that got the farm pony to turn as red as the apples on her flank. “Um Honored,” Twilight said laying Pinkie down, “you look real nice and all, but,” she looked up at a clock on the wall, “you have to pick Luna up in ten minutes.” Suddenly the calm and perfect outer appearance snapped like an eggshell. Honored looked at the clock as sweat broke out on his brow and he began to frantically look around. His eyes became pinpricks as he stared at Twilight and held his hands out in a quick grabbing manner. Twilight sighed and rolled her eyes before walking over to her desk and removing a set of keys. “I want it back by twelve tonight.” The human looked at her with begging eyes. “UGH! Fine one o’clock. But that is the absolute latest. Do you understand?” “Yes Twilight!” The human reached down and scooped the alicorn up in his arms. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” He danced around in a circle as the alicorn gave a small smile at the affectionate display. “Now go Honored, you’ve got a date to pick up.” Twilight smiled as the human tossed her up into the air and sprinted for the door. Honored raced to the backyard where he slammed the keys into Twilight’s Royal hot air balloon and began to blow up the balloon. He had a date to blow away. * “Please. Stop. Bouncing.” Celestia grumbled out from the side of her clenched jaw. She was standing next to Luna who was acting like a complete and utter foal. She could hardly believe that this was the same sister that tried to take over the world a thousand years ago. “But it’s almost time before I’ll be swept off my hooves by that stunning gentle warrior.” Luna swooned as she bounced again, landing on Celestia’s tail. Again. “Gentle warrior?” Celestia let out a sigh. “Are we talking about the same ill-tempered, brutish, slightly insane human?” Celestia pulled her sister’s head down in between her hooves and gave her the best motherly look she could. “Luna I know that you have wanted this for a long time but… but think about what happens when you place so much anticipation in a dream?” “Is this related to your dream of selling your own romance novel under the penname Sextia?” Luna gave her sister a deadpan look as Celestia blushed and looked away. She quickly shook her head and went back to staring at her younger sister. “No sister that is a different lesson. This one is about a perfect dream.” Celestia released her sister and walked to her side. “One can build a dream up, put it on the highest pedestal, but the truth of the matter my dear sister, is that it can come crashing down in an instant.” Celestia said looking up into the darkening night sky. “Sister I-“ Luna began but Celestia put a hoof on her sister’s shoulder. “Lulu, I just don’t want you to dream so big about this date and then get hurt. Honored is… unpredictable. You expect him to just change into a handsome knight and sweep you off your hooves, but the chances of him changing are-“ “Luna?” The voice called out from above the two sister who both looked up into the sky to watch a dark shape descend from the sky. Honored was riding on a hot air balloon. He was gripping onto the railing and hanging off the side with his feet planted on the lip running around the edge of the bottom of the basket. He smiled and waved a hand at the two alicorns. Both sisters felt their jaws drop as the human touched down lightly with the balloon and stepped forward bowing at the waist before the two. He came up from the bow with a dashing smile that sent shivers down the two princesses’ spines. Luna was positively quaking in her silver slippers as she stared at the positively stunning human. He was dressed perfectly for a stunning gentleman. His hair was perfect. His suit and tie was perfect. And his smile. Others thought that his smile that displayed his sharp teeth was creepy or scary, but to Luna, she had always thought it was perfect. “Sorry if I’m just tad late Princess.” Honored said while holding out a hand to the dark alicorn. She extended her hoof and Honored took it in his hand and bent down, lightly placing a kiss upon her slipper covered hoof. Luna’s face went scarlet as Honored stood back up and looked at Princess Celestia. “Hello Princess Celestia. I hope your evening is well. I promise to have young Luna back before twelve.” Princess Celestia was still staring at Honored with wide eyes and an opened mouth. She quickly shook her head and narrowed her eyes, “Who are you and what have you done with the real Honored Service?” Honored leaned his head back and gave a deep laugh, “Ha, that’s a good one Princess Celestia, but I’m afraid I am one and the same. I know that this suit is a little ragged, but it was the best my friends and I could do.” Honored smiled and then pulled out a small blue device that quickly illuminated his palm and then disappeared back into his pocket. “I’m afraid that we must be leaving now Luna or we will miss our reservations.” “Lead the way Honored.” Luna said breathlessly as she followed behind the human in a daze. Honored opened a side panel on the basket and stepped aside, letting Luna embark the balloon first before following in after her and shutting the door. “See you later in the evening Princess Celestia.” Honored waved and then with a twist of a