Beyond Reflections

by EquineTheta

Doubt and Certainty

The odds were definitely in Sombra’s favor right now. With a total headcount of ninety active royal guards and another forty or fifty able-bodied citizens of Ponyville who are willing to risk their lives for the freedom of Equestria, we were outnumbered and underpowered. We only had wits and unicorn magic protecting the army; we weren’t even armed properly, only a small number of pikes and shields and those were left to the squad leaders. Even then, I felt this armor wouldn’t suit me once I truly envisioned the possibilities that our forces would be wiped out before reaching Canterlot. Luna wore her own suit of armor, gilded and embedded with intricate markings reminiscent of the medieval knights. We all marched towards the capital, first in formation but broke off into smaller units to take our positions outside the gates without being spotted. Without the trains that ran throughout Equestria, an hour-long journey was extended to about a week and a half and the small meals we packed for the march were no where near delicious to say the least. At the end of the unbeaten path through the desolate countryside, we all caught our first glimpse of the ivory towers of Canterlot.

“By Celestia!” Twilight stopped and took one good look at the now derelict castle. Luna remained silent but she was just as surprised as Twilight.

“So, do we wait till morning? Canterlot isn’t going to save itself, you know?”

“We wait.” Spitfire motioned Soarin’ to keep silent. At the western approach just at the edge of the mountain, the rest of the Stormriders were waiting for our move. The reconnaissance team had split up earlier in the day to so they could individually lead their own squads through the city once our primary offensive was complete. “We’ll need to know the guard patrol route and identify the captain. He isn’t always at the castle so we mind as well wait for him to go there as well. Daybreak is our best chance to strike. He’ll be half asleep by then.”

“Perfect,” Soarin’ replied. “Shining, you take third shift so Twilight and Luna can get you in quick. I’ll take first watch and captain will take second. Twilight mentioned that the advanced teleportation spell could only accommodate three ponies so you’ll be joining them. We’ll let the others know once you’re in. You ready for this?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”

Soarin’ replied with a subtle nod. “Alright, you go get some sleep now. Captain will wake you up when it’s your turn to watch.”

Finally! Some much needed rest. Music to my ears! Some solace was found in the midst of great turmoil but this is only the calm before the storm. One day to watch over our adversary before making our move. I quickly drifted off to slumber next to some shrubs but as much as I liked to keep my mind off anything, I still kept seeing Cadance in my dreams, both of them, both angry and worried.

…come home already…. Where…. Are you coming home or not?!

“You promised you’d come back for me. You promised…”

“Cadance,” I replied. “I am coming back for you. Please just hold on a little longer. I’m not leaving you behind!”

“You promised…”

The images of two different Cadances danced back and forth through the pitch-black dreamscape. I couldn’t tell which one was this world’s Cadance and which one was my real wife. I tried to block each image out and used their voices to determine my responses.

Come home now, Shining Armor! You’ve been gone for too long! Come home now or else!

The angry voice of one Cadance was a burden to listen to but having a second demoralized Cadance was too much. I couldn’t just leave them be. What if I fail? I don’t know who would have it worse, my Cadance or the other Cadance? I tried to filter their voices out of my head but the more I tried, unknown sounds also filled my head. It was the sound of empty noise that brought me to my breaking point.


I exclaimed with so much anger in my voice that the Cadances were gone. The noise was gone too. I was left in a void of pure darkness yet I am able to see my body; this peacefulness found in emptiness was what I was seeking all along. I just hope this peace can last.

“I’m sorry, Cadance, but my work here isn’t done. I will come back for you. I promise.”

Sleeping while wearing a suit of armor was a bad idea. It was comfortable but what I felt later on made me regret ever leaving the armor on because even the most disciplined soldier never loses their mischievous side. I learned that the hard way when Spitfire started tossing pebbles at my helmet to wake me up. Seriously? My ears were still ringing from the sound of metal clanging. Ugh… My somewhat comfortable rest was interrupted by mischief. Spitfire just chuckled from where she sat.

