//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 // Story: A Strange New World // by Dark Dienen //------------------------------// Twilight woke the next morning to a very delicious smell. Trotting down the stairs and into the kitchen she found Spike finishing the last of the blueberry pancakes he was making and setting them on the table. “Good morning Spike! Breakfast smells wonderful as always!” she pronounced in a chipper tone as she took a seat and started to eat her stack of pancakes. Twilight looked around the kitchen as she stuffed her mouth full and did not see Sartir any where. “Spike where is Sartir?” “He’s outside looking for something to eat. I invited him in this morning and asked him to try a pancake. He didn’t much care for them.” he stated between mouthfulls of food. “He said he was sorry and did not mean me any offence. Then left while mumbling about finding the wild onions he smelled yesterday.” Soon they were done eating and washed the dishes. Twilight then pulled out the scroll he had written the night before and Spike sent it on its way. “Okay Spike we should go find Sartir make sure he’s not getting into any trouble.” Just as Twilight opened the door Spike coughed up a scroll from the Princesses and began to read it allowed. Dear Twilight, I am sorry to hear that there has been another Diamond Dog attack. It is sad that the Dog died and at the hoofs of our new visitor Sartir. Relations with the Diamond Dog clans are strenuous as is. I will send a letter to the Council of Seven and see if this was one of their Dogs. Though I feel he was from the rogue pack the Council warned us of. If this is the case they will take action on Sartir but from what you told me, he will be able to fend for himself. I would like you to look after him until we can find a way to send him home and for you to teach him of our ways. I would also like for you to find him something to do around town. I doubt somepony like Sartir will feel comfortable living with you once he learns we get everything we need with money. I ask this not only to help you but to help him. Sartir is a trained and proven warrior from what the guards that you sent back last night have told me. Somepony such as this will grow restless soon if not doing something physical. Your friend and fellow Princess, Celestia Twilight took the letter and looked it over again. “Well the Princess does have a point. What do you think Sartir could do in town Spike?” “Well we don’t have any guards here or police since Ponyville is a pretty quiet town but we have been getting attacked by those rogue Diamond Dogs a lot more lately. I think having him be the town guardian would be good but we would need Mayor Mare’s and the town Council's permission to give him that job. Oh, we could take him to Sweet Apple Acres. Aj and Big Mac could use the help and with how strong Sartir is I bet he would be great at apple bucking.” “That is a great idea Spike! Once we find him we should take him over there and I’ll talk to the Mayor and Town Council about making him the town Guardian.” “Ya thats good and all but first we got to find him.” Twilight thought for a moment and then trotted out the door. She looked over to Spike with a smile. “I think I know where he is, coming Spike?” Spike quickly ran over and climbed on to Twilights back. It was a short walk to the bridge in the park in the cool summers breeze. There laying on the grass next to the water was Sartir chewing away at a wild onion. His muzzle was facing the wind as he ate. Letting the breeze blow back his mane as he basked in the warm sunlight. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. As I sat on the ground eating I could here somepony walking toward me. Once they were close enough I could smell old books and my kin. “Hello Twilight, Spike. How are you?” “Ah….but….how did you know we were the ones walking up to you?” I looked up to see Twilight had a funny yet confused face. “You Twilight are the only pony that smells of old book and Spike smells like a dragon. Plus I saw you coming.” I smile to her as she blushes. “So what do I owe the pleasure. You must have something important to tell me judging by the look on your face you had on the way over here.” “Um, yes. You see the Princess asked that I look after you till we can help you get home and to teach you of our world. I also would like to try to teach you some spells to see if you can use pony magic.” She slowly sat down beside me as I pick another onion. “The first thing I would like to teach you is that we get the things we need with money.” She then pulled out some strange looking rock. “This is a bit we earn these by doing a job. I run the Library. Spike helps me and well everypony he can.” “I see. Well I will need to find a job as it were. I would not feel right living with you and not doing something to help out. Though there is not much I can do.” “We already thought of that.” Spike smiled proudly. “How so?” “Well I thought we could make you the town Guardian, but to do so we need the Mayors and the Town Council's permission to do so.” She look a bit sadden by this. “I will talk to them to see if it can be done though.” “So I said we should take you to Sweet Apple Acres. You haven’t met Aj and her family and they could always use some help. Plus it’s real physical stuff too so you will get to stay in shape.” Spike