knob, the hot air balloon lifted into the sky and began drifting away from the castle. Princess Celestia waved as the two vanished from sight. As soon as she was sure the two couldn’t see her, she gave a sharp whistle. “Yes your highness?” Night Rose asked form the shadows next to the alicorn. “Night Rose, you know what to do.” Princess Celestia said before looking down to the Night Guard, “something is different about him. Something very different, and I want to make sure nothing happens to my sister.” “Understood Princess.” Night Rose began to fly away from the front of the castle but Celestia quickly pulled her back down with a tug of her golden magic. “And make sure that they don’t ‘do’ anything.” Celestia added with a slight blush. * I stood across from Luna in the hot air balloon as she leaned over the edge and looked down at the land rolling along beneath us in the light of the growing moon. The light reflected wonderfully against her dress. She was wearing a flowing silver dress that spilled out behind her like a waterfall of silver light. The dress fit snugly against her back and chest, her normally flowing mane was tied down into a long braid that wrapped around her head with strings of silver ribbon woven into it. Everything about her sparkled like a beautiful night’s sky. “So it took you losing a competition to ask me out?” Luna asked, turning from the side of the basket and smiling at me, a playful twinkle sparkling in her eyes as she moved closer to me. “Well that prompted it somewhat.” I stood up taller and smiled. Come on Honored, keep it together. Play the perfect gentleman and maybe she won’t be interested because you changed so much, I thought to myself as I moved closer to her and placed a hand lightly on her back above her wings. “And I guess that you just got tired of being stalked by a crazed alicorn?” Luna quipped nuzzling my arm with a smile. “Crazy alicorn? Your sister has been watching me?” We both laughed as the balloon continued to drift towards the small town of Ponyville. “Oh you play too much Honored.” Luna said while batting her eyes at me. OH SHIT! This isn’t going as planned at all. Tune you are fucking dead. This is doing the exact opposite of what I wanted it to do. And it’s not even dinner yet! “Ah well, there’s the restaurant. I hope it’s to your liking Princess.” I pointed out the growing building as the balloon began to lower towards the ground as I shut off the flame. A thousand scenarios were running through my head where I could end this date before it could get worse. I mean it seemed like Luna was liking me more and more. She wasn’t after the hunt of catching me. She actually liked me. “I’ve read some reviews about this place,” Luna said while walking towards the door, “nothing but good things. But I’ve heard that this place was booked for months in advance.” “Yeah it was. But you know, saving Equestria a few times does help with one’s persuasive arguments.” I added while opening the door to the restaurant and letting Luna trot in before following behind her. “So you gave them a huge donation from your horde?” “Yeah.” I said with a slight blush. Damn smart Luna. “Ah Monsieur Honored, if you will follow me to your table.” Savior Fare said with a slight bow before leading us back to one of the corner booths of the restaurant. That mother fucker. The table was secluded behind a wall of rose bushes with candles lit all over the enclosed romantic space. I shuddered as Luna turned to face me with what I was sure were bedroom eyes. I groaned internally and moved forward, allowing Luna to take her seat first. Damn it. It was like everything was going perfectly. Son of a bitch. * Chief Will was a towering bulwark of pure muscle. He took over the Black claw mercenary company when he was only a youngling, having to earn the respect of the employees and anyone else that doubted his right to own the business. And his business was booming. With the recent Changeling attacks, Shadow humanoids, and the more active monsters from the darkest depths of the Equestrian underworld customers were hiring mercenaries for protection like crazy. Black Claw was a good business. Chief Will had made sure that the Black Claw’s weren’t just mindless goons sent to kill or destroy like previous owners had done. They had a code. No innocents killed. That was the golden rule. Other rules followed, like once accepting a contract it couldn’t be broken under any circumstance unless it broke the first rule. With rules such as this in place, Chief had turned the mercenary company into a huge respectable business. Black Claw hired ponies, griffons, minotaurs, diamond dogs, and other creature that looked for employment at the business. And Chief Will was coming to hire. Chief Will stepped out of the carriage and tipped the pony pulling it. It had taken nearly two days to make the trip from the Griffon kingdom Capital of Beaklin to the small town of Ponyville where the legendary human was living. Chief Will had decided that it would be best to deliver his letter in the flesh, rather than count on the mail delivery service to reach the warrior. “Excuse me.” Chief Will’s deep voice called out, stopping a passing yellow pegasus mare. She attempted to hide behind her mane as she trembled