“Your turn to watch,” Spitfire said. “I’ve taken the liberty to take an extra hour from your shift to monitor the guard captain. He’s just by the castle. Keep an eye on him. You take your sights off him for one moment and I’ll make sure your eyeball stays glued to that spy glass, you understand?”

“Loud and clear, captain.” Talk about being threatened to start the day. I swear it’s half past ten in the evening, not that the darker than usual sky gave me any hints. I took the spyglass and placed my sight on the castle. True enough, the captain wasn’t hard to spot. A hooded figure marched along the streets and checked on the guard patrols by the castle. Everything was on lockdown; sentries on every roof, alley, and park. Much heavier security was expected at the castle gates and even more patrolling the sculpture garden. I set my sights once more on the captain and right at that moment, he entered the castle. Time to go in.

I made my way through the forest, avoiding any sentries that could be wandering through the area. Spitfire sent me off with a warning just as I was about to leave the company of the Stormrider group. The forest was one way of drawing less attention to the roaming patrols but it wasn’t foolproof. Some guards did roam around the city outskirts closest to the mountain it was suspended on. Strangely enough, this forest wasn’t here in my Canterlot. I had around two hours of watching just before alerting Spitfire and Soarin’. I arrived at Twilight’s camp with Caramel and Luna welcoming me to their little campsite.

“Guard captain just moved into the castle,” I began. “Are we ready to go?”

Everyone nodded as Twilight and Luna led me to a neatly made dirt circle to begin casting the spell. The other Shining Armor, Rarity, and Caramel watched as the ground shook around the dirt circle’s perimeter. I closed my eyes for about a second before opening them once more to the sight of the castle’s throne room, now stripped of everything that reminded anypony of the past monarchy.

The ornate stained glass windows were shattered. One managed to stay completely intact but with some major alterations. I visited my world’s Canterlot once after the Sombra incident there and found Spike had his own stained glass window in the throne room. He was standing tall and proud with the crystal heart in his little claws. It wasn’t like this here; Sombra stood in his place crushing the crystal heart with one foot while the other was on Spike who attempted to get the hoof off his head. It was an unsettling sight to see a friend being treated as such and having all this immortalized. I could just smash that window into tiny pieces because nopony should ever see such images, not once in their lives.

Once outside of the throne room, we all advanced to the royal sisters’ former chambers. Now the captain resides in it, at least that’s what I was told. Whoever he is, we’ll all make quick work of him; Equestria won’t wait for its freedom any longer.

Luna and I stayed on each side of the door and prepared for a door breach. Twilight readied herself to use her magic and push open the doors by force. Picking the door lock would be an obvious approach and touching the door handle would give away our position. Dark magic could have been used to enchant the door itself so we all agreed we wouldn’t take any chances. Twilight took one deep breath and let loose a powerful shockwave from her horn, breaking down the door.

Luna and I charged in and readied our horns with Twilight in tow. The guard captain turned around, his hood falling to his back. We were taken aback by whom we saw under the hood.

“Rainbow Dash?” Twilight approached her slowly, letting go of the energy she stored for a second attack. “I… Is that really you? What happened to you?”

“In the flesh, Twilight! And you wouldn’t believe how much better this feels!”

Rainbow Dash charged straight for Twilight, knocking her down to the ground while Luna and I were slammed to the sides of the room. We all regained our composure but our sights were still set on the pale cyan pegasus.

“Lemme put it like this, Twilight,” Dash began. “He made me faster, stronger, better than I was before I met him; he made me see what we were doing wrong. All this time I was wondering why he was locked away for eternity when we should’ve been helping him claim his place as the rightful king of Equestria! See how much better the world would’ve been if he was keeping watch over us!”

Dash then proceeded to the window looking over most of Eqeustria. Towns near and far could be seen and even the Crystal Empire was visible from Canterlot.

“Picture this: a world without war, strife, and conflict of all sorts. Peace just like Celestia wanted! I know you want this, Twilight, for everypony. No one needs to worry about anything anymore!”