was just staring at me. “Well I do like the sound of that.” I stand and look down to them. “So shall we be going then. If I am to work with these ponies I would like to meet them soon.” Twilight waited till Spike was on her back before she stood. “Sure and I can tell you more about how we do things on the way.” We soon found ourselves outside a white fence and all though it did not take long to get to Sweet Apple Acres, it felt like forever. Twilight explained to me as fast as she could how her world works. Most of it was easy to understand, like how you work to earn bits and you use them to get what you need. All though I fail to see why such hard workers have to give up more of their hard earned bits for these taxes than those that make way too much. It seems that the more bits you have the more power you have. Though nopony has more power than the Princesses regardless of how many bits they hold. As I followed Twilight and Spike I began to hear the sound of something hitting wood. We soon came to a group of trees where three ponies were hard at work. The two oldest were bucking the tree and knocking all the fruit down from their branches. The fruit landed in buckets the youngest was placing under them. If this was the kind of work I would be doing then I was going to like it. The three stopped their work and looked to us. “Howdy ya’ll!” “Hi Applejack!” Twilight and Spike said in unison as Spikie got off Twilights back. “What are ya’ll doing here this time of day and a who might you be partner?” “I am Sartir. It is a pleasure to meet you all.” I bow to show them honor. “As to why we are here, I need to earn bits to help out Twilight. I would not feel right living with her knowing I’m not helping to get what we need. Spike said you could use some help here on your farm and thought we should come see if I could work for you. Plus just from watching you three I can see I’m really going to like working here if you allow me to.” “Well you seem like a nice enough fellow and you did save Rarity’s life. What do ya think Big Mac?” “Well we could use some help though we won’t be able to pay him much with all the things we need to fix or replace around here. Plus he said he liked the work we do and he looks fit enough to do it fer a unicorn.” I just let out a laugh at the two. “What’s so funny?” Applejack looked a bit miffed with me. “I’m sorry I don’t mean to be rude but I’m not a unicorn.” “But ya got a horn like one.” I looked down to see the youngest giving me a very confused look. “Yes I do but that is to help me control my power you see little one I am a Kirin.” “Yer a what now?” Now it was Applejack’s and Big Mac’s turn to be confused. “A Kirin is the offspring of a pony and dragon.” Twilight said proudly. Applejack and Big Mac looked a bit concerned while the little one looked excited. “That’s so cool!” She shrilled. It was so loud I had to cover my ears. “Wait till the girls and the kids at school hear I met a kirin. They are going to be so jealous. Oh, can I go now sis I got to get to school?” “Sure thing Applebloom. Ya’ll go have fun now and don’t get inta too much trouble.” “Okay! See ya’ll later!” She was gone before she even finished her sentence. “So what is yer power any how? No offence but we don’t need ya spouting out flames around here.” Big Mac looked a bit too serious for my liking. “That quite all right. I don’t breath fire. I summon storms and control the lightning within them.” “Well now, that’s a might scary thing ya can do there partner. Well as long as ya do what we ask and don’t mind the small pay, I don’t see why ya can’t work here on the farm.” Applejack help up a hoof and I shook it with glee. “As long as the pay is enough to help Twilight out I’m ok with it.” I smile to the mare while her brother looks at me questionably. “I got a question fer ya. Besides controlin lightnin what else did ya get from your dragon side of the family?” “I got thick scales to protect me and I’m a lot stronger than your average pony. Why do you ask?” “How strong are we talkin about?” “I could break your trees if I wanted to but you don’t have to worry, I can control me strength.” “That’s good to hear. We don’t need to be losing any of our trees.” “So what do you need me to do?” “Well besides a few small things here on the farm that Big Mac has to do taday and taking the cart to market we are done for the day. If ya come here tomorrow a bit after sunrise ya can start work then.” “Okay then I guess I’ll go look around town then.” I give another bow. “Thank you for this chance and I’ll see you later.” “Bye Applejack Big Mac see you around.” Twilight and Spike waved as we walked toward town. “Ya’ll take care now ya hear!” Applejack yelled as she and Big Mac waved. Twilight explained some more about her world to me and again the walk to the edge of town felt like it took forever. Once we got there she said she needed to go to a meeting and left me with Spike. “So Spike would you like to walk around town with me?” “No thanks, I’m going to go see Rarity again.” “Okay be careful.”I smile to the little guy and I fell for the little guy I really do. He must really love her for him to stay with her all night and now go back to see her. I look up to the sky wondering what my father and few sibling I’ve met are doing right now. Shaking my head of those sad thoughts I begin to walk into town.