at the mammoth minotaur. “I’m looking for Honored Service, would you happen to know where I can find him?” “Um you might um be able to… find him at the Five Star restaurant.” The pegasus’ voice came out as a near whisper but Chief Will nodded. “Thank you.” He said before walking off down the street to find the restaurant. It had been hard to hear that pony let alone try and figure out directions to the restaurant between her whispering and squeaks. The large dark purple minotaur plodded down the street towards the restaurant where the human should be. He need to get the human’s attention at once. * “That’s actually pretty impressive Luna.” I said while wiping my mouth with my napkin. I had just finished my spaghetti with steamed vegetables while Luna had literally devoured enough food for over three ponies. I was slightly impressed. Okay a lot impressed. And not only did she eat a lot, but Luna had told stories about herself before her banishment to the moon. She had been a mysterious ruler which probably contributed to her venture to the mysterious ancient city of Humgia. Honestly, I felt like the night was going better than expected. And it wasn’t all that bad. I mean sure Luna kept flashing me sultry smiles and bedroom eyes, but she was nice and I was having a good time talking to another creature that had experienced battles and the amount of death that I had. It felt good talking to her. I was able to tell her my worries, my fears about myself. “Thank you Honored. Alicorns must eat a lot to maintain our high metabolism.” Luna said with a smile as she floated a glass of wine from the table up to her lips and took a long sip. “I will help pay for this since I’m sure I ate more than you were expecting.” “Luna you know that I have cave full of money that I literally don’t have anything to spend on.” I gave her a deadpan stare as she just smiled. “Oh trust me Honored I know.” She gave me a sweet smile before batting her eyes at me, “and I expect you to spoil me with gifts fitting of a marefriend.” I momentarily choked on my drink and held a hand to my mouth as I recovered. I looked at Luna who watched on with a look of mild amusement. “Marefriend?” “Honored, you think you have a say in the matter.” Luna added as her eyes seemed to root me in place. She rose from her seat and gracefully sauntered towards me, her eyes staying locked onto mine as she swayed her hips more than normal. I’m sure that if we hadn’t been in a private booth a lot of heads would be turning. “Honored, my sweet stubborn human, you can play hard to get all you want,” Luna was now practically whispering in my ear, her voice tickling lightly against the skin, “but in the end, I always get what I want.” She leaned in, closing the distance and planted a light kiss against the side of my face. She pulled back and trotted happily to her side of the table where she sat down and then sipped nonchalantly on her wine. I just stared at her with my jaw hanging open. Luna had declared herself my marefriend. She then kissed me. And… and it felt good. Could this night get any weirder? “HONORED SERVICE!” The deep voice boomed throughout the entire restaurant, silencing all the idle chatter and banter from the other tables. “Thank God.” I said a silent prayer to whatever was interrupting the night. I looked at Luna and then reached under the table and pulled my snub nosed .38 S&W service revolver from its hidden ankle holster. “You brought a weapon on our date?” Luna asked with a questioning glare. “Well I’d rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.” I said with a smile. “Same here.” Luna said with a flip of her head and from behind the rose bush wall she levitated out her 240 Bravo heavy machine gun. GODDAMNIT! Nothing I did was wrong to her. It was as if we were perfect for each other. No. You can’t have her get hurt. You can’t have her. I soon found myself facing a mountain of a minotaur. This guy was fucking huge, like beyond anything I’d seen before. He towered above me by at least two heads and was covered in enough muscles to easily rip me in half. Suddenly the little revolver clutched in my hand was looking pretty silly. “Are you Honored Service?” The great dark purple beast asked me, bending over so we were face to muscular face. “Depends,” I began asking him, “What do you need him for?” My knuckles were white as I clutched the revolver to my side. “I need to discuss a business proposition with him.” The minotaur stuck out his massive hand to me, “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Chief Will and I am the owner and chief executive of the Black Claw mercenary company.” The tension building on the patio of the restaurant fell apart instantly. I quickly tucked the pistol away into my waistband and grabbed Will’s hand and gave it a quick shake, feeling my bones pop and crack in his grasp. “I’m Honored Service and it is nice to meet you.” “And a pleasant evening to you as well Princess Luna.” Chief Will said before bowing slightly to her and picking up one of her forehooves and giving it a light kiss. She blushed and muttered a thanks to him before noticing my glare. Wait. I was glaring? I was jealous? Yeah I think so. Wait why was I jealous? Shit. Fuck. Shit. Shit. Shit. I… That confirmed