Twilight sternly replied, “This isn’t peace, Rainbow Dash! It’s subjugation! Sombra wants to rule Equestria but where is your freedom? Where is anyone’s freedom? If you let him win, just think of what he could to Equestria!”

“I know you wouldn’t let my words sink into that thick skull of yours, egghead, but I’m sure my friends in the reeducation sector can help you see things Sombra’s way. Now, if we don’t have anything else to argue about, I think it’s about time to show yourselves out.”

“I’m not leaving you, Rainbow Dash! I’m sure the real you is still there.” Twilight charged straight towards her former friend and unleashed energy bolts right out of her horn. Luna and I followed by flanking Rainbow from the sides in an effort to force her into a corner. Her speed got the best of us, though. She dodged Twilight’s attacks and sent us crashing into each other. Rainbow turned around and laughed.

“How sweet of you to say that, Twilight, but I’m afraid it’s too late for me to go back. I’m never going back!”

Rainbow’s eyes glowed with a green and purple aura just like Sombra’s and charged at us once more, this time sending us through the walls and over the edge of the castle. Luna quickly used a protection spell and created a bubble for us to float back up to the observation deck. Rainbow Dash was already waiting for us.

“There is no way to get her to slow down!” Twilight pushed me to one side, narrowly avoiding a high-speed tackle. “Luna, any ideas?”

“Get her to loose her footing? Twilight, use a freeze spell!”

Twilight and I ran straight for Rainbow Dash. I quickly diverted off my path and fired bolts of energy from my horn to get her attention. Twilight readied herself as I ran straight for wall. Luna immediately sealed the nearby door to keep Rainbow from calling reinforcements but it was to no avail. Twilight had unleashed the freeze spell on the floor causing Rainbow Dash to slip but her wings carried her up to the air. So much for having her slam into a wall and knocking her unconscious…

The pale cyan pegasus reared up a good distance from the castle balcony and let loose a sonic rainboom powered charge straight at Twilight. Luna intervened by using her protection bubble once more. Unfortunately, the force of the impact was so powerful that it broke the shield and Dash made her way through. Twilight nearly took the full force of the charge but Luna inched her way and used her body to absorb the impact. I didn’t know what was going on as I only focused on the shattered magic bubble and Luna screaming in agony. I put up another protection bubble to cushion the impact not long after the first one broke. True enough, we landed a few short seconds later in the castle throne room.

“That all you got?” Dash quickly retreated to the elevated pedestal at the edge of the room. “I expected much more from you, Twilight.”

“Twilight,” I began. “What do we do now?”

“I-I only one thing left to try.” Twilight stood back up once more as her horn began to glow. “I’ll charge straight at her and use my purification spell. It’s an advanced version of the memory spell I previously used on Rainbow Dash to undo Discord’s corruption. I’m worried that she would move too fast for me to use the spell directly on her. Best thing we can do is to freeze her legs just as she is about to hit me. I’d be able to use the spell on her by then.”

“We only have one shot at this, Twilight.” I stood up and prepared myself. “Let’s make this count!”

It was of utmost importance that Rainbow Dash’s wings were also frozen. Her legs may give her impressive running speed but her wings might also be powerful enough to break the ice. Twilight can only do so much given how outclassed we were. Finding that edge in combat was a priority. I quickly ran off to the side while Twilight was getting Rainbow’s attention by throwing broken glass and debris at her, even the pieces of that stained glass window I wanted destroyed. After going around her in circles, Rainbow shifted her attention to Twilight and ran straight at her with another sonic rainboom charge. I quickly fired some ice beams directly at Twilight hoping to get Dash instead. My first shots missed but after three or four bolts, everything seemed to slow down. Whatever was happening around me didn’t concern me as much as making sure the ice beams hit Dash at her legs and wings. I simply redirected the beams and I froze her entire body! Not exactly what I had in mind but it worked.