it. I liked Luna. GODDMANIT. “Honored Service I am terribly sorry to interrupt your date here but I simply had to bring you this in person.” He reached behind his back and pulled out a small scroll rather than the war hammer that was longer than I was. “I would be honored to offer you a position at my company as an elite private contractor working with the Vultures.” “The Vultures?” I asked looking over the scroll which was a simply list of perks for joining the Black Claw company. Great pay (didn’t matter), holidays (like I need one), Custom weapons (already had those), promise of adventures (hmmm I like adventurous times). “Honored the Vultures are the solitary mercenaries that are hired out for solo contracts that don’t require a team to complete. They are the best of the best and even work together sometimes to complete harder jobs that are given to us.” Chief Will said while holding out a dark gray beret with a gold vulture claw pin on the front of it. “Chief Will, I would love to join, but I’m afraid I can’t.” I tucked the scroll into my pants pocket, “I have a current contract with the Equestrian government and I’m sure you know, I can’t pick up another contract while currently owning one.” Chief Will nodded, but then smiled at me. “So after that contract?” “Once I complete my time with the Equestrian Guard, I will be at your office for that job.” “Then we have deal!” Chief Will reached down and scooped me up in one arm before giving me a backbone shattering hug. “I look forward to that day.” He placed me back on the ground and then quickly walked out of the restaurant leaving every table staring at him as he walked out. I let out a long breath I didn’t know I had been holding and looked back to Luna who was smiling at me. “What?” I asked. She just continued to stare. “What?” “Luna what?” “WHAT!?” “Oh nothing Honored. Just the way you got all red in the face when he kissed my hoof that’s all.” She said while turning and walking back to the table, her hips swinging the whole way there. “That meant nothing!” I retorted while walking back to the table as well. I still had dessert to order. * “Okay here they come, Tune are you ready?” Rainbow Dash was hiding behind a large bush that concealed not only her but also the large metal robot that Honored assured her was intelligent. The robot’s mechanical claw gave her a thumb’s up. Rainbow Dash just looked at it. “Yes Rainbow. I am the one that devised this plan after all.” His arm rotated and patted the pony on the head lightly. “Now all you have to do is make sure that no pegasi get hurt during the show.” “Yeah yeah yeah, easily peasey.” Rainbow leapt into the air and took off into the night sky. Tune extended his gun mount and scanned the area with his thermal and infrared optical eye before confirming the distance and speed at which the human and his pony companion were approaching. He began to play the music at the perfect volume to insure that as they got closer it would be quiet and peaceful and increase until it was just below normal once they reached the picnic area. “My calculations this will be a 99.999% chance of complete success.” Tune spoke to himself before starting the music. * “Honored could you really do that?” Luna asked as we continued our stroll through the moonlit park. “I sure can but not very long. And I’ve only done it like once or twice but I can’t really control where I go.” Luna continued to think, “Maybe if we place another gauntlet on your other hand you can control your flight better.” “No.” I said with a shake of my head. “I wouldn’t be able to feel anything. This gauntlet is cool and all, but I can’t feel with my left hand and it hurt way too much to do another.” I said tapping the metal gauntlet against her nose. Boop. “Honored is that music?” Luna asked as we got closer to a small hill overlooking the park and the surrounding Ponyville. “Hmmmmm you know? I think it might be.” I said with a smile before getting a slight bump from Luna’s hips. I lead her to a blanket that had a small bottle of wine on it and two glasses. “Come on Luna, I thought we could just sit back and enjoy the night sky. I guess it is pretty cool. Kinda.” I received another hip bump which sent me landing on the blanket. Luna flew over and settled down next to me. I poured her a glass of wine before leaning back and just looking up. “So how do you do it?” “Do what?” She asked looking up at the stars too. “Move them.” I pointed up to the stars and the moon. “My sister and I are connected to them. She the sun and me the stars and moon.” She stopped and looked over at me, “Like by our souls if that makes sense. As long as they live, we live.” “So you aren’t immortal.” I said looking back to the moon. “In a sense no we aren’t, considering that eventually the sun will burn out, but that’s not for another billion or so years. Give or take a few million years. The stars and moon are mine and I am connected to them. All the stars are for me to play with, to love and bind to. And the moon is my true soul. Reflecting off my sister and providing solace in the night. And eventually it too will be gone, but that is in a long long time.” Something about that just made me burst out laughing. I smiled and turned to Luna, “So I’m just a blink in your life?” “Yeah, but you are one good blink.” She said while scooting closer to me. I awkwardly reached over to the wine to escape her close proximity. “Honored why do you still not accept my advances. I know you like me, and you sure as Tartarus know I like you, so why fight it.” I let out a sigh, “Would you believe me if I said men are weird?” “Well I know that’s true but I don’t think that it will cut it.” She gave me a raised eyebrow, “if not as a lover than as a friend please tell me what’s wrong.” The music Tune was playing switched over to something slower and softer. “Luna I’m scared. I loved someone, somepony before and because of me they died. Fast Skies. You remember her don’t you?” I looked over to Luna and saw her face twisted into sadness. “I can’t ever forget her. She was my first love her in this weird pony land.” She smiled at that description of Equestria. “She meant a lot to you.” Luna said looking at me with tears in her eyes. This was me coming clean to everything. “Yeah and she still does. There was so much we talked about and what we wanted to do. And then she died and it was because of me. And the worst part of everything, the part that keeps me up at night is that I’m glad she died.” Luna went rigid with shock as I looked at her. “If she hadn’t have jumped in the way and saved me, then I wouldn’t have been able to stop Nightmare once and for all. I would have let all of Equestria down and Nightmare would have won. How can I be happy about somepony I loved dying? I’m torn apart inside. I can’t know what I’m feeling at all.” I hung my head and let out a long sigh, “I… I’m a broken monster Luna. My talent is taking life and destroying everything around me. Everything I’ve done in this world has been founded on the bodies beneath my boots.” The atmosphere around us was silent as I thought about what I had said. Everything was true. I tried to do so much good and yet all of it was based on violence and destruction. “Honored.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. I looked up to Luna to see her crying, but she wore a smile on her muzzle and she leaned in close to me. She nuzzled against my chin before her horn lit up and the sleeve on my arm was rolled up so that my cutie mark was seen. The yellow star tied to a blue ribbon surrounded by five smaller orange stars. “What is that?” She said tapping her long horn against the largest star. “My manly mark?” I looked at her with a questioning glance. She rolled her eyes at the name. “Yes and it shows a pony’s special talent, the thing that makes them great.” She nodded to her own flank, “And I don’t see an image of a tombstone or a monster or a murderer on your arm.” She leaned in close to me to where I could feel her cool breath on my face. “I see a star, and I bind to them all.” I felt a hoof lift my chin up, “And I love all the stars in my life.” I felt her lips on mine and I close my eyes and stopped fighting the feelings that I had been for the past year. Luna was a princess and I was a stubborn crazy warrior. I was her star and she cared for them all. And I guess it was time to accept it. * “And just like that I am once again right.” Tune said smugly before opening the rear missile pods and launching the new rockets inside the firing tubes. The white phosphorus missiles had been removed and replaced with simple fireworks. The colorful display lit up the night and casted a shadow onto the two beings kissing below. To beings that were both alone in the world. Both experiencing something again for the first time. “There. Maybe now he will stop being all down and emo.” Tune nodded with his .50cal and closed the missile pods as the last rocket launched into the air. He spun around on his wheels and headed off back to his home. * “Hey Rock Source look at this thing.” A pony called out to his friend as they sat near the bank of a small river in the northern lands of Equestria. “What is it Sea Gull?” Rock Source asked while walking up to the pale crème colored unicorn who was holding a strange red curved bone looking object. “I don’t know Rock.” Sea Gull said turning the object over in his magic. It was a dark red curved bone of some sorts. Or maybe it was- -Power- -Strength- -Crush- “Sea Gull are you okay?” the tan earth pony walked up to unicorn who had fallen down staring at the red object. “Sea Gull?” -Destroy- -Dark- -Magic- -Negative- Sea Gull slowly rose on shaking hooves, a dark purple wisp of energy slowly slipping out of the corner of his red eyes. “Sea Gull?” Rock Source backed up away from his friend who was still holding the red bone in his magic. “Sea Gull what’s wrong?” His friend’s eyes began to turn neon green and the purple glow running from his eyes became stronger. “I feel it.” “Sea you feel what? Gull you’re not- AGHCK!” A black spear of crystal blossomed forth from the pale unicorn’s horn and impaled itself through the neck of the other pony, his body slumping forward on the spike. “I feel power!” The dark deep voice cackled madly as the dark magical spear shrank back into the unicorn’s horn. Slowly the unicorn’s horn began to curve upwards as he walked away from the body of his slain friend. “Power. I can rule. I can take them all. Easily.” -Rule- -Slaughter- -Maim- -Kill- -Revenge-