Twilight only had to reach a few inches ahead of her to use the purification spell on her former friend and just as her horn touched Dash’s face, time had resumed moving at normal speed. It was all over. I gave myself time to breathe while Twilight thawed Rainbow Dash from the ice block. Her pale coat began to regain their color and the green glow from her eyes disappeared entirely; Sombra’s reeducation had been wiped from her memory but I wasn’t completely sure about that, or so it seemed. I proceeded towards Luna first to check on her injuries.

“Luna, are you okay?”

The former princess struggled to get up but she could only get about an inch off the ground before collapsing with the painful sound of bones breaking pierced the near-dead silence in the room. “I did what I could to slow her down. I deeply apologize for this. I don’t think I can accompany you and the others to the Crystal Empire. Please just make sure of one thing.”

“Yes, Luna?”

“Please look after Twilight. Make sure she comes home safe and sound. We’ve already lost so much these past months and even if she is a pain to be around with, she’s the only family I have left.”

I took one good look at Luna’s eyes, then looked towards Twilight. I’ve never doubted that a princess was an important figure our daily lives but I just haven’t realized that their lives would be empty without the knowledge that their loved ones are still around. I could say the same about Celestia and her banishing Luna. It only made me wish I could come home sooner to see my family again.

“I’ll make sure of that, Luna,” I said.

Luna looked at me with a smile; one that assured me that things will be turn out for the better before drifting off into unconsciousness. Twilight was still with Rainbow Dash and I thought about joining them but I wouldn’t want to interrupt their reunion. I instead proceeded to the signal tower. Utilizing flame spells in a variety of combat and non-combat situations was one of the first things taught at the academy and it came in handy here. Conjuring the green flame was one of the simplest tasks as all I had to do was to imagine a bonfire with a green glow. Right then and there, the many guards scattered all over the city began to leave through the city’s main gates. Mission accomplished. I returned to the castle throne room to meet Twilight and Rainbow Dash, who was half-asleep.

“So, is she alright?”

“Wha- Where? Twilight?” Rainbow Dash jumped and looked around and scratched her head. “What are we doing in Canterlot? And why is your brother here?”

“I’ll explain later.” Twilight replied. “I must ask if you know where the prisoners are kept. Do you remember where they are?”

“Not really. I was asleep for the most part but I remember having this weird dream where I was giving out orders to some guards to patrol a castle and then went to the dungeons looking for criminals.”

“The Canterlot Caves!” I exclaimed. “They were temporarily used as a prison to house criminals until Celestia banned their use after setting up penitentiaries and rehabilitation centers all across Equestria. I bet Sombra rediscovered those caves and used them as a prison for his reeducation purposes. What do you think, Twilight?”

“Worth at shot, Shining Armor. We’ll check that out once we’re done here. Is the signal fire lit?”

I nodded.

“How’s Luna?” Twilight added.

“She’s won’t be joining us at the Crystal Empire. She’d badly hurt and needs some rest.”

Twilight made her way to an unconscious Luna while Spitfire, Soarin’, entered the room. They joined their leader in carrying Luna away to the castle infirmary. Rainbow Dash limped after them while I remained in the castle throne room. I had one good look at the raised platform where the thrones used to be and wondered if this would be the future of Equestria regardless of the outcome of our struggle. Even if we win, our victory would be pyrrhic at best. This first battle was already difficult for three ponies; I shudder to think of our confrontation with King Sombra. If we already struggled to fight one pony and nearly lost, I don’t know how our army would fare against Sombra’s. Sometime in this world’s future, if there would be one, many would likely question our actions given the circumstances we were in. Some would call us brave heroes, others suicidal maniacs. All that doesn’t matter now, only the safety of the prisoners.

The rest of the army arrived within the city walls. Unicorn guards were previously trained by Twilight to use a simplified version of the purification spell that allowed her to reverse the effects of Sombra’s brainwashing. Rainbow Dash’s guard patrols were quickly rounded up and brought back to fight for our cause. Our numbers quickly rose to over two hundred once we rescued the prisoners from the Canterlot Caves. The military doctors were some of the first responders on the scene and most, if not all, injuries were treated. A lot of the prisoners previously suffered beatings but none were severely injured. The royal guard headcount is now at an impressive one hundred seventy-five and still growing with every able-bodied mare or colt joining our cause.

It would be another few weeks before we saw ourselves at Sombra’s doorstep at the Crystal Empire but unlike the reclamation of Canterlot, Luna never joined us. Canterlot was the first to be liberated; major cities like Manehattan and Fillydelphia followed shortly after. In the time it took to prepare for the final confrontation, Rarity founded New Dimondia after converting the Canterlot cave system into a new underground city and new trade routes to all recaptured cities were secured. The railway system was brought back to operational status, which gave us a great advantage over Sombra’s forces.

I sat by a campfire just outside of Canterlot’s gates with the other Shining Armor, Rarity, and Caramel as we ate a meal of freshly baked bread and an assortment of seasonal fruits and vegetables under a seemingly clear night sky. Rarity commented on how she finally experienced the northeasterly breeze that normally comes during the first two months of spring. For the first time, I am feeling at ease in this world; I can rest without too much worry over going home soon or doubting that I placed my trust in the wrong individuals. Perhaps what this world’s Cadance said was right, to put my trust in those who don’t seem so trustworthy. It certainly was true, as I had bonded with Caramel this past few weeks. His dark past wasn’t a concern to me anymore. To me, he was just like any other stallion I would meet on the street; to him, it was a new lease on life, one that he thought he would never get.

“In a few hours time, we’ll be off to the Crystal Empire,” Shining Armor said. “Anybody want to say a few words?”

Everyone present turned to him with either an expressionless look or one with curiosity and a raised eyebrow.

“What? It’s a custom in the army to say a few words of praise, thanksgiving, or encouragement before heading off into a major battle. It keeps everypony’s spirits up. Anyone? All right, I’ll start. I guess the one thing I am absolutely grateful for would be for rescuing me. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you, other me. I can finally see my dear Cadance once more after so long!”

That last part sounded a lot better in my head if I was the one saying it but it was just plain awkward listening to another me thanking me for rescuing him. I guess that’s one thing I have to make a note of in case Twilie ever decides to try something like that back home. Still, an expression of gratitude is what it is; I shouldn’t be questioning the method of delivery given my other self’s sincerity.

Rarity turned to me and placed her hoof on my shoulder. “I owe it to you, Shining Armor, for saving the citizens of Dimondia a few weeks ago. I had my doubts about you being the one responsible for Celestia’s sudden disappearance and murder a while back but I wasn’t entirely sure. Now I can put those doubts to rest.”

Caramel put his plate down and handed me my saddlebag. “I’ve been meaning to return this to you sooner but this seems like the perfect time to do so.” I opened the bag and found the creased parchment with the translated incantation and Sombra’s severed horn along with an improvised caltrop bomb among other necessities.

“I hope it will come in handy soon,” Caramel added. “It’s my way of giving back everything I owe you, mostly our friendship. I would never see myself walking outside the sewers if you hadn’t come along. Heck, I wouldn’t even see myself fighting for a worthy cause alongside likeminded individuals if I hadn’t met you in those sewers a long time ago. I know we all wouldn’t be seeing you anymore after we free the Crystal Empire but it was fun while it lasted.”

“Thank you all,” I began. “I’m surely going to miss you once our work is done but let us not get ahead of ourselves while we can, we still have King Sombra to worry about. We won’t let our hard work keep us from reaching our goal. We will celebrate our victory once this fight is truly over. I don’t know if we will all make it back alive considering our casualty count these past few weeks so let me end by saying thank you once more. It’s been an honor working with you all.”

A feeling of satisfaction grew inside me as we looked up to the night sky and the horizon beyond. Just as everyone left to get rested for the following day, I stayed behind to put out the fire. I turned my eyes to the crystal spires in the frozen north and as I stared out into the clear night sky, I found myself looking at the first star shining brightly in the midst of the darkness. It was the first one in a